How to use the adaptive.learner.BaseLearner function in adaptive

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few adaptive examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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standard_error / abs(self.mean) / self.rtol)

    def remove_unfinished(self):
        """Remove uncomputed data from the learner."""

    def plot(self):
        vals = [v for v in if v is not None]
        if not vals:
            return hv.Histogram([[], []])
        num_bins = int(max(5, sqrt(self.n)))
        vals = hv.Points(vals)
        return hv.operation.histogram(vals, num_bins=num_bins, dimension=1)

class Learner1D(BaseLearner):
    """Learns and predicts a function 'f:ℝ → ℝ'.

    function : callable
        The function to learn. Must take a single real parameter and
        return a real number.
    bounds : pair of reals
        The bounds of the interval on which to learn 'function'.

    def __init__(self, function, bounds):
        self.function = function

        # A dict storing the loss function for each interval x_n.
        self.losses = {}
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vest = v[:, j, None] + ((p[:, :, :] - p[:, j, None, :]) *
                                g[:, j, None, :]).sum(axis=-1)
        dev += abs(vest - v).max(axis=1)

    q = p[:, :-1, :] - p[:, -1, None, :]
    areas = abs(q[:, 0, 0] * q[:, 1, 1] - q[:, 0, 1] * q[:, 1, 0])
    areas /= special.gamma(n_points_per_triangle)
    areas = np.sqrt(areas)

    vs_scale = vs[tri.vertices].ptp()
    if vs_scale != 0:
        dev /= vs_scale

    return dev * areas

class Learner2D(BaseLearner):
    """Learns and predicts a function 'f: ℝ^2 → ℝ'.

    function : callable
        The function to learn. Must take a tuple of two real
        parameters and return a real number.
    bounds : list of 2-tuples
        A list ``[(a1, b1), (a2, b2)]`` containing bounds,
        one per dimension.

        Sample points so far including the unknown interpolated ones.
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add_data : bool, default: True
            If True, add the chosen points to this
            learner's 'data' with 'None' for the 'y'
            values. Set this to False if you do not
            want to modify the state of the learner.

    def __getstate__(self):
        return copy(self.__dict__)

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state

class AverageLearner(BaseLearner):
    """A naive implementation of adaptive computing of averages.

    The learned function must depend on an integer input variable that
    represents the source of randomness.

    atol : float
        Desired absolute tolerance
    rtol : float
        Desired relative tolerance

    def __init__(self, function, atol=None, rtol=None):
        if atol is None and rtol is None:
            raise Exception('At least one of `atol` and `rtol` should be set.')
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return hv.Scatter(
                return hv.Scatter([])

    def remove_unfinished(self):
        self.data_interp = {}
        self.losses_combined = copy(self.losses)
        self.neighbors_combined = copy(self.neighbors)

def dispatch(child_functions, arg):
    index, x = arg
    return child_functions[index](x)

class BalancingLearner(BaseLearner):
    """Choose the optimal points from a set of learners.

    learners : sequence of BaseLearner
        The learners from which to choose. These must all have the same type.

    This learner compares the 'loss' calculated from the "child" learners.
    This requires that the 'loss' from different learners *can be meaningfully
    compared*. For the moment we enforce this restriction by requiring that
    all learners are the same type but (depending on the internals of the
    learner) it may be that the loss cannot be compared *even between learners
    of the same type*. In this case the BalancingLearner will behave in an
    undefined way.