How to use the zope.interface.Attribute function in Zope

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Zope examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github zopefoundation / zope.interface / src / zope / interface / common / View on Github external
class IDate(IDateClass):
    """Represents a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar.

    Implemented by ``.


    __repr__, __str__
    __cmp__, __hash__
    __add__, __radd__, __sub__ (add/radd only with timedelta arg)

    year = Attribute("Between MINYEAR and MAXYEAR inclusive.")

    month = Attribute("Between 1 and 12 inclusive")

    day = Attribute(
        "Between 1 and the number of days in the given month of the given year.")

    def replace(year, month, day):
        """Return a date with the same value.

        Except for those members given new values by whichever keyword
        arguments are specified. For example, if ``d == date(2002, 12, 31)``, then
        ``d.replace(day=26) == date(2000, 12, 26)``.

    def timetuple():
        """Return a 9-element tuple of the form returned by `time.localtime`.

        The hours, minutes and seconds are 0, and the DST flag is -1.
github twisted / twisted / twisted / tubes / View on Github external
/ /                           / /
        the   ---+ /                  the   ---+ /
        drain ----+                   drain ----+

              =========> direction of flow =========>

    (Image credit Nam Nguyen)

    inputType = Attribute(
        The type expected to be received as input to received.

    outputType = Attribute(
        The type expected to be sent as output to C{tube.deliver}.

    tube = Attribute(
        A reference to a L{Tube}.  This will be set externally.

    def started():
        The flow of items has started.  C{received} may be called at any point
        after this.
github f3at / feat / src / feat / interface / View on Github external
'''Interface implemented by the documents holding persitent state of the

    shard = Attribute('C{unicode} Shard the agent runs in')
    instance_id = Attribute('C{int} counter of agent incarnation')
    resources = Attribute('C{dict} name -> IAllocatedResource '
                          'resources allocated by HA for this agent')
    under_restart = Attribute('C{bool} flag saying that the agent is '
                              'being restarted right now my the monitor')
    partners = Attribute('C{list} of IPartner')

class IPartner(Interface):

    recipient = Attribute('IRecipient of the agent on the other side')
    allocation_id = Attribute('C{int} id of the allocation representing this '
                              'partnership (or None)')
    role = Attribute('C{unicode} optional role identifier')

    def initiate(agent):
        """After returning a synchronous result or when the returned fiber
        is finished the partner is stored to descriptor."""

    def on_shutdown(agent):

    def on_goodbye(agent, brothers):
        Called when the partner goes through the termination procedure.

        @param brothers: The list of the partner of the same class
                         of the agent.
github ploneintranet / ploneintranet / src / ploneintranet / invitations / View on Github external
def generate_new_token(self):
        Get a new unique token

    def valid(self, token_id):
        Is the token for given id still valid

class IToken(Interface):
    """ Interface for Token class
    id = Attribute(_('The UUID of this token'))
    uses = Attribute(_('The number of uses for this token before it expires'))
    expiry = Attribute(_('The datetime this token expires'))
github ploneintranet / ploneintranet / src / ploneintranet / activitystream / browser / View on Github external
from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
_ = MessageFactory('ploneintranet.activitystream')

class IPloneIntranetActivitystreamLayer(Interface):
    """Marker interface to define ZTK browser layer"""

class IActivityProvider(IContentProvider, IActivity):
    """Helper to render IActivity"""

    author_home_url = Attribute("author home url")
    user_data = Attribute("author memberinfo dict")
    user_portrait = Attribute("author portrait url")
    date = Attribute("formatted datetime")

