How to use the pulp.server.exceptions.PulpException function in PuLP

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few PuLP examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    def add_consumer(self, groupid, consumerid):
        Adds the passed in consumer to this group
        consumergroup = self.consumergroup(groupid)
        if (consumergroup is None):
            raise PulpException("No Consumer Group with id: %s found" % groupid)
        consumer = self.consumerApi.consumer(consumerid)
        if consumer is None:
            raise PulpException("No Consumer with id: %s found" % consumerid)
        conflicting_keyvalues = self.find_conflicting_keyvalues(groupid, consumerid)
        if len(conflicting_keyvalues.keys()) > 0:
            raise PulpException('Consumer [%s] cannot be added to consumergroup [%s] because of the following '
                                'conflicting key-value pairs. You need to delete these key-values from the consumer '
                                'in order to add it to this consumergroup: %s', consumerid, groupid, conflicting_keyvalues)
        self._add_consumer(consumergroup, consumer), safe=True)
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    def uninstallpackages(self, id, names=()):
        Uninstall packages on the consumers in a consnumer group.
        @param id: A consumer group id.
        @type id: str
        @param names: The package names to uninstall.
        @type names: [str,..]
        consumergroup = self.consumergroup(id)
        if consumergroup is None:
            raise PulpException("No Consumer Group with id: %s found" % id)
        job = Job()
        for consumerid in consumergroup['consumerids']:
            consumer = self.consumerApi.consumer(consumerid)
            if consumer is None:
                log.error('consumer [%s], not-found', consumerid)
            task = AsyncTask(self.__uninstallpackages, [consumerid, names])
        return job
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    def create(self, id, type, description=None, package_list=[]):
        Create a new Filter object and return it
        id = encode_unicode(id)
        filter = self.filter(id)
        if filter is not None:
            raise PulpException("A Filter with id %s already exists" % id)

        f = model.Filter(id, type, description, package_list)
        self.collection.insert(f, safe=True)
        f = self.filter(f["id"])
        return f
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    def profile_update(self, id, package_profile):
        Update the consumer information such as package profile
        consumer = self.consumer(id)
        if consumer is None:
            raise PulpException('Consumer [%s] not found', id)
        consumer["package_profile"] = package_profile, safe=True)'Successfully updated package profile for consumer %s' % id)
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    def update(self, id, delta):
        Updates a consumer group object.
        @param id: The repo ID.
        @type id: str
        @param delta: A dict containing update keywords.
        @type delta: dict
        @return: The updated object
        @rtype: dict
        delta.pop('id', None)
        group = self.consumergroup(id)
        if not group:
            raise PulpException('Group [%s] does not exist', id)
        for key, value in delta.items():
            # simple changes
            if key in ('description',):
                group[key] = value
            # unsupported
            raise Exception, \
                'update keyword "%s", not-supported' % key, safe=True)
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        @param delta: mapping of properties and values to change
        @type  delta: dict

        @raises PulpException: if any of the new values are invalid
        ''''Updating CDS [%s]' % hostname)

        # Validate ----------
        if 'sync_schedule' in delta and delta['sync_schedule'] is not None: # will be None if removing the schedule
                log.exception('Could not update CDS [%s] because the sync schedule was invalid [%s]' % (hostname, delta['sync_schedule']))
                raise PulpException('Invalid sync schedule format [%s]' % delta['sync_schedule']), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        if 'cluster_id' in delta and delta['cluster_id'] is not None: # will be None if removing the cluster
            if CLUSTER_ID_PATTERN.match(delta['cluster_id']) is None:
      'Could not update CDS [%s] because the cluster ID was invalid [%s]' % (hostname, delta['cluster_id']))
                raise PulpException('Cluster ID must match the standard ID restrictions')

        # Update ----------
        cds = self.collection.find_one({'hostname': hostname})

        # If we ever get enough values to warrant a loop, we can add it. For now, it's
        # just simpler to handle one at a time.
        if 'name' in delta:
            cds['name'] = delta['name']

        if 'description' in delta:
            cds['description'] = delta['description']
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# There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied,
# including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY,
# have received a copy of GPLv2 along with this software; if not, see

Mongo utility module to help pulp web services deal with the mongo db.

import re

from pulp.server.exceptions import PulpException

class MalformedFilters(PulpException):

def filters_to_re_spec(filters):
    @type filters: dict of str: list
    @param filters: http request query parameters
    @return: dict of field: regex of possible str values
    if not filters:
        return None
    return dict((k, re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(v))) for k,v in filters.items())

def filters_to_set_spec(filters, intersect=(), union=()):
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if key not in key_value_pairs.keys():
            conflicting_consumers = self.find_consumers_with_conflicting_keyvalues(id, key, value)
            if len(conflicting_consumers) == 0:
                key_value_pairs[key] = value
                if force == 'false':
                    raise PulpException('Given key [%s] has different value for consumers %s '
                                        'belonging to this group. You can use --force to '
                                        'delete consumer\'s original value.', key, conflicting_consumers)
                    for consumerid in conflicting_consumers:
                        self.consumerApi.delete_key_value_pair(consumerid, key)
                    key_value_pairs[key] = value

            raise PulpException('Given key [%s] already exists', key)
        consumergroup['key_value_pairs'] = key_value_pairs, safe=True)
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        repo = self._get_existing_repo(id)
        repo_path = os.path.join(
            pulp.server.util.top_repos_location(), repo['relative_path'])
        repo_repomd_path = "%s/%s" % (repo_path, "repodata/repomd.xml")
        file_path = pulp.server.util.get_repomd_filetype_path(repo_repomd_path, filetype)
        if not file_path:
            msg = "metadata file of type [%s] cannot be found in repository [%s]" % (filetype, id)
            raise PulpException(msg)
            pulp.server.util.modify_repo(os.path.dirname(repo_repomd_path), filetype, remove=True)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = "Error [%s] removing the metadata file for type [%s]" % (str(e), filetype)
            raise PulpException(msg)
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def __uninstallpackagegroups(self, consumerid, grpids):
        Task callback to uninstall package groups.
        @param consumerid: The consumer ID.
        @type consumerid: str
        @param grpids: A list of package group ids.
        @type grpids: list
        @return: Whatever the agent returns.
        consumer = self.consumerApi.consumer(consumerid)
        if consumer is None:
            raise PulpException('Consumer [%s] not found', consumerid)
        secret = PulpAgent.getsecret(consumer)
        agent = AsyncAgent(consumerid, secret)
        task = AsyncTask.current()
        tm = (10, 600) # start in 10 seconds, finish in 10 minutes
        pkgrps = agent.PackageGroups(task, timeout=tm)
        return pkgrps.uninstall(grpids)