How to use the smact.data_directory function in SMACT

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few SMACT examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github WMD-group / SMACT / examples / Permutations / View on Github external
makes_sense = True
	for i, ox_i in enumerate(ox):
		for j, ox_j in enumerate(ox[i+1:]):
			#!print ox_i, ox_j, paul[i], paul[i+1+j]
			if ox_i < ox_j:
				if paul[i] < paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False
			if ox_i > ox_j:
				if paul[i] > paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False	
			if ox_i == ox_j:
				if paul[i] != paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False
	return makes_sense

with open(path.join(smact.data_directory, 'element.txt'),'r') as f:
	data = f.readlines()

list_of_elements = []

list_of_elements = smact.ordered_elements(1,16)

#for line in data:
#	if not line.startswith('#'):
#		species = line.split()
#		if int(species[0]) > 0 and int(species[0]) < 81:
#			#if len(smact.Element(species[1]).oxidation_states) > 0:
#			if smact.Element(species[1]).oxidation_states:
#			    list_of_elements.append(species[1])

github WMD-group / SMACT / examples / Permutations / View on Github external
makes_sense = True
	for i, ox_i in enumerate(ox):
		for j, ox_j in enumerate(ox[i+1:]):
			#!print ox_i, ox_j, paul[i], paul[i+1+j]
			if ox_i < ox_j:
				if paul[i] < paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False
			if ox_i > ox_j:
				if paul[i] > paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False	
			if ox_i == ox_j:
				if paul[i] != paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False
	return makes_sense

with open(path.join(smact.data_directory, 'element.txt'), 'r') as f:
	data = f.readlines()

list_of_elements = []

for line in data:
	if not line.startswith('#'):
		species = line.split()
		if int(species[0]) > 0 and int(species[0]) < 81:
			#if len(smact.Element(species[1]).oxidation_states) > 0:
			if smact.Element(species[1]).oxidation_states:
count_of_ternary = 0
count_raw_ternary = 0
element_count = 0
ion_count = 0
github WMD-group / SMACT / examples / Permutations / View on Github external
makes_sense = True
	for i, ox_i in enumerate(ox):
		for j, ox_j in enumerate(ox[i+1:]):
			#!print ox_i, ox_j, paul[i], paul[i+1+j]
			if ox_i < ox_j:
				if paul[i] < paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False
			if ox_i > ox_j:
				if paul[i] > paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False	
			if ox_i == ox_j:
				if paul[i] != paul[i+1+j]:
					makes_sense = False
	return makes_sense

with open(path.join(smact.data_directory, 'element.txt'),'r') as f:
	data = f.readlines()

list_of_elements = []

for line in data:
	if not line.startswith('#'):
		species = line.split()
		if int(species[0]) > 0 and int(species[0]) < 101:
			#if len(smact.Element(species[1]).oxidation_states) > 0:
			if smact.Element(species[1]).oxidation_states:
count_of_ternary = 0
count_raw_ternary = 0
element_count = 0
ion_count = 0
github WMD-group / SMACT / smact / structure_prediction / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        r"""Parse Shannon radii data file.

        Also calculates "spring constant", _k_, based on maximum
        difference in Shannon radii:

        .. math::
            k = \Delta r_\mathrm{max}^{-2}.

        shannon_file = os.path.join(data_directory, "shannon_radii.csv")

        self.shannon_data = pd.read_csv(shannon_file, index_col=0)

        self.k = (
          self.shannon_data["ionic_radius"].max() - self.shannon_data["ionic_radius"].min()
github WMD-group / SMACT / smact / View on Github external
def __init__(self, probability_table=None):
            probability_table (dict): Lookup table to get probabilities for anion-cation pairs.
                Must be of the format {(anion,cation): probability, ...} e.g. {('F-1', 'Li1'): 1.0,...}.
                If none, the default table is loaded from the data directory.
        if probability_table == None:
            with open(path.join(data_directory,'oxidation_state_probability_table.json'), 'r') as f:
                probability_data = json.load(f)
            # Put data into the required format
            probability_table = {}
            for i in probability_data:
                probability_table[(i[0],i[1])] = i[2]

        self._probability_table = probability_table
        # Define set of species for which we have data
        included_anions = set([i[0] for i in self._probability_table.keys()])
        included_cations = set([i[1] for i in self._probability_table.keys()])
        included_species = list(included_anions) + list(included_cations)

