How to use the tensorforce.TensorforceError.unexpected function in Tensorforce

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name='baseline-objective', module=baseline_objective, modules=objective_modules,
                is_trainable=False, is_subscope=True

        # Entropy regularization
        entropy_regularization = 0.0 if entropy_regularization is None else entropy_regularization
        self.entropy_regularization = self.add_module(
            name='entropy-regularization', module=entropy_regularization,
            modules=parameter_modules, is_trainable=False, dtype='float'

        # Internals initialization
        if any(internal_init is None for internal_init in self.internals_init.values()):
            raise TensorforceError.unexpected()

        # Register global tensors
        Module.register_tensor(name='update', spec=dict(type='long', shape=()), batched=False)
            name='optimization', spec=dict(type='bool', shape=()), batched=False
            name='dependency_starts', spec=dict(type='long', shape=()), batched=True
            name='dependency_lengths', spec=dict(type='long', shape=()), batched=True
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def initialize(self):
        Initializes the agent.
        if self.is_initialized:
            raise TensorforceError.unexpected()

        self.is_initialized = True

        # Parallel terminal/reward buffers
        self.terminal_buffers = np.ndarray(
            shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe),
        self.reward_buffers = np.ndarray(
            shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe),

        # Recorder buffers if required
        if self.recorder_spec is not None:
            self.states_buffers = OrderedDict()
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if isinstance(buffer_observe, bool):
            if not buffer_observe and self.parallel_interactions > 1:
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            if self.max_episode_timesteps is None and self.parallel_interactions > 1:
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            if not buffer_observe:
                self.buffer_observe = 1
            elif self.max_episode_timesteps is None:
                self.buffer_observe = 100
                self.buffer_observe = self.max_episode_timesteps
        elif isinstance(buffer_observe, int):
            if buffer_observe <= 0:
                raise TensorforceError.value(name='buffer_observe', value=buffer_observe)
            if self.parallel_interactions > 1:
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            if self.max_episode_timesteps is None:
                self.buffer_observe = buffer_observe
                self.buffer_observe = min(buffer_observe, self.max_episode_timesteps)
            raise TensorforceError.type(name='buffer_observe', value=buffer_observe)

        # Parallel terminal/reward buffers
        self.terminal_buffers = np.ndarray(
            shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe),
        self.reward_buffers = np.ndarray(
            shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe),
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raise TensorforceError.exists(name='variable', value=name)
        # dtype
        if not util.is_valid_type(dtype=dtype):
            raise TensorforceError.value(name='variable', argument='dtype', value=dtype)
        # shape
        if not util.is_iterable(x=shape) or not all(isinstance(dims, int) for dims in shape):
            raise TensorforceError.type(name='variable', argument='shape', value=shape)
        elif not all(dims > 0 for dims in shape):
            raise TensorforceError.value(name='variable', argument='shape', value=shape)
        # is_trainable
        if not isinstance(is_trainable, bool):
            raise TensorforceError.type(
                name='variable', argument='is_trainable', value=is_trainable
        elif is_trainable and dtype != 'float':
            raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
        # initializer
        initializer_names = (
            'normal', 'normal-relu', 'orthogonal', 'orthogonal-relu', 'zeros', 'ones'
        if not isinstance(initializer, (util.py_dtype(dtype=dtype), np.ndarray, tf.Tensor)) and \
                initializer not in initializer_names:
            raise TensorforceError.value(
                name='variable', argument='initializer', value=initializer
        elif isinstance(initializer, np.ndarray) and \
                initializer.dtype != util.np_dtype(dtype=dtype):
            raise TensorforceError.type(
                name='variable', argument='initializer', value=initializer
        elif isinstance(initializer, tf.Tensor) and util.dtype(x=initializer) != dtype:
            raise TensorforceError.type(
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        Temporal layer constructor.

