How to use the sqlobject.BoolCol function in SQLObject

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few SQLObject examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jplusplus / rentswatch-scraper / rentswatch_scraper / View on Github external
# Base costs (without heating)
    baseRent = FloatCol(default=None)
    baseRentOriginalCurrency = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Total cost
    totalRent = FloatCol(default=None)
    totalRentOriginalCurrency = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Country, 2 letter code
    country = StringCol(length=2, notNull=True)
    # Currency, 3 letter code
    currency = StringCol(length=3, default='EUR')
    # Surface in square meters
    livingSpace = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Price per square meter
    pricePerSqm = FloatCol(default=None)
    # True if the flat or house is furnished
    furnished = BoolCol(default=None)
    # y if realtor, n if rented by a physical person
    realtor = BoolCol(default=None)
    # The name of the realtor or person offering the flat
    realtorName = UnicodeCol(length=300, dbEncoding='utf8', default=None)
    # Latitude
    latitude = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Longitude
    longitude = FloatCol(default=None)
    # "y" if there is a balcony/terrasse
    balcony = BoolCol(default=None)
    # The year the building was built
    yearConstructed = StringCol(length=100, dbEncoding='utf8', default=None)
    # "y" if the flat comes with a cellar
    cellar = BoolCol(default=None)
    # "y" if the flat comes with a parking or a garage
    parking = BoolCol(default=None)
github shad7 / seedbox / seedbox / db / View on Github external
.. py:attribute:: synced
        flag indicating if the media file is synced back to home
        library from seedbox
    .. py:attribute:: missing
        flag indicating if the media file was missing from folder
    .. py:attribute:: skipped
        flag indicating if the media file was skipped for processing
    .. py:attribute:: torrent
        foreign key reference to the associated Torrent
    filename = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_ext = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_path = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    size = sqlobject.IntCol(default=0)
    compressed = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    synced = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    missing = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    skipped = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    torrent = sqlobject.ForeignKey('Torrent', cascade=True)

class AppState(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines maintains information about the state of the
    application and internal processing. Effectively it is just a
    key-value pair except we store the values by type.

    .. py:attribute:: name
        an identifer for the state
    .. py:attribute:: val_str
        a value of type string
    .. py:attribute:: val_int
github shad7 / seedbox / src / seedbox / model / View on Github external
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DB_NAME = 'torrent.db'

class Torrent(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines a torrent and associated database table using
    SQLObjects to handle persistence.
    name = sqlobject.StringCol(unique=True)
    create_date = sqlobject.DateCol(
    state = sqlobject.EnumCol(enumValues=['init', 'ready', 'active', 'done', 'cancelled'], default='init')
    retry_count = sqlobject.IntCol(default=0)
    failed = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    error_msg = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    invalid = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    purged = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    media_files = sqlobject.SQLMultipleJoin('MediaFile')

class MediaFile(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines a media file contained within a torrent file
    and associatd database table using SQLObjects to handle persistence.

    filename = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_ext = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_path = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    size = sqlobject.IntCol(default=0)
    compressed = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    synced = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    missing = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
github mikrosimage / OpenRenderManagement / src / octopus / dispatcher / db / View on Github external
class Commands(SQLObject):
    class sqlmeta:
        lazyUpdate = True
    description = UnicodeCol()
    taskId = IntCol()
    status = IntCol()
    completion = FloatCol()
    creationTime = DateTimeCol()
    startTime = DateTimeCol()
    updateTime = DateTimeCol()
    endTime = DateTimeCol()
    assignedRNId = IntCol()
    message = UnicodeCol()
    stats = UnicodeCol()
    archived = BoolCol()
    args = UnicodeCol()

    # REZ env management support
    runnerPackages = UnicodeCol()
    watcherPackages = UnicodeCol()

    # Adding autoretry capability on command
    attempt = IntCol()

class Pools(SQLObject):
    class sqlmeta:
        lazyUpdate = True
    name = UnicodeCol()
    archived = BoolCol()
    renderNodes = RelatedJoin('RenderNodes')
github shad7 / seedbox / src / seedbox / model / View on Github external
media_files = sqlobject.SQLMultipleJoin('MediaFile')

class MediaFile(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines a media file contained within a torrent file
    and associatd database table using SQLObjects to handle persistence.

    filename = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_ext = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_path = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    size = sqlobject.IntCol(default=0)
    compressed = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    synced = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    missing = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    skipped = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    torrent = sqlobject.ForeignKey('Torrent', cascade=True)

class AppState(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines maintains information about the state of the application
    and internal processing. Effectively it is just a key-value pair except we
    store the values by type.

