How to use the perception.CameraIntrinsics function in Perception

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Perception examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def camera_intrinsics(self, T_camera_world, f, cx, cy):
        """Generate shifted camera intrinsics to simulate cropping.
        # form intrinsics
        camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics(self.frame, fx=f, fy=f,
                                       cx=cx, cy=cy, skew=0.0,
                                       height=self.im_height, width=self.im_width)

        return camera_intr
github BerkeleyAutomation / meshrender / meshrender / View on Github external
"""Reset the view to a good initial state.

        The view is initially along the positive x-axis a sufficient distance from the scene.

        # Compute scene bounds and scale
        bounds = self._compute_scene_bounds()
        centroid = np.mean(bounds, axis=0)
        extents = np.diff(bounds, axis=0).reshape(-1)
        scale = (extents ** 2).sum() ** .5
        width, height = self._size

        # Set up reasonable camera intrinsics
        fov = np.pi / 6.0
        fl = height / (2.0 * np.tan(fov / 2))
        ci = CameraIntrinsics(
            frame = 'camera',
            fx = fl,
            fy = fl,
            cx = width/2.0,
            cy = height/2.0,

        # Move centroid if needed
        if self._target_object and self._target_object in self.scene.objects:
            obj = self.scene.objects[self._target_object]
            if isinstance(obj, InstancedSceneObject):
                centroid = np.mean(obj.raw_pose_data[3::4,:3], axis=0)
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y_scale = float(new_height) / self.intrinsics.height

        # Compute new intrinsics parameters
        center_x = float(self.intrinsics.width-1)/2
        center_y = float(self.intrinsics.height-1)/2
        orig_cx_diff = - center_x
        orig_cy_diff = - center_y
        scaled_center_x = float(new_width-1) / 2
        scaled_center_y = float(new_height-1) / 2
        cx = scaled_center_x + x_scale * orig_cx_diff
        cy = scaled_center_y + y_scale * orig_cy_diff
        fx = self.intrinsics.fx * x_scale
        fy = self.intrinsics.fy * x_scale

        # Create new intrinsics
        scaled_intrinsics = CameraIntrinsics(frame=self.intrinsics.frame,
                                             fx=fx, fy=fy, skew=self.intrinsics.skew,
                                             cx=cx, cy=cy, height=new_height, width=new_width)
        self.intrinsics = scaled_intrinsics
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self._cur_depth_im = None
        self._cur_normal_map = None

        # Set up camera intrinsics for the sensor
        width, height = 2064, 1544
        focal_x, focal_y = 2244., 2244.
        center_x, center_y = 1023., 768.
        if size == 'small':
            width = 1032
            height = 772
            focal_x = focal_x / 2
            focal_y = focal_y / 2
            center_x = center_x / 2
            center_y = center_y / 2

        self._camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics(self._frame, focal_x, focal_y,
                                             center_x, center_y,
                                             height=height, width=width)
github BerkeleyAutomation / perception / perception / View on Github external
def _get_camera_intr(self):
        """Gets camera intrinsics.
        CameraIntrinsics object with intrinsics for current camera
        if self.intrinsics_stream is None:
            return None 
        info = rospy.wait_for_message(self.intrinsics_stream, CameraInfo, timeout=10)
        if self.image_type == "raw":
            mat = np.asarray(info.K).reshape((3,3))
        elif self.image_type == "rectified":
            mat = np.asarray(info.P).reshape((3,4))
        return CameraIntrinsics(info.header.frame_id,
                                height=info.height, width=info.width)
github BerkeleyAutomation / perception / tools / View on Github external
import IPython

from autolab_core import RigidTransform
from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d
from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d

from perception import DepthImage, CameraIntrinsics


if __name__ == '__main__':
    depth_im_filename = sys.argv[1]
    camera_intr_filename = sys.argv[2]

    camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics.load(camera_intr_filename)
    depth_im =, frame=camera_intr.frame)

    depth_im = depth_im.inpaint()
    point_cloud_im = camera_intr.deproject_to_image(depth_im)
    normal_cloud_im = point_cloud_im.normal_cloud_im(ksize=KSIZE)

    vis3d.points(point_cloud_im.to_point_cloud(), scale=0.0025)

    alpha = 0.025
    subsample = 20
    for i in range(0, point_cloud_im.height, subsample):
        for j in range(0, point_cloud_im.width, subsample):
            p = point_cloud_im[i,j]
            n = normal_cloud_im[i,j]
github BerkeleyAutomation / perception / perception / View on Github external
def _set_camera_properties(self, msg):
        """ Set the camera intrinsics from an info msg. """
        focal_x = msg.K[0]
        focal_y = msg.K[4]
        center_x = msg.K[2]
        center_y = msg.K[5]
        im_height = msg.height
        im_width = msg.width
        self._camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics(self._frame, focal_x, focal_y,
                                             center_x, center_y,
github BerkeleyAutomation / meshrender / meshrender / View on Github external
        intrinsics : percetion.CameraIntrinsics
            The intrinsic properties of the camera, from the Berkeley AUTOLab's perception module.
        T_camera_world : autolab_core.RigidTransform
            A transform from camera to world coordinates that indicates
            the camera's pose. The camera frame's x axis points right,
            its y axis points down, and its z axis points towards
            the scene (i.e. standard OpenCV coordinates).
        z_near : float
            The near-plane clipping distance.
        z_far : float
            The far-plane clipping distance.
        if not isinstance(intrinsics, CameraIntrinsics):
            raise ValueError('intrinsics must be an object of type CameraIntrinsics')

        self._intrinsics = intrinsics
        self.T_camera_world = T_camera_world
        self._z_near = z_near
        self._z_far = z_far