            processing ('cumulative' | 'iterative'): Temporal processing type (**required**).
            dependency_horizon (parameter, long >= 0): (**required**).
            kwargs: Additional arguments for potential parent class.
            name=name, input_spec=input_spec, summary_labels=summary_labels,
            l2_regularization=l2_regularization, **kwargs

        if processing not in ('cumulative', 'iterative'):
            raise TensorforceError.unexpected()

        self.processing = processing

        self.dependency_horizon = self.add_module(
            name='dependency-horizon', module=dependency_horizon, modules=parameter_modules,
            is_trainable=False, dtype='long'
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if not util.is_valid_type(dtype=dtype):
            raise TensorforceError.value(name='placeholder', argument='dtype', value=dtype)
        # shape
        if not util.is_iterable(x=shape) or not all(isinstance(dims, int) for dims in shape):
            raise TensorforceError.type(name='placeholder', argument='shape', value=shape)
        elif not all(dims > 0 for dims in shape):
            raise TensorforceError.value(name='placeholder', argument='shape', value=shape)
        # batched
        if not isinstance(batched, bool):
            raise TensorforceError.type(name='placeholder', argument='batched', value=batched)
        # default
        if default is not None:
            # if batched:
            #     raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            if not isinstance(default, tf.Tensor):
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            elif util.dtype(x=default) != dtype:
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()

        # Placeholder
        if batched:
            shape = (None,) + shape
        if default is None:
            dtype = util.tf_dtype(dtype=dtype)
            placeholder = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=dtype, shape=shape, name=name)
            # check dtype and shape !!!
            placeholder = tf.compat.v1.placeholder_with_default(
                input=default, shape=shape, name=name

        return placeholder
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def execute(self, actions):
        if self.environment.game_over():
            raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
        reward = self.environment.act(action=self.available_actions[actions])
        terminal = self.environment.game_over()
        states = self.get_states()
        return states, terminal, reward
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if isinstance(update, int):
            update = dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=update)

        reward_estimation = dict(reward_estimation)
        if reward_estimation['horizon'] == 'episode':
            if max_episode_timesteps is None:
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            reward_estimation['horizon'] = max_episode_timesteps
        if 'capacity' not in reward_estimation:
            # TODO: Doesn't take network horizon into account, needs to be set internally to max
            # if isinstance(reward_estimation['horizon'], int):
            #     reward_estimation['capacity'] = max(
            #         self.buffer_observe, reward_estimation['horizon'] + 2
            #     )
            if max_episode_timesteps is None:
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            if isinstance(reward_estimation['horizon'], int):
                reward_estimation['capacity'] = max(
                    max_episode_timesteps, reward_estimation['horizon']
                reward_estimation['capacity'] = max_episode_timesteps
        self.experience_size = reward_estimation['capacity']

        if memory is None:
            # predecessor/successor?
            if max_episode_timesteps is None or not isinstance(update['batch_size'], int) \
                    or not isinstance(reward_estimation['horizon'], int):
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            if update['unit'] == 'timesteps':
                memory = update['batch_size'] + max_episode_timesteps + \
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input_spec = dict(type='float', shape=self.embedding_shape)

        if len(self.embedding_shape) == 1:
            action_size = util.product(xs=self.action_spec['shape'], empty=0)
            self.alpha = self.add_module(
                name='alpha', module='linear', modules=layer_modules, size=action_size,
            self.beta = self.add_module(
                name='beta', module='linear', modules=layer_modules, size=action_size,

            if len(self.embedding_shape) < 1 or len(self.embedding_shape) > 3:
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            if self.embedding_shape[:-1] == self.action_spec['shape'][:-1]:
                size = self.action_spec['shape'][-1]
            elif self.embedding_shape[:-1] == self.action_spec['shape']:
                size = 0
                raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
            self.alpha = self.add_module(
                name='alpha', module='linear', modules=layer_modules, size=size,
            self.beta = self.add_module(
                name='beta', module='linear', modules=layer_modules, size=size,

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def get_output_tensors(self, function):
        Returns the names of output tensors for the given function.

            function (str): Function name
                (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>).

            list[str]: Names of output tensors.
        if function in self.model.output_tensors:
            return self.model.output_tensors[function]
            raise TensorforceError.unexpected()