Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
gaff_xml_filename = openmoltools.utils.get_data_filename("parameters/gaff.xml")
forcefield = app.ForceField('amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml', gaff_xml_filename)
#Setup proteim
modeller = app.Modeller(pdbfile.topology, pdbfile.positions)
modeller.addHydrogens(forcefield, pH=7.0)
###Solvate and Ionize...?
#Generate OpenMM system with FF parameters
topology = modeller.getTopology()
system = forcefield.createSystem( modeller.getTopology() )
#Load System to ParmEd Structure
structure = pmd.openmm.load_topology(topology, system)
return structure
references_file=None, assert_bond_params=True,
combining_rule='geometric', verbose=False,
*args, **kwargs):
topology, positions = _topology_from_parmed(structure, self.non_element_types)
system = self.createSystem(topology, *args, **kwargs)
_separate_urey_bradleys(system, topology)
data = self._SystemData
structure = pmd.openmm.load_topology(topology=topology, system=system)
structure.bonds.sort(key=lambda x: x.atom1.idx)
structure.positions = positions
box_vectors = topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors()
if box_vectors is not None:
structure.box_vectors = box_vectors
_check_bonds(data, structure, assert_bond_params)
_check_angles(data, structure, verbose, assert_angle_params)
_check_dihedrals(data, structure, verbose,
assert_dihedral_params, assert_improper_params)
if references_file:
atom_types = set(atom.type for atom in structure.atoms)
self._write_references_to_file(atom_types, references_file)
# TODO: Check against the name of the force field and/or store
- Amber ASCII restart (.rst7/.inpcrd/.restrt, rst7)
- Amber NetCDF restart (.ncrst, ncrst)
system = context.getSystem()
state = context.getState(
# Generate the ParmEd Structure
structure = parmed.openmm.load_topology(topology, system, xyz=state.getPositions()), overwrite=True)'\tSaving Frame to: %s' % outfname)
top_proposal : TopologyProposal object
Object containing the relevant results of a topology proposal
new_positions : [n, 3] ndarray
The new positions of the system
logp_proposal : float
The log probability of the forward-only proposal
beta = top_proposal.beta
logp_proposal = 0.0
structure = parmed.openmm.load_topology(top_proposal.new_topology, top_proposal.new_system)
new_atoms = [structure.atoms[idx] for idx in top_proposal.unique_new_atoms]
atoms_with_positions = [structure.atoms[atom_idx] for atom_idx in range(top_proposal.n_atoms_new) if atom_idx not in top_proposal.unique_new_atoms]
new_positions = units.Quantity(np.zeros([top_proposal.n_atoms_new, 3]), unit=units.nanometers)
#copy positions
for atom in atoms_with_positions:
old_index = top_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map[atom.idx]
new_positions[atom.idx] = top_proposal.old_positions[old_index]
#maintain a running list of the atoms still needing positions
atoms_for_proposal = self._atoms_eligible_for_proposal(new_atoms, structure, atoms_with_positions)
for atom in atoms_for_proposal:
torsion, logp_choice = self._choose_torsion(atoms_with_positions, atom)
if torsion.atom1 == atom:
bond_atom = torsion.atom2
topology : OpenMM Topology
Topology of the system to be saved, perhaps as loaded from a PDB file or similar.
system : OpenMM System
Parameterized System to be saved, containing components represented by Topology
positions : unit.Quantity position array
Position array containing positions of atoms in topology/system
prmtop : filename
AMBER parameter file name to write
crd : filename
AMBER coordinate file name (ASCII crd format) to write
structure = parmed.openmm.topsystem.load_topology( topology, system, positions ) prmtop, overwrite = True, format="amber" ) crd, format='rst7', overwrite = True)
top_proposal : TopologyProposal object
Object containing the relevant results of a topology proposal
new_coordinates : [n, 3] np.ndarray
The coordinates of the system after the proposal
old_coordiantes : [n, 3] np.ndarray
The coordinates of the system before the proposal
logp : float
The log probability of the proposal for the given transformation
beta = top_proposal.beta
logp = 0.0
top_proposal = topology_proposal.SmallMoleculeTopologyProposal()
structure = parmed.openmm.load_topology(top_proposal.old_topology, top_proposal.old_system)
atoms_with_positions = [structure.atoms[atom_idx] for atom_idx in range(top_proposal.n_atoms_old) if atom_idx not in top_proposal.unique_old_atoms]
new_atoms = [structure.atoms[idx] for idx in top_proposal.unique_old_atoms]
#we'll need to copy the current positions of the core to the old system
#In the case of C-A --> C/-A -> C/-B ---> C-B these are the same
reverse_proposal_coordinates = units.Quantity(np.zeros([top_proposal.n_atoms_new, 3]), unit=units.nanometers)
for atom in atoms_with_positions:
new_index = top_proposal.old_to_new_atom_map[atom.idx]
reverse_proposal_coordinates[atom.idx] = new_coordinates[new_index]
#maintain a running list of the atoms still needing logp
atoms_for_proposal = self._atoms_eligible_for_proposal(new_atoms, structure, atoms_with_positions)
for atom in atoms_for_proposal:
torsion, logp_choice = self._choose_torsion(atoms_with_positions, atom)
if torsion.atom1 == atom:
bond_atom = torsion.atom2
if outfname:
fh = logging.FileHandler(outfname + '.log')
return logger
class NetCDF4Storage(parmed.openmm.reporters.NetCDFReporter):
Class to read or write NetCDF trajectory files
Inherited from `parmed.openmm.reporters.NetCDFReporter`
file : str
Name of the file to write the trajectory to
reportInterval : int
How frequently to write a frame to the trajectory
frame_indices : list, frame numbers for writing the trajectory
If this reporter is used for the NCMC simulation,
0.5 will report at the moveStep and -1 will record at the last frame.
crds : bool=True
Should we write coordinates to this trajectory? (Default True)
vels : bool=False
topology : OpenMM Topology
Topology of the system to be saved, perhaps as loaded from a PDB file or similar.
system : OpenMM System
Parameterized System to be saved, containing components represented by Topology
positions : unit.Quantity position array
Position array containing positions of atoms in topology/system
top : filename
GROMACS topology file name to write
gro : filename
GROMACS coordinate file name (.gro format) to write
structure = parmed.openmm.topsystem.load_topology( topology, system, positions ) top, overwrite = True, format="gromacs") gro, overwrite = True, format="gro")