How to use the pycbc.waveform.parameters.Parameter function in PyCBC

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spin2_a = Parameter("spin2_a",
                    dtype=float, label=r"$a_{2}$",
                    description="The dimensionless spin magnitude "
spin1_azimuthal = Parameter(
                      dtype=float, label=r"$\theta_1^\mathrm{azimuthal}$",
                      description="The azimuthal spin angle for mass 1.")
spin2_azimuthal = Parameter(
                      dtype=float, label=r"$\theta_2^\mathrm{azimuthal}$",
                      description="The azimuthal spin angle for mass 2.")
spin1_polar = Parameter("spin1_polar",
                        dtype=float, label=r"$\theta_1^\mathrm{polar}$",
                        description="The polar spin angle for mass 1.")
spin2_polar = Parameter("spin2_polar",
                        dtype=float, label=r"$\theta_2^\mathrm{polar}$",
                        description="The polar spin angle for mass 2.")

#   Parameters needed for CBC waveform generation
f_lower = Parameter("f_lower",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$f_0$ (Hz)",
                description="The starting frequency of the waveform (in Hz).")
f_final = Parameter("f_final",
                dtype=float, default=0, label=r"$f_{\mathrm{final}}$ (Hz)",
                description="The ending frequency of the waveform. The "
                            "default (0) indicates that the choice is made by "
                            "the respective approximant.")
f_final_func = Parameter("f_final_func",
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f_ref = Parameter("f_ref",
                dtype=float, default=0, label=r"$f_{\mathrm{ref}}$ (Hz)",
                description="The reference frequency.")
delta_f = Parameter("delta_f",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Delta f$ (Hz)",
                description="The frequency step used to generate the waveform "
                            "(in Hz).")
delta_t = Parameter("delta_t",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Delta t$ (s)",
                description="The time step used to generate the waveform "
                            "(in s).")
sample_points = Parameter("sample_points",
                dtype="Array", default=None, label=None,
                description="An array of the frequencies (in Hz) at which to "
                            "generate the waveform.")
approximant = Parameter("approximant",
                dtype=str, default=None, label=None,
                description="A string that indicates the chosen approximant.")
phase_order = Parameter("phase_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the orbital phase. The default "
                            "of -1 indicates that all implemented orders are "
spin_order = Parameter("spin_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the spin corrections. The "
                            "default of -1 indicates that all implemented "
                            "orders are used.")
tidal_order = Parameter("tidal_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the tidal corrections. The "
                            "default of -1 indicates that all implemented "
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distance = Parameter("distance",
                dtype=float, default=1., label=r"$d_L$ (Mpc)",
                description="Luminosity distance to the binary (in Mpc).")
chirp_distance = Parameter("chirp_distance",
                dtype=float, default=1., label=r"$d_c$ (Mpc)",
                description="Chirp distance to the binary (in Mpc).")
coa_phase = Parameter("coa_phase",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\phi_c$",
                description="Coalesence phase of the binary (in rad).")
inclination = Parameter("inclination",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\iota$",
                description="Inclination (rad), defined as the angle between "
                            "the total angular momentum J and the "
long_asc_nodes = Parameter("long_asc_nodes",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\Omega$",
                description="Longitude of ascending nodes axis (rad).")
mean_per_ano = Parameter("mean_per_ano",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\delta$",
                description="Mean anomaly of the periastron (rad).")
tc = Parameter("tc",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$t_c$ (s)",
                description="Coalescence time (s).")
ra = Parameter("ra",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\alpha$",
                description="Right ascension (rad).")
dec = Parameter("dec",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\delta$",
                description="Declination (rad).")
polarization = Parameter("polarization",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\psi$",
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dtype=float, label=r"$\chi_{2z}$",
                description="The z component of the dimensionless spin of the "
                            "secondary object.")
lambda1 = Parameter("lambda1",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Lambda_1$",
                description="The dimensionless tidal deformability parameter of object 1.")
lambda2 = Parameter("lambda2",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Lambda_2$",
                description="The dimensionless tidal deformability parameter of object 2.")
dquad_mon1 = Parameter("dquad_mon1",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$qm_1$",
                description="Quadrupole-monopole parameter / m_1^5 -1.")
dquad_mon2 = Parameter("dquad_mon2",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$qm_2$",
                description="Quadrupole-monopole parameter / m_2^5 -1.")
lambda_octu1 = Parameter("lambda_octu1",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Lambda_3^{(1)}$",
                description="The octupolar tidal deformability parameter of "
                            "object 1.")
lambda_octu2 = Parameter("lambda_octu2",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Lambda_3^{(2)}$",
                description="The octupolar tidal deformability parameter of "
                            "object 2.")
quadfmode1 = Parameter("quadfmode1",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$m_1 \omega_{02}^{(1)}$",
                description="The quadrupolar f-mode angular frequency of "
                            "object 1.")
quadfmode2 = Parameter("quadfmode2",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$m_ \omega_{02}^{(2)}$",
                description="The quadrupolar f-mode angular frequency of "
                            "object 2.")
octufmode1 = Parameter("octufmode1",
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dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{1y}$",
                description="The y component of the first binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin1z = Parameter("spin1z",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{1z}$",
                description="The z component of the first binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin2x = Parameter("spin2x",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{2x}$",
                description="The x component of the second binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin2y = Parameter("spin2y",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{2y}$",
                description="The y component of the second binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin2z = Parameter("spin2z",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{2z}$",
                description="The z component of the second binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
eccentricity = Parameter("eccentricity",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$e$",

