How to use the plexapi.base.PlexObject function in PlexAPI

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c = myplex.MyPlexAccount()
                    target = c.device('Plex Client')
                    sync_items_wd = c.syncItems(target.clientIdentifier)
                    srv = c.resource('Server Name').connect()
                    section = srv.library.section('Photos')
                    section.sync(PHOTO_QUALITY_HIGH, client=target, limit=100, sort='addedAt:desc',
                                 title='Fresh photos')

        from plexapi.sync import Policy, MediaSettings
        kwargs['mediaSettings'] = MediaSettings.createPhoto(resolution)
        kwargs['policy'] = Policy.create(limit)
        return super(PhotoSection, self).sync(**kwargs)

class FilterChoice(PlexObject):
    """ Represents a single filter choice. These objects are gathered when using filters
        while searching for library items and is the object returned in the result set of

            TAG (str): 'Directory'
            server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): PlexServer this client is connected to.
            initpath (str): Relative path requested when retrieving specified `data` (optional).
            fastKey (str): API path to quickly list all items in this filter
            key (str): Short key (id) of this filter option (used ad  in fastKey above).
            thumb (str): Thumbnail used to represent this filter option.
            title (str): Human readable name for this filter option.
            type (str): Filter type (genre, contentRating, etc).
    TAG = 'Directory'</section>
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shared (bool): If this section is shared with the user

    TAG = 'Section'

    def _loadData(self, data):
        self._data = data
        # = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('id'))  # Havnt decided if this should be changed.
        self.sectionKey = data.attrib.get('key')
        self.title = data.attrib.get('title')
        self.sectionId = data.attrib.get('id')
        self.type = data.attrib.get('type')
        self.shared = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('shared'))

class MyPlexServerShare(PlexObject):
    """ Represents a single user's server reference. Used for library sharing.

            id (int): id for this share
            serverId (str): what id plex uses for this.
            machineIdentifier (str): The servers machineIdentifier
            name (str): The servers name
            lastSeenAt (datetime): Last connected to the server?
            numLibraries (int): Total number of libraries
            allLibraries (bool): True if all libraries is shared with this user.
            owned (bool): 1 if the server is owned by the user
            pending (bool): True if the invite is pending.

    TAG = 'Server'
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from plexapi.base import PlexObject
from plexapi.client import PlexClient
from plexapi.compat import ElementTree, urlencode
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound
from plexapi.library import Library, Hub
from plexapi.settings import Settings
from plexapi.playlist import Playlist
from plexapi.playqueue import PlayQueue
from plexapi.utils import cast

# Need these imports to populate utils.PLEXOBJECTS
from plexapi import (audio as _audio, video as _video,        # noqa: F401
    photo as _photo, media as _media, playlist as _playlist)  # noqa: F401

class PlexServer(PlexObject):
    """ This is the main entry point to interacting with a Plex server. It allows you to
        list connected clients, browse your library sections and perform actions such as
        emptying trash. If you do not know the auth token required to access your Plex
        server, or simply want to access your server with your username and password, you
        can also create an PlexServer instance from :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount`.

            baseurl (str): Base url for to access the Plex Media Server (default: 'http://localhost:32400').
            token (str): Required Plex authentication token to access the server.
            session (requests.Session, optional): Use your own session object if you want to
                cache the http responses from PMS
            timeout (int): timeout in seconds on initial connect to server (default config.TIMEOUT).

            allowCameraUpload (bool): True if server allows camera upload.
            allowChannelAccess (bool): True if server allows channel access (iTunes?).
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def _load_obj_attrs(self, clsname, obj, attrs, docs):
        if clsname in STOP_RECURSING_AT: return None
        if isinstance(obj, PlexObject) and clsname not in DONT_RELOAD:
        alldocs = '\n\n'.join(self._all_docs(obj.__class__))
        for attr, value in obj.__dict__.items():
            if value is None or isinstance(value, (str, bool, float, int, datetime)):
                if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in IGNORES.get(clsname, []):
                    attrs[attr] += 1
                    if'\s{8}%s\s\(.+?\)\:' % attr, alldocs) is not None:
                        docs[attr] += 1
            if isinstance(value, list):
                if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in IGNORES.get(clsname, []):
                    if value and isinstance(value[0], PlexObject):
                        attrs['%s[]' % attr] += 1
                        [self._parse_objects(obj) for obj in value]
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title (str): Title of this subtitle stream.
    TAG = 'Stream'

    def _loadData(self, data):
        """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """
        super(SubtitleStream, self)._loadData(data)
        self.forced = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('forced', '0'))
        self.format = data.attrib.get('format')
        self.key = data.attrib.get('key')
        self.title = data.attrib.get('title')

class Session(PlexObject):
    """ Represents a current session. """
    TAG = 'Session'

    def _loadData(self, data): = data.attrib.get('id')
        self.bandwidth = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('bandwidth'))
        self.location = data.attrib.get('location')

class TranscodeSession(PlexObject):
    """ Represents a current transcode session.

