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def tour_mode_choice_simulate(tours, persons_merged,
skim_dict, skim_stack,
Tour mode choice simulate
trace_label = 'tour_mode_choice'
model_settings = config.read_model_settings('tour_mode_choice.yaml')
spec = tour_mode_choice_spec(model_settings)
primary_tours = tours.to_frame()
assert not (primary_tours.tour_category == 'atwork').any()
def trip_purpose(
trip purpose model step - calls run_trip_purpose to run the actual model
adds purpose column to trips
trace_label = "trip_purpose"
trips_df = trips.to_frame()
choices = run_trip_purpose(
def compute_accessibility(accessibility, skim_dict, land_use, trace_od):
Compute accessibility for each zone in land use file using expressions from accessibility_spec
The actual results depend on the expressions in accessibility_spec, but this is initially
intended to permit implementation of the mtc accessibility calculation as implemented by
Compute measures of accessibility used by the automobile ownership model.
The accessibility measure first multiplies an employment variable by a mode-specific decay
function. The product reflects the difficulty of accessing the activities the farther
(in terms of round-trip travel time) the jobs are from the location in question. The products
to each destination zone are next summed over each origin zone, and the logarithm of the
product mutes large differences. The decay function on the walk accessibility measure is
steeper than automobile or transit. The minimum accessibility is zero.
def non_mandatory_tour_destination(
land_use, size_terms,
Given the tour generation from the above, each tour needs to have a
destination, so in this case tours are the choosers (with the associated
person that's making the tour)
trace_label = 'non_mandatory_tour_destination'
model_settings = config.read_model_settings('non_mandatory_tour_destination.yaml')
def atwork_subtour_mode_choice(
skim_dict, skim_stack,
At-work subtour mode choice simulate
trace_label = 'atwork_subtour_mode_choice'
model_settings = config.read_model_settings('tour_mode_choice.yaml')
spec = tour_mode_choice_spec(model_settings)
def input_pre_processor():
Read input text files and save them as pipeline tables for use in subsequent steps.
The files to read as specified by table_list, and array of dicts that specify the
input file name, the name of the pipeline table, along with keys allow the specification
of pre-processing steps.
By default, reads table_list from 'input_table_list' in settings.yaml,
unless an alternate table_list name is specified as a model step argument 'table_list'.
(This allows alternate/additional input files to be read for repop)
In the case of repop, this step is being run after an initial populationsim run has
completed, in which case the input_table_list may specify replacement tables.
(e.g. lowest geography controls that will replace the previous low controls dataframe.)
def write_tables(output_dir):
Write pipeline tables as csv files (in output directory) as specified by output_tables list
in settings file.
Pipeline tables are intermediate computational tables, not to be confused with the
synthetic population tables written by the write_synthetic_population step.
'output_tables' can specify either a list of output tables to include or to skip
if no output_tables list is specified, then no checkpointed tables will be written
Intermediate tables likely to be of particular interest or utility are the controls and weights
tables for the various geographies. For example, if one of your geographies is TRACT, then:
TRACT_controls has control totals for every TRACT (and aggregated subzone) controls.
TRACT_weights has balanced_weight and integer_weight for every TRACT.
def initialize_landuse():
trace_label = 'initialize_landuse'
model_settings = config.read_model_settings('initialize_landuse.yaml', mandatory=True)
annotate_tables(model_settings, trace_label)
# create accessibility
land_use = pipeline.get_table('land_use')
accessibility_df = pd.DataFrame(index=land_use.index)
# - write table to pipeline
pipeline.replace_table("accessibility", accessibility_df)
def annotate_table():
# model_settings name should have been provided as a step argument
model_name = inject.get_step_arg('model_name')
trace_label = 'annotate_table.%s' % model_name
model_settings = config.read_model_settings('%s.yaml' % model_name)
df_name = model_settings['DF']
df = inject.get_table(df_name).to_frame()
results = expressions.compute_columns(
def mandatory_tour_scheduling(tours,
This model predicts the departure time and duration of each activity for mandatory tours
trace_label = 'mandatory_tour_scheduling'
model_settings = config.read_model_settings('mandatory_tour_scheduling.yaml')
logsum_settings = config.read_model_settings(model_settings['LOGSUM_SETTINGS'])
tours = tours.to_frame()
mandatory_tours = tours[tours.tour_category == 'mandatory']
# - if no mandatory_tours