How to use the pyboolector.BoolectorOpt function in PyBoolector

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github pysmt / pysmt / pysmt / solvers / View on Github external
def _set_option(self, btor, name, value):
        available_options = {pyboolector.BoolectorOpt(btor, io).lng : io
                             for io in self.internal_options}
            btor.Set_opt(available_options[name], value)
        except TypeError:
            raise PysmtValueError("Error setting the option '%s=%s'" \
                                  % (name,value))
        except pyboolector.BoolectorException:
            raise PysmtValueError("Error setting the option '%s=%s'" \
                                  % (name,value))
        except KeyError:
            raise PysmtValueError("Unable to set non-existing option '%s'. "
                                  "The accepted options options are: %s" \
                                  % (name, ", ".join(pyboolector.BoolectorOpt(btor, io).lng
                                                     for io in self.internal_options)))
github pysmt / pysmt / pysmt / solvers / View on Github external
def _set_option(self, btor, name, value):
        available_options = {pyboolector.BoolectorOpt(btor, io).lng : io
                             for io in self.internal_options}
            btor.Set_opt(available_options[name], value)
        except TypeError:
            raise PysmtValueError("Error setting the option '%s=%s'" \
                                  % (name,value))
        except pyboolector.BoolectorException:
            raise PysmtValueError("Error setting the option '%s=%s'" \
                                  % (name,value))
        except KeyError:
            raise PysmtValueError("Unable to set non-existing option '%s'. "
                                  "The accepted options options are: %s" \
                                  % (name, ", ".join(pyboolector.BoolectorOpt(btor, io).lng
                                                     for io in self.internal_options)))