# derived parameters (these are not used for waveform generation) for masses
mchirp = Parameter("mchirp",
                dtype=float, label=r"$\mathcal{M}~(\mathrm{M}_\odot)$",
                description="The chirp mass of the binary (in solar masses).")
eta = Parameter("eta",
                dtype=float, label=r"$\eta$",
                description="The symmetric mass ratio of the binary.")
mtotal = Parameter("mtotal",
                dtype=float, label=r"$M~(\mathrm{M}_\odot)$",
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dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Lambda_3^{(2)}$",
                description="The octupolar tidal deformability parameter of "
                            "object 2.")
quadfmode1 = Parameter("quadfmode1",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$m_1 \omega_{02}^{(1)}$",
                description="The quadrupolar f-mode angular frequency of "
                            "object 1.")
quadfmode2 = Parameter("quadfmode2",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$m_ \omega_{02}^{(2)}$",
                description="The quadrupolar f-mode angular frequency of "
                            "object 2.")
octufmode1 = Parameter("octufmode1",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$m_1 \omega_{03}^{(1)}$",
                description="The octupolar f-mode angular frequency of "
                            "object 1.")
octufmode2 = Parameter("octufmode2",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$m_ \omega_{03}^{(2)}$",
                description="The octupolar f-mode angular frequency of "
                            "object 2.")

# derived parameters for component spin magnitude and angles
spin1_a = Parameter("spin1_a",
                    dtype=float, label=r"$a_{1}$",
                    description="The dimensionless spin magnitude "
spin2_a = Parameter("spin2_a",
                    dtype=float, label=r"$a_{2}$",
                    description="The dimensionless spin magnitude "
spin1_azimuthal = Parameter(
                      dtype=float, label=r"$\theta_1^\mathrm{azimuthal}$",
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description="Change in optical spring freq (Hz).")
delta_fc = Parameter("calib_delta_fc",
                     description="Change in cavity pole freq (Hz).")
delta_qinv = Parameter("calib_delta_qinv",
                       description="Change in inverse quality factor.")
kappa_c = Parameter("calib_kappa_c",
kappa_tst_re = Parameter("calib_kappa_tst_re",
kappa_tst_im = Parameter("calib_kappa_tst_im",
kappa_pu_re = Parameter("calib_kappa_pu_re",
kappa_pu_im = Parameter("calib_kappa_pu_im",