    # + all the IActivity accessors

class IActivityReplyProvider(IActivityProvider):
    """ Render IActivityReply """

class IStreamProvider(IContentProvider):
    """Helper to render activity streams"""

    portlet_data = Attribute(
        "Optional slot for IActivitystreamPortlet data access")

    tag = Attribute("Optional tag to filter on")
    userid = Attribute("Optional userid to filter on")
github twisted / nevow / nevow / View on Github external
i.e., ?foo=bar&foo=baz&quux=spam results in
                {'foo': ['bar', 'baz'], 'quux': ['spam']}.
    @ivar requestHeaders: Header fields received in the request.
    @ivar received_headers: DEPRECATED: All received headers.
    method = Attribute("The HTTP method that was used.")
    uri = Attribute("The full URI that was requested (includes arguments).")
    path = Attribute("The path only (arguments not included).")
    prepath = Attribute("Path segments that have already been handled.")
    postpath = Attribute("Path segments still to be handled.")
    args = Attribute("All of the arguments, including URL and POST arguments.")
    requestHeaders = Attribute(
        "A L{http_headers.Headers} instance giving all received HTTP request "
        "header fields.")
    deferred = Attribute("Fired once request processing is finished.")
    client = Attribute("The client that sent this request.")
    content = Attribute("File-like object containing the request body.")

    received_headers = Attribute("DEPRECATED: All received headers.")

    # Methods for received request
    def getHeader(key):
        """Get a header that was sent from the network.

        Return C{None} if the header is not present.

    def getCookie(key):
        """Get a cookie that was sent from the network.
github f3at / feat / src / feat / interface / View on Github external
from feat.common import error

from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute

class IActivity(Interface):

    description = Attribute("C{unicode} Explanation of the activity")
    started = Attribute("C{bool} flag saying if the activity is already "
    done = Attribute("C{bool} flag saying if the activity is "
                     "finished and can be removed")
    busy = Attribute("C{bool} flag saying if this activity should count "
                     "towards not being idle. Nonbusy calls are also "
                     "cancelled during the terminate() call.")

    def cancel():
        '''Stops/cancels the activity.'''

    def notify_finish():
        '''Returns a Deferred which will fire after this activity finished.'''

class IActivityManager(Interface):
    Interface implemented by the classes tracking their activity.
github apache / libcloud / libcloud / View on Github external
class INodeFactory(Interface):
    Create nodes
    def __call__(id, name, state, public_ip, private_ip, driver):
        Set values for ivars, including any other requisite kwargs

class INodeSize(Interface):
    A machine image
    id = Attribute("""Unique ID provided by the provider (m1.small, etc)""")
    name = Attribute("""Name provided by the provider (Small CPU, etc)""")
    ram = Attribute("""Amount of RAM provided in MB (256MB, 1740MB)""")
    disk = Attribute("""Amount of disk provided in GB (200GB)""")
    bandwidth = Attribute("""Amount of total transfer bandwidth in GB""")
    price = Attribute("""Hourly price of this server in USD, estimated if
    driver = Attribute("""The NodeDriver that belongs to this Image""")

class INodeSizeFactory(Interface):
    Create nodes
    def __call__(id, name, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver):
        Set values for ivars, including any other requisite kwargs
github ned14 / Easyshop / easyshop.core / easyshop / core / interfaces / View on Github external
def getOrdersForCustomer(customer_id):
        """Returns orders for customer with given id.
class IOrderItem(Interface):
    """Marker interface to mark order item content objects.
class IOrdersContainer(Interface):
    """An marker interface for containers which hold orders.
class IOrderSubmitted(Interface):
    """An event fired when an order has been submitted.
    context = Attribute("The order that has been submitted")
class IOrderPayed(Interface):
    """An event fired when an order has been payed.
    context = Attribute("The order that has been payed")
class IOrderSent(Interface):
    """An event fired when an order has been sent
    context = Attribute("The order that has been sent")
class IOrderClosed(Interface):
    """An event fired when an order has been closed
    context = Attribute("The order that has been closed")
github philchristensen / antioch / src / antioch / View on Github external
from zope import interface

class IModule(interface.Interface):
	name = interface.Attribute('Name of this module.')
	script_url = interface.Attribute('Plugin script URL.')
	def get_environment(self):
		Return a dict of items to add to the verb environment.
	def handle_message(self, msg):
		Handle a message generated by the verb environment.
	def get_commands(self):
		Return a dict of WorldTransaction/amp.Command classes provided by this module.