        self._included_species = included_species
        self._included_cations = included_cations
        self._included_anions = included_anions
github WMD-group / SMACT / smact / View on Github external
Default values used from Faraday Discussions paper (DOI: 10.1039/C8FD00032H) if none supplied.
        scoring (str): Can be either:
                        overall_score - Mean species-anion score for each species of interest
                        in the composition.
                        limiting_score - As above but minimum species-anion score.
                        probability - Product of scores.
                        probability_simple - Product of scores for different species only (set(comp))
        verbose (bool): Explicitly print any compounds that were skipped over due to the elements
        they contain.
        edit_struc_dict (bool): Add the probability to the dicts in the structures list.
        probabilities_list (list): Score for each structure in structures.
    if not list_scores:
        # Import default list_scores from data directory
        with open(os.path.join(data_directory,
            'oxidation_states/oxidationstates_prob_table.csv'), 'r') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            list_scores = {eval(rows[0]): eval(rows[1]) for rows in reader}
            print('INFO: Using default list_scores.')

    if not species_list:
        # Import species_list from data directory
        with open(os.path.join(data_directory,'oxidation_states/species_list.txt'), 'r') as f:
            species_list = eval(f.readline())
            print('INFO: Using default species_list.')
    scores_dict = {}
    for key in list_scores.keys():
        an = {}
        for spec, val in zip(species_list, list_scores[key]):
            an[spec] = val
        scores_dict[key] = an
github WMD-group / SMACT / examples / PerovskiteSpace / View on Github external
return a, b, c, space, alpha, beta, gamma
e_lattices = [E2_1]

i = 0
a_sym = []
a_cood = []
a_shannon = []
b_sym = []
b_cood = []
b_shannon = []
c_sym = ['O']
c_cood = [2]
c_shannon = [1.21]

with open(path.join(smact.data_directory, 'shannon_radii.csv'), 'rU') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)          # Skip the first row which is titles
    for row in reader:
        # print row
        if i <= 1000:                            # "Safety valve"
            if row[1] == '2' and row[2] == '6_n'or'8_n':
                # a_cood.append(row[2])
            if row[1] == '4' and '6_n':
        i += 1

for j, bsymbol in enumerate(b_sym):
github WMD-group / SMACT / smact / View on Github external
they contain.
        edit_struc_dict (bool): Add the probability to the dicts in the structures list.
        probabilities_list (list): Score for each structure in structures.
    if not list_scores:
        # Import default list_scores from data directory
        with open(os.path.join(data_directory,
            'oxidation_states/oxidationstates_prob_table.csv'), 'r') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            list_scores = {eval(rows[0]): eval(rows[1]) for rows in reader}
            print('INFO: Using default list_scores.')

    if not species_list:
        # Import species_list from data directory
        with open(os.path.join(data_directory,'oxidation_states/species_list.txt'), 'r') as f:
            species_list = eval(f.readline())
            print('INFO: Using default species_list.')
    scores_dict = {}
    for key in list_scores.keys():
        an = {}
        for spec, val in zip(species_list, list_scores[key]):
            an[spec] = val
        scores_dict[key] = an

    probabilities_list = []
    for struc in structures:
        scores = []
        comp = set(list(struc['structure'].species))
        comp = [(sp.symbol, sp.oxi_state) for sp in comp]

        an_symbols = [an[0] for an in list_scores.keys()]
github WMD-group / SMACT / examples / PerovskiteSpace / View on Github external
site_C = lattice.Site([0.5,0.5,0.5],[-2,-1])
perovskite = lattice.Lattice([site_A,site_B,site_C],space_group=221)

# In[4]:

search = smact.ordered_elements(3,87)

# In[5]:

A_list = []
B_list = []
C_list = [['O',-2,1.35],['S',-2,1.84],['Se',-2,1.98],['F',-1,1.285],['Br',-1,1.96],['I',-1,2.2]]
for element in search:
    with open(path.join(smact.data_directory, 'shannon_radii.csv'), 'rU') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        for row in reader:
            if row[2]=="12_n" and row[0]==element and int(row[1]) in site_A.oxidation_states:
            if row[2]=="6_n" and row[0]==element and int(row[1]) in site_B.oxidation_states:

# In[6]:

charge_balanced = []
goldschmidt_cubic = []
goldschmidt_ortho = []
a_too_large = []
github WMD-group / SMACT / examples / StuffedWurtzite / View on Github external
def radius_shannon(element, oxidation):
    with open(path.join(smact.data_directory,
                        'shannon_radii.csv'), 'rU') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        r_shannon = False
        for row in reader:
            if (element == row[0] and float(oxidation) == float(row[1])
                and row[2] == '4_n'):  # only for Wurtzite
                r_shannon = row[3]
    return r_shannon