How to use the qtawesome.iconic_font.FontError function in QtAwesome

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github spyder-ide / qtawesome / qtawesome / View on Github external
result[key] = unichr(int(obj[key], 16))
            return result

        if directory is None:
            directory = os.path.join(
                os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'fonts')

        # Load font
        if QApplication.instance() is not None:
            id_ = QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(os.path.join(directory,
            loadedFontFamilies = QFontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(id_)
                self.fontname[prefix] = loadedFontFamilies[0]
                raise FontError(u"Font at '{0}' appears to be empty. "
                                "If you are on Windows 10, please read "
                                "en-us/kb/3053676 "
                                "to know how to prevent Windows from blocking "
                                "the fonts that come with QtAwesome.".format(
                                        os.path.join(directory, ttf_filename)))

            with open(os.path.join(directory, charmap_filename), 'r') as codes:
                self.charmap[prefix] = json.load(codes, object_hook=hook)

            # Verify that vendorized fonts are not corrupt
            if not SYSTEM_FONTS:
                ttf_hash = MD5_HASHES.get(ttf_filename, None)
                if ttf_hash is not None:
                    hasher = hashlib.md5()
                    with open(os.path.join(directory, ttf_filename),
github spyder-ide / qtawesome / qtawesome / View on Github external
def hook(obj):
            result = {}
            for key in obj:
                    result[key] = unichr(int(obj[key], 16))
                except ValueError:
                    if int(obj[key], 16) > 0xffff:
                        # ignoring unsupported code in Python 2.7 32bit Windows
                        # ValueError: unichr() arg not in range(0x10000)
                        raise FontError(u'Failed to load character '
                                        '{0}:{1}'.format(key, obj[key]))
            return result
github spyder-ide / spyder / spyder / app / View on Github external
"<span style="\'color:"><b>Warning:</b></span> "
            "this command will remove all your Spyder configuration files "
            "located in '%s').<br><br>"
            "If restoring the default settings does not help, please take "
            "the time to search for <a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">known bugs</a> or "
            "<a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">discussions</a> matching your situation before "
            "eventually creating a new issue <a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">here</a>. "
            "Your feedback will always be greatly appreciated."
            "" % (get_conf_path(), __project_url__,
                  __forum_url__, __project_url__))

    # Create main window
    mainwindow = None
        mainwindow = run_spyder(app, options, args)
    except FontError as fontError:
        QMessageBox.information(None, "Spyder",
                "Spyder was unable to load the <i>Spyder 3</i> "
                "icon theme. That's why it's going to fallback to the "
                "theme used in Spyder 2.<br><br>"
                "For that, please close this window and start Spyder again.")
        CONF.set('main', 'icon_theme', 'spyder 2')
    except BaseException:
        CONF.set('main', 'crash', True)
        import traceback
        traceback.print_exc(file=open('spyder_crash.log', 'w'))
    if mainwindow is None:
        # An exception occured
        if SPLASH is not None:
github spyder-ide / qtawesome / qtawesome / View on Github external
if directory is None:
            directory = os.path.join(
                os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'fonts')

        # Load font
        if QApplication.instance() is not None:
            with open(os.path.join(directory, ttf_filename), 'rb') as font_data:
                id_ = QFontDatabase.addApplicationFontFromData(QByteArray(

            loadedFontFamilies = QFontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(id_)

            if loadedFontFamilies:
                self.fontname[prefix] = loadedFontFamilies[0]
                raise FontError(u"Font at '{0}' appears to be empty. "
                                "If you are on Windows 10, please read "
                                "en-us/kb/3053676 "
                                "to know how to prevent Windows from blocking "
                                "the fonts that come with QtAwesome.".format(
                                        os.path.join(directory, ttf_filename)))

            with open(os.path.join(directory, charmap_filename), 'r') as codes:
                self.charmap[prefix] = json.load(codes, object_hook=hook)

            # Verify that vendorized fonts are not corrupt
            if not SYSTEM_FONTS:
                ttf_hash = MD5_HASHES.get(ttf_filename, None)
                if ttf_hash is not None:
                    hasher = hashlib.md5()
                    with open(os.path.join(directory, ttf_filename),
github sys-bio / tellurium / spyder_mod / Spyder 3.2.2 / spyder / app / View on Github external
"<span style="\'color:"><b>Warning:</b></span> "
            "this command will remove all your Spyder configuration files "
            "located in '%s').<br><br>"
            "If restoring the default settings does not help, please take "
            "the time to search for <a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">known bugs</a> or "
            "<a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">discussions</a> matching your situation before "
            "eventually creating a new issue <a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">here</a>. "
            "Your feedback will always be greatly appreciated."
            "" % (get_conf_path(), __project_url__,
                  __forum_url__, __project_url__))

    # Create main window
    mainwindow = None
        mainwindow = run_spyder(app, options, args)
    except FontError as fontError:
        QMessageBox.information(None, "Spyder",
                "Spyder was unable to load the <i>Spyder 3</i> "
                "icon theme. That's why it's going to fallback to the "
                "theme used in Spyder 2.<br><br>"
                "For that, please close this window and start Spyder again.")
        CONF.set('main', 'icon_theme', 'spyder 2')
    except BaseException:
        CONF.set('main', 'crash', True)
        import traceback
        traceback.print_exc(file=open('spyder_crash.log', 'w'))
    if mainwindow is None:
        # An exception occured
        if SPLASH is not None:
github sys-bio / tellurium / spyder_mod / Spyder 3.1.3 / spyder / app / View on Github external
"<span style="\'color:"><b>Warning:</b></span> "
            "this command will remove all your Spyder configuration files "
            "located in '%s').<br><br>"
            "If restoring the default settings does not help, please take "
            "the time to search for <a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">known bugs</a> or "
            "<a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">discussions</a> matching your situation before "
            "eventually creating a new issue <a href="\&quot;%s\&quot;">here</a>. "
            "Your feedback will always be greatly appreciated."
            "" % (get_conf_path(), __project_url__,
                  __forum_url__, __project_url__))

    # Create main window
    mainwindow = None
        mainwindow = run_spyder(app, options, args)
    except FontError as fontError:
        QMessageBox.information(None, "Spyder",
                "Spyder was unable to load the <i>Spyder 3</i> "
                "icon theme. That's why it's going to fallback to the "
                "theme used in Spyder 2.<br><br>"
                "For that, please close this window and start Spyder again.")
        CONF.set('main', 'icon_theme', 'spyder 2')
    except BaseException:
        CONF.set('main', 'crash', True)
        import traceback
        traceback.print_exc(file=open('spyder_crash.log', 'w'))
    if mainwindow is None:
        # An exception occured
        if SPLASH is not None: