How to use the tpot.gp_types.Output_Array function in TPOT

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few TPOT examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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'KNeighborsClassifier__n_neighbors=10, '
        'KNeighborsClassifier__p=1, '
    ind2 = creator.Individual.from_string(
        'BernoulliNB(input_matrix, BernoulliNB__alpha=10.0, BernoulliNB__fit_prior=True),'
        'KNeighborsClassifier__n_neighbors=10, '
        'KNeighborsClassifier__p=2, '
    ind1[0].ret = Output_Array
    ind2[0].ret = Output_Array
    ind1_copy, ind2_copy = tpot_obj._toolbox.clone(ind1),tpot_obj._toolbox.clone(ind2)
    offspring1, offspring2 = cxOnePoint(ind1_copy, ind2_copy)

    assert offspring1[0].ret == Output_Array
    assert offspring2[0].ret == Output_Array
github EpistasisLab / tpot / tests / View on Github external
mut_ind = mutNodeReplacement(tpot_obj._toolbox.clone(pipeline), pset=tpot_obj._pset)
        new_ret_type_list = [node.ret for node in mut_ind[0]]
        new_prims_list = [node for node in mut_ind[0] if node.arity != 0]
        if new_prims_list == old_prims_list:  # Terminal mutated
            assert new_ret_type_list == old_ret_type_list
        else:  # Primitive mutated
            Primitive_Count = 0
            for node in mut_ind[0]:
                if isinstance(node, gp.Primitive):
                    Primitive_Count += 1
            assert Primitive_Count == 4
            diff_prims = [x for x in new_prims_list if x not in old_prims_list]
            diff_prims += [x for x in old_prims_list if x not in new_prims_list]
            if len(diff_prims) > 1: # Sometimes mutation randomly replaces an operator that already in the pipelines
                assert diff_prims[0].ret == diff_prims[1].ret
        assert mut_ind[0][0].ret == Output_Array
github EpistasisLab / tpot / tests / View on Github external
'KNeighborsClassifier__p=1, '
    ind2 = creator.Individual.from_string(
        'BernoulliNB(input_matrix, BernoulliNB__alpha=10.0, BernoulliNB__fit_prior=True),'
        'KNeighborsClassifier__n_neighbors=10, '
        'KNeighborsClassifier__p=2, '
    ind1[0].ret = Output_Array
    ind2[0].ret = Output_Array
    ind1_copy, ind2_copy = tpot_obj._toolbox.clone(ind1),tpot_obj._toolbox.clone(ind2)
    offspring1, offspring2 = cxOnePoint(ind1_copy, ind2_copy)

    assert offspring1[0].ret == Output_Array
    assert offspring2[0].ret == Output_Array
github EpistasisLab / tpot / tpot / View on Github external
def _setup_pset(self):
        if self.random_state is not None:

        self._pset = gp.PrimitiveSetTyped('MAIN', [np.ndarray], Output_Array)

        if self.verbosity > 2:
            print('{} operators have been imported by TPOT.'.format(len(self.operators)))
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def _add_operators(self):
        main_type = ["Classifier", "Regressor", "Selector", "Transformer"]
        ret_types = []
        self.op_list = []
        if self.template == None: # default pipeline structure
            step_in_type = np.ndarray
            step_ret_type = Output_Array
            for operator in self.operators:
                arg_types =  operator.parameter_types()[0][1:]
                p_types = ([step_in_type] + arg_types, step_ret_type)
                if operator.root:
                    # We need to add rooted primitives twice so that they can
                    # return both an Output_Array (and thus be the root of the tree),
                    # and return a np.ndarray so they can exist elsewhere in the tree.
                    self._pset.addPrimitive(operator, *p_types)
                tree_p_types = ([step_in_type] + arg_types, step_in_type)
                self._pset.addPrimitive(operator, *tree_p_types)
                self._import_hash_and_add_terminals(operator, arg_types)
            self._pset.addPrimitive(CombineDFs(), [step_in_type, step_in_type], step_in_type)
            gp_types = {}
            for idx, step in enumerate(self._template_comp):
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gp_types = {}
            for idx, step in enumerate(self._template_comp):

                # input class in each step
                if idx:
                    step_in_type = ret_types[-1]
                    step_in_type = np.ndarray
                if step != 'CombineDFs':
                    if idx < len(self._template_comp) - 1:
                        # create an empty for returning class for strongly-type GP
                        step_ret_type_name = 'Ret_{}'.format(idx)
                        step_ret_type = type(step_ret_type_name, (object,), {})
                        step_ret_type = Output_Array
                check_template = True
                if step == 'CombineDFs':
                    self._pset.addPrimitive(CombineDFs(), [step_in_type, step_in_type], step_in_type)
                elif main_type.count(step): # if the step is a main type
                    ops = [op for op in self.operators if op.type() == step]
                    for operator in ops:
                        arg_types =  operator.parameter_types()[0][1:]
                        p_types = ([step_in_type] + arg_types, step_ret_type)
                        self._pset.addPrimitive(operator, *p_types)
                        self._import_hash_and_add_terminals(operator, arg_types)
                else: # is the step is a specific operator or a wrong input
                        operator = next(op for op in self.operators if op.__name__ == step)
                        raise ValueError(
                            'An error occured while attempting to read the specified '
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p_types = ([step_in_type] + arg_types, step_ret_type)
                        self._pset.addPrimitive(operator, *p_types)
                        self._import_hash_and_add_terminals(operator, arg_types)
                else: # is the step is a specific operator or a wrong input
                        operator = next(op for op in self.operators if op.__name__ == step)
                        raise ValueError(
                            'An error occured while attempting to read the specified '
                            'template. Please check a step named {}'.format(step)
                    arg_types =  operator.parameter_types()[0][1:]
                    p_types = ([step_in_type] + arg_types, step_ret_type)
                    self._pset.addPrimitive(operator, *p_types)
                    self._import_hash_and_add_terminals(operator, arg_types)
        self.ret_types = [np.ndarray, Output_Array] + ret_types