How to use the visualqc.utils.scale_0to1 function in VisualQC

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few VisualQC examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def load_unit(self, unit_id):
        """Loads the image data for display."""

        skip_subject = False

        self.images = dict()
        for img_name in self.image_names:
            ipath = realpath(pjoin(self.in_dir, unit_id, img_name))
            img_data = read_image(ipath, error_msg=img_name)

            if np.count_nonzero(img_data) == 0:
                skip_subject = True
                print('image {} is empty!'.format(img_name, self.current_unit_id))

            self.images[img_name] = scale_0to1(img_data)

        if not skip_subject:
            # TODO implement crop to extents for more than 2 images
            # self.image_one, self.image_two = crop_to_seg_extents(self.image_one,
            #                                                      self.image_two,
            #                                                      self.padding)

            self.slices = pick_slices(self.images[self.image_names[0]], # first img
                                      self.views, self.num_slices_per_view)

        # # where to save the visualization to
        # out_vis_path = pjoin(self.out_dir, 'visual_qc_{}_{}'.format(
        # self.vis_type, unit_id))

        return skip_subject
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def _compute_background(self):
        """Computes the background image for the current image."""

        if not hasattr(self, 'background_img'):
            # need to scale the mask, as Collage class does NOT automatically rescale
            self.foreground_mask = mask_image(self.current_img, out_dtype=bool)
            temp_background_img = np.copy(self.current_img)
            temp_background_img[self.foreground_mask] = 0.0
            self.background_img = scale_0to1(temp_background_img,
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def attach_image_to_foreground_axes(self, image3d, slices=None, cmap='gray'):
        """Attaches a given image to the foreground axes and bring it forth"""

        image3d = crop_image(image3d, self.padding)
        # TODO is it always acceptable to rescale diffusion data?
        image3d = scale_0to1(image3d)
        if slices is None:
            slices = pick_slices(image3d, self.views, self.num_slices_per_view)
        for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(slices):
            slice_data = get_axis(image3d, dim_index, slice_index)
            self.images_fg[ax_index].set(data=slice_data, cmap=cmap)
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def attach_image_to_foreground_axes(self, image3d, cmap='gray'):
        """Attaches a given image to the foreground axes and bring it forth"""

        image3d = crop_image(image3d, self.padding)
        image3d = scale_0to1(image3d)
        slices = pick_slices(image3d, self.views, self.num_slices_per_view)
        for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(slices):
            slice_data = get_axis(image3d, dim_index, slice_index)
            self.images_fg[ax_index].set(data=slice_data, cmap=cmap)
        for ax in self.fg_axes:
            ax.set(visible=True, zorder=self.layer_order_zoomedin)
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def overlay_dwi_edges(self):

        # not cropping to help checking align in full FOV
        overlaid = scale_0to1(self.b0_volume)
        base_img = scale_0to1(self.dw_volumes[..., self.current_grad_index].squeeze())
        slices = pick_slices(base_img, self.views, self.num_slices_per_view)
        for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(slices):
            mixed = dwi_overlay_edges(get_axis(base_img, dim_index, slice_index),
                                      get_axis(overlaid, dim_index, slice_index))

        # the following needs to be done outside show_image3d, as we need custom mixing
        self._identify_foreground('Alignment check to b=0, '
                                  'grad index {}'.format(self.current_grad_index))
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    in_mri_path : str
        Path to an MRI scan readable by Nibabel

    hist : ndarray
        Array of prob. densities for intensity


    img = read_image(in_mri_path)
    # scaled, and reshaped
    arr_0to1 = scale_0to1(img).flatten()
    # compute prob. density
    hist, _ = np.histogram(arr_0to1, bins=num_bins, density=True)

    return hist
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def overlay_dwi_edges(self):

        # not cropping to help checking align in full FOV
        overlaid = scale_0to1(self.b0_volume)
        base_img = scale_0to1(self.dw_volumes[..., self.current_grad_index].squeeze())
        slices = pick_slices(base_img, self.views, self.num_slices_per_view)
        for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(slices):
            mixed = dwi_overlay_edges(get_axis(base_img, dim_index, slice_index),
                                      get_axis(overlaid, dim_index, slice_index))

        # the following needs to be done outside show_image3d, as we need custom mixing
        self._identify_foreground('Alignment check to b=0, '
                                  'grad index {}'.format(self.current_grad_index))