How to use the qtpy.QtCore.Signal function in QtPy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few QtPy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mantidproject / mantid / qt / python / mantidqt / widgets / fitpropertybrowser / View on Github external
BaseBrowser = import_qt('.._common', 'mantidqt.widgets', 'FitPropertyBrowser')

class FitPropertyBrowserBase(BaseBrowser):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(FitPropertyBrowserBase, self).__init__(parent)

class FitPropertyBrowser(FitPropertyBrowserBase):
    A wrapper around C++ FitPropertyBrowser with added graphical peak editing tool.

    closing = Signal()

    def __init__(self, canvas, toolbar_manager, parent=None):
        super(FitPropertyBrowser, self).__init__(parent)
        self.canvas = canvas
        # The toolbar state manager to be passed to the peak editing tool
        self.toolbar_manager = toolbar_manager
        # The peak editing tool
        self.tool = None
        # The name of the fit result workspace
        self.fit_result_ws_name = ""
        # Pyplot line for the guess curve
        self.guess_line = None
        # Map the indices of the markers in the peak editing tool to the peak function prefixes
        # (in the form f0.f1...)
github 1313e / PRISM / prism / _gui / widgets / View on Github external
# Create custom QSpinBox
class QW_QSpinBox(QW.QSpinBox, QW_QAbstractSpinBox):

# Create custom label class with more signals
class QW_QLabel(QW.QLabel):
    Defines the :class:`~QW_QLabel` class.

    This class provides default settings and extra options for the
    :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel` class.


    mousePressed = QC.Signal()

    # Override the mousePressEvent to emit a signal whenever it is triggered
    def mousePressEvent(self, event):

# Create custom QMenu class that swaps the order of inputs
class QW_QMenu(QW.QMenu):
    Defines the :class:`~QW_QMenu` class.

    This class provides default settings and extra options for the
    :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu` class.

github mantidproject / mantid / qt / applications / workbench / workbench / widgets / plotselector / View on Github external
class Column(IntEnum):
    Number = 0
    Name = 1
    LastActive = 2

class PlotSelectorView(QWidget):
    The view to the plot selector, a PyQt widget.

    # A signal to capture when keys are pressed
    deleteKeyPressed = Signal(int)
    enterKeyPressed = Signal(int)

    def __init__(self, presenter, parent=None):
        Initialise a new instance of PlotSelectorWidget
        :param presenter: The presenter controlling this view
        :param parent: Optional - the parent QWidget
        running as a unit test, in which case skip file dialogs
        super(PlotSelectorView, self).__init__(parent)
        self.presenter = presenter

        # This mutex prevents multiple operations on the table at the
        # same time. Wrap code in - with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):
        self.mutex = QMutex()
        self.active_plot_number = -1
github spyder-ide / spyder-notebook / spyder_notebook / utils / View on Github external
directory, so we may need several servers. This class manages all these

    dark_theme : bool
        Whether notebooks should be rendered using the dark theme.
    servers : list of ServerProcess
        List of servers managed by this object.

    # A server has started and is now accepting requests
    sig_server_started = Signal()

    # We tried to start a server but it took too long to start up
    sig_server_timed_out = Signal()

    # We tried to start a server but an error occurred
    sig_server_errored = Signal()

    def __init__(self, dark_theme=False):
        Construct a ServerManager.

        dark_theme : bool, optional
            Whether notebooks should be rendered using the dark theme.
            The default is False.
        self.dark_theme = dark_theme
github spyder-ide / spyder / spyder / plugins / editor / View on Github external
    CONF_SECTION = 'editor'
    CONFIGWIDGET_CLASS = EditorConfigPage
    CONF_FILE = False
    TEMPFILE_PATH = get_conf_path('')
    TEMPLATE_PATH = get_conf_path('')
    DISABLE_ACTIONS_WHEN_HIDDEN = False  # SpyderPluginWidget class attribute

    # Signals
    run_in_current_ipyclient = Signal(str, str, str,
                                      bool, bool, bool, bool, bool)
    run_cell_in_ipyclient = Signal(str, object, str, bool)
    debug_cell_in_ipyclient = Signal(str, object, str, bool)
    exec_in_extconsole = Signal(str, bool)
    redirect_stdio = Signal(bool)
    open_dir = Signal(str)
    breakpoints_saved = Signal()
    run_in_current_extconsole = Signal(str, str, str, bool, bool)
    open_file_update = Signal(str)

    # This signal is fired for any focus change among all editor stacks
    sig_editor_focus_changed = Signal()

    def __init__(self, parent, ignore_last_opened_files=False):
        SpyderPluginWidget.__init__(self, parent)

        self.__set_eol_chars = True

        # Creating template if it doesn't already exist
        if not osp.isfile(self.TEMPLATE_PATH):
            if == "nt":
                shebang = []
github spyder-ide / spyder / spyder / widgets / externalshell / View on Github external
def set_spyder_breakpoints(self):
        """Set Spyder breakpoints into debugging session"""
        return self.ask_monitor("set_spyder_breakpoints()")

    def is_running(self):
        """Check if parent is running"""
        return self.parent().is_running()