#   Non mandatory flags with default values
frame_axis = Parameter("frame_axis",
                dtype=int, default=0,
                description="Allow to choose among orbital_l, view and total_j")
modes_choice = Parameter("modes_choice",
                dtype=int, default=0,
                description="Allow to turn on  among orbital_l, view and total_j")
side_bands = Parameter("side_bands",
                dtype=int, default=0,
                description="Flag for generating sidebands")
mode_array = Parameter("mode_array",
                dtype=list, default=None,
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dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Delta t$ (s)",
                description="The time step used to generate the waveform "
                            "(in s).")
sample_points = Parameter("sample_points",
                dtype="Array", default=None, label=None,
                description="An array of the frequencies (in Hz) at which to "
                            "generate the waveform.")
approximant = Parameter("approximant",
                dtype=str, default=None, label=None,
                description="A string that indicates the chosen approximant.")
phase_order = Parameter("phase_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the orbital phase. The default "
                            "of -1 indicates that all implemented orders are "
spin_order = Parameter("spin_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the spin corrections. The "
                            "default of -1 indicates that all implemented "
                            "orders are used.")
tidal_order = Parameter("tidal_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the tidal corrections. The "
                            "default of -1 indicates that all implemented "
                            "orders are used.")
amplitude_order = Parameter("amplitude_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the amplitude. The default of -1 "
                            "indicates that all implemented orders are used.")
eccentricity_order = Parameter("eccentricity_order",
                dtype=int, default=-1, label=None,
                description="The pN order of the eccentricity corrections."
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description="The azimuthal spin angle for mass 2.")
spin1_polar = Parameter("spin1_polar",
                        dtype=float, label=r"$\theta_1^\mathrm{polar}$",
                        description="The polar spin angle for mass 1.")
spin2_polar = Parameter("spin2_polar",
                        dtype=float, label=r"$\theta_2^\mathrm{polar}$",
                        description="The polar spin angle for mass 2.")

#   Parameters needed for CBC waveform generation
f_lower = Parameter("f_lower",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$f_0$ (Hz)",
                description="The starting frequency of the waveform (in Hz).")
f_final = Parameter("f_final",
                dtype=float, default=0, label=r"$f_{\mathrm{final}}$ (Hz)",
                description="The ending frequency of the waveform. The "
                            "default (0) indicates that the choice is made by "
                            "the respective approximant.")
f_final_func = Parameter("f_final_func",
                dtype=str, default="", label=None,
                description="Use the given frequency function to compute f_final "
                            "based on the parameters of the waveform.")
f_ref = Parameter("f_ref",
                dtype=float, default=0, label=r"$f_{\mathrm{ref}}$ (Hz)",
                description="The reference frequency.")
delta_f = Parameter("delta_f",
                dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$\Delta f$ (Hz)",
                description="The frequency step used to generate the waveform "
                            "(in Hz).")
delta_t = Parameter("delta_t",
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dtype=float, default=None, label=r"$m_2~(\mathrm{M}_\odot)$",
                description="The mass of the second component object in the "
                            "binary (in solar masses).")
spin1x = Parameter("spin1x",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{1x}$",
                description="The x component of the first binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin1y = Parameter("spin1y",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{1y}$",
                description="The y component of the first binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin1z = Parameter("spin1z",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{1z}$",
                description="The z component of the first binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin2x = Parameter("spin2x",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{2x}$",
                description="The x component of the second binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin2y = Parameter("spin2y",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{2y}$",
                description="The y component of the second binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
spin2z = Parameter("spin2z",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$\chi_{2z}$",
                description="The z component of the second binary component's "
                            "dimensionless spin.")
eccentricity = Parameter("eccentricity",
                dtype=float, default=0., label=r"$e$",

# derived parameters (these are not used for waveform generation) for masses