            TAG (str): 'TranscodeSession'
            TODO: Document this.
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self.context = data.attrib.get('context')
        self.duration = cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration'))
        self.height = cast(int, data.attrib.get('height'))
        self.key = data.attrib.get('key')
        self.progress = cast(float, data.attrib.get('progress'))
        self.protocol = data.attrib.get('protocol')
        self.remaining = cast(int, data.attrib.get('remaining'))
        self.speed = cast(int, data.attrib.get('speed'))
        self.throttled = cast(int, data.attrib.get('throttled'))
        self.sourceVideoCodec = data.attrib.get('sourceVideoCodec')
        self.videoCodec = data.attrib.get('videoCodec')
        self.videoDecision = data.attrib.get('videoDecision')
        self.width = cast(int, data.attrib.get('width'))

class MediaTag(PlexObject):
    """ Base class for media tags used for filtering and searching your library
        items or navigating the metadata of media items in your library. Tags are
        the construct used for things such as Country, Director, Genre, etc.

            server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): Server this client is connected to.
            id (id): Tag ID (This seems meaningless except to use it as a unique id).
            role (str): Unknown
            tag (str): Name of the tag. This will be Animation, SciFi etc for Genres. The name of
                person for Directors and Roles (ex: Animation, Stephen Graham, etc).
            : Attributes only applicable in search results from
                PlexServer :func:``. They provide details of which
                library section the tag was found as well as the url to dig deeper into the results.

                * key (str): API URL to dig deeper into this tag (ex: /library/sections/1/all?actor=9081).
                * librarySectionID (int): Section ID this tag was generated from.
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return streams

    def videoStreams(self):
        """ Returns a list of :class:`` objects in this MediaPart. """
        return [stream for stream in self.streams if stream.streamType == VideoStream.STREAMTYPE]

    def audioStreams(self):
        """ Returns a list of :class:`` objects in this MediaPart. """
        return [stream for stream in self.streams if stream.streamType == AudioStream.STREAMTYPE]

    def subtitleStreams(self):
        """ Returns a list of :class:`` objects in this MediaPart. """
        return [stream for stream in self.streams if stream.streamType == SubtitleStream.STREAMTYPE]

class MediaPartStream(PlexObject):
    """ Base class for media streams. These consist of video, audio and subtitles.

            server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): PlexServer object this is from.
            initpath (str): Relative path requested when retrieving specified data.
            part (:class:``): Media part this stream belongs to.
            codec (str): Codec of this stream (ex: srt, ac3, mpeg4).
            codecID (str): Codec ID (ex: XVID).
            id (int): Unique stream ID on this server.
            index (int): Unknown
            language (str): Stream language (ex: English, ไทย).
            languageCode (str): Ascii code for language (ex: eng, tha).
            selected (bool): True if this stream is selected.
            streamType (int): Stream type (1=:class:``,
                2=:class:``, 3=:class:``).
            type (int): Alias for streamType.
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self.authToken = data.attrib.get('authToken')
        self.username = data.attrib.get('username')
        self.mappingState = data.attrib.get('mappingState')
        self.mappingError = data.attrib.get('mappingError')
        self.mappingErrorMessage = data.attrib.get('mappingErrorMessage')
        self.signInState = data.attrib.get('signInState')
        self.publicAddress = data.attrib.get('publicAddress')
        self.publicPort = data.attrib.get('publicPort')
        self.privateAddress = data.attrib.get('privateAddress')
        self.privatePort = data.attrib.get('privatePort')
        self.subscriptionFeatures = utils.toList(data.attrib.get('subscriptionFeatures'))
        self.subscriptionActive = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('subscriptionActive'))
        self.subscriptionState = data.attrib.get('subscriptionState')

class SystemAccount(PlexObject):
    """ Minimal api to list system accounts. """
    key = '/accounts'

    def _loadData(self, data):
        self._data = data
        self.accountID = cast(int, data.attrib.get('id'))
        self.accountKey = data.attrib.get('key') = data.attrib.get('name')
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type (str): Filter type (genre, contentRating, etc).
    TAG = 'Directory'

    def _loadData(self, data):
        """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """
        self._data = data
        self.fastKey = data.attrib.get('fastKey')
        self.key = data.attrib.get('key')
        self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb')
        self.title = data.attrib.get('title')
        self.type = data.attrib.get('type')

class Hub(PlexObject):
    """ Represents a single Hub (or category) in the PlexServer search.

            TAG (str): 'Hub'
            hubIdentifier (str): Unknown.
            size (int): Number of items found.
            title (str): Title of this Hub.
            type (str): Type of items in the Hub.
            items (str): List of items in the Hub.
    TAG = 'Hub'

    def _loadData(self, data):
        """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """
        self._data = data
        self.hubIdentifier = data.attrib.get('hubIdentifier')
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict

from plexapi import log, utils
from plexapi.base import PlexObject
from plexapi.compat import quote, string_type
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound

class Settings(PlexObject):
    """ Container class for all settings. Allows getting and setting PlexServer settings.

            key (str): '/:/prefs'
    key = '/:/prefs'

    def __init__(self, server, data, initpath=None):
        self._settings = {}
        super(Settings, self).__init__(server, data, initpath)

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr.startswith('_'):
            return self.__dict__[attr]
        return self.get(attr).value