class ExternalPythonShell(ExternalShellBase):
    """External Shell widget: execute Python script in a separate process"""
    SHELL_CLASS = ExtPythonShellWidget
    sig_pdb = Signal(str, int)
    open_file = Signal(str, int)
    started = Signal()
    sig_finished = Signal()

    def __init__(self, parent=None, fname=None, wdir=None,
                 interact=False, debug=False, post_mortem=False,
                 path=[], python_args='',
                 arguments='', stand_alone=None,
                 umr_enabled=True, umr_namelist=[], umr_verbose=True,
                 pythonstartup=None, pythonexecutable=None,
                 monitor_enabled=True, mpl_backend=None, ets_backend='qt4',
                 qt_api=None, merge_output_channels=False,
                 menu_actions=None, show_buttons_inside=True,

        assert qt_api in (None, 'pyqt', 'pyside', 'pyqt5')
github ScopeFoundry / ScopeFoundry / View on Github external
to Qt Widgets.
    In ScopeFoundry we represent the values in an object called a
    `LoggedQuantity`. A :class:`LoggedQuantity` is a class that contains a
    value, a `bool`, `float`, `int`, `str` etc that is part of an application's
    state. In the case of microscope and equipment control, these also can
    represent the state of a piece of hardware. These are very useful objects
    because the are the central location of the value contained within. All
    graphical interface views will be guaranteed to be consistent with the `LQ`
    state. The data of these quantities will also be saved in datafiles created
    by ScopeFoundry.

    # signal sent when value has been updated
    updated_value = QtCore.Signal((float,),(int,),(bool,), (), (str,),) 
    # signal sent when value has been updated, sends text representation
    updated_text_value = QtCore.Signal(str) 
    # emits the index of the value in self.choices
    updated_choice_index_value = QtCore.Signal(int)
    # signal sent when min max range updated
    updated_min_max = QtCore.Signal((float,float),(int,int), (),)
    # signal sent when read only (ro) status has changed 
    updated_readonly = QtCore.Signal((bool,), (),) 
    def __init__(self, name, dtype=float, 
                 hardware_read_func=None, hardware_set_func=None, 
                 initial=0, fmt="%g", si=False,
                 ro = False, # read only flag
                 unit = None,
                 spinbox_decimals = 2,
github Ulm-IQO / qudi / gui / odmr / View on Github external
class CameraODMRGui(GUIBase):
    This is the GUI Class for ODMR measurements

    _modclass = 'CameraODMRGui'
    _modtype = 'gui'

    # declare connectors
    odmrlogic1 = Connector(interface='ODMRLogic')
    savelogic = Connector(interface='SaveLogic')
    camera_logic = Connector(interface='CameraLogic')

    sigVideoStart = QtCore.Signal()
    sigVideoStop = QtCore.Signal()
    sigAreaChanged = QtCore.Signal(list)
    timer = QtCore.QTimer()
    sigDoCameraFit = QtCore.Signal(str, object, object, int)

    def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(config=config, **kwargs)

    def on_activate(self):
        """ Definition, configuration and initialisation of the ODMR GUI.

        This init connects all the graphic modules, which were created in the
        *.ui file and configures the event handling between the modules.

        self._odmr_logic = self.odmrlogic1()
        self._camera_logic = self.camera_logic()
github Ulm-IQO / qudi / logic / View on Github external
# config
    _ai_counter = ConfigOption("AI_counter", None, missing="warn")

    # 3D
    _ao_channel = ConfigOption("3D_3rd_Axis", None, missing="warn")
    scan_resolution_3D = ConfigOption('3D_scan_resolution', 1e-6, missing="warn")
    start_voltage_3D = ConfigOption('3D_start_voltage', 0, missing="warn")
    end_voltage_3D = ConfigOption('3D_end_voltage', 1, missing="warn")
    _3D_smoothing_steps = ConfigOption('smoothing_parameter', 0, missing="info")

    # Todo: add /check QTCore Signals (not all have functions yet)
    # signals
    signal_start_stepping = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_stop_stepping = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_continue_stepping = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_step_lines_next = QtCore.Signal(bool)
    signal_start_3D_stepping = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_step_lines_finesse_next = QtCore.Signal(bool)

    signal_image_updated = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_change_position = QtCore.Signal(str)
    signal_data_saved = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_tilt_correction_active = QtCore.Signal(bool)
    signal_tilt_correction_update = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_draw_figure_completed = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_position_changed = QtCore.Signal()
    signal_step_scan_stopped = QtCore.Signal()

    signal_sort_count_data = QtCore.Signal(tuple, int)
    signal_sort_count_data_3D = QtCore.Signal(tuple, int)

    sigImageInitialized = QtCore.Signal()
github Ulm-IQO / qudi / qudi / core / gui / qtwidgets / View on Github external
along with Qudi. If not, see .

from qtpy import QtCore, QtWidgets
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['DoubleSlider']

class DoubleSlider(QtWidgets.QSlider):

    doubleValueChanged = QtCore.Signal(float)
    doubleSliderMoved = QtCore.Signal(float)
    doubleRangeChanged = QtCore.Signal(float, float)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._step_number = 1000
        self._minimum_value = 0
        self._maximum_value = 1
        super().setRange(0, self._step_number)

    def setMinimum(self, min_val):
        self._minimum_value = float(min_val)