    name = sqlobject.StringCol(unique=True)
    val_str = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    val_int = sqlobject.IntCol(default=-99999)
    val_list = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    val_flag = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    val_date = sqlobject.DateTimeCol(
github shad7 / seedbox / seedbox / db / View on Github external
.. py:attribute:: media_files
        reference to a collection of MediaFile records
    name = sqlobject.StringCol(unique=True)
    create_date = sqlobject.DateCol(
    state = sqlobject.EnumCol(enumValues=[INIT,
    retry_count = sqlobject.IntCol(default=0)
    failed = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    error_msg = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    invalid = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    purged = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    media_files = sqlobject.SQLMultipleJoin('MediaFile')

class MediaFile(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines a media file contained within a torrent file
    and associatd database table using SQLObjects to handle persistence.

    .. py:attribute:: filename
        the name of the file associated with media
    .. py:attribute:: file_ext
        the file type extension associated with media
    .. py:attribute:: file_path
        the location where the media file is stored
    .. py:attribute:: size
        the size in bytes of the media file
github jplusplus / rentswatch-scraper / rentswatch_scraper / View on Github external
baseRentOriginalCurrency = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Total cost
    totalRent = FloatCol(default=None)
    totalRentOriginalCurrency = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Country, 2 letter code
    country = StringCol(length=2, notNull=True)
    # Currency, 3 letter code
    currency = StringCol(length=3, default='EUR')
    # Surface in square meters
    livingSpace = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Price per square meter
    pricePerSqm = FloatCol(default=None)
    # True if the flat or house is furnished
    furnished = BoolCol(default=None)
    # y if realtor, n if rented by a physical person
    realtor = BoolCol(default=None)
    # The name of the realtor or person offering the flat
    realtorName = UnicodeCol(length=300, dbEncoding='utf8', default=None)
    # Latitude
    latitude = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Longitude
    longitude = FloatCol(default=None)
    # "y" if there is a balcony/terrasse
    balcony = BoolCol(default=None)
    # The year the building was built
    yearConstructed = StringCol(length=100, dbEncoding='utf8', default=None)
    # "y" if the flat comes with a cellar
    cellar = BoolCol(default=None)
    # "y" if the flat comes with a parking or a garage
    parking = BoolCol(default=None)
    # House Number in the street
    houseNumber = StringCol(length=100, dbEncoding='utf8', default=None)
github stoq / stoq / stoq / domain / View on Github external
- I{is_main_supplier}: defines if this object stores information
                               for the main supplier.
        - I{base_cost}: the cost which helps the purchaser to define the
                        main cost of a certain product. Each product can
                        have multiple suppliers and for each supplier a
                        base_cost is available. The purchaser in this case
                        must decide how to define the main cost based in
                        the base cost avarage of all suppliers.
        - I(icms): a Brazil-specific attribute that means
                   'Imposto sobre circulacao de mercadorias e prestacao '
                   'de servicos'

    base_cost = FloatCol(default=0.0)
    notes = StringCol(default='')
    is_main_supplier = BoolCol(default=False)
    # This is Brazil-specific information
    icms = FloatCol(default=0.0)
    supplier =  ForeignKey('PersonAdaptToSupplier')
    product =  ForeignKey('Product')

    # Auxiliary methods

    def get_name(self):
        if not self.supplier:
            raise ValueError('This object must have a valid supplier '
        return self.supplier.get_adapted().name

github shad7 / seedbox / src / seedbox / model / View on Github external
invalid = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    purged = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    media_files = sqlobject.SQLMultipleJoin('MediaFile')

class MediaFile(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines a media file contained within a torrent file
    and associatd database table using SQLObjects to handle persistence.

    filename = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_ext = sqlobject.StringCol()
    file_path = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    size = sqlobject.IntCol(default=0)
    compressed = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    synced = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    missing = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    skipped = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)
    torrent = sqlobject.ForeignKey('Torrent', cascade=True)

class AppState(sqlobject.SQLObject):
    A class that defines maintains information about the state of the application
    and internal processing. Effectively it is just a key-value pair except we
    store the values by type.

    name = sqlobject.StringCol(unique=True)
    val_str = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    val_int = sqlobject.IntCol(default=-99999)
    val_list = sqlobject.StringCol(default=None)
    val_flag = sqlobject.BoolCol(default=False)