How to use the metpy.testing.assert_almost_equal function in MetPy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few MetPy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
def test_storm_relative_helicity_with_interpolation():
    """Test storm relative helicity with interpolation."""
    u = np.array([-5, 15, 25, 15, -5]) * units('m/s')
    v = np.array([40, 20, 10, 10, 30]) * units('m/s')
    u ='knots')
    heights = np.array([0, 100, 200, 300, 400]) * units.m

    pos_srh, neg_srh, total_srh = storm_relative_helicity(u, v, heights,
                                                          bottom=50 * units.meters,
                                                          depth=300 * units.meters,
                                                          storm_u=5 * units('m/s'),
                                                          storm_v=10 * units('m/s'))

    assert_almost_equal(pos_srh, 400. * units('meter ** 2 / second ** 2 '), 6)
    assert_almost_equal(neg_srh, -100. * units('meter ** 2 / second ** 2 '), 6)
    assert_almost_equal(total_srh, 300. * units('meter ** 2 / second ** 2 '), 6)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
dx_truth = np.array([[212943.5585, 212943.5585, 212943.5585],
                         [204946.2305, 204946.2305, 204946.2305],
                         [196558.8269, 196558.8269, 196558.8269],
                         [187797.3216, 187797.3216, 187797.3216]]) * units.meter
    dy_truth = np.array([[277987.1857, 277987.1857, 277987.1857, 277987.1857],
                         [277987.1857, 277987.1857, 277987.1857, 277987.1857],
                         [277987.1857, 277987.1857, 277987.1857, 277987.1857]]) * units.meter
    if flip_order:
        lon = lon[::-1]
        lat = lat[::-1]
        dx_truth = -1 * dx_truth[::-1]
        dy_truth = -1 * dy_truth[::-1]

    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
    dx, dy = lat_lon_grid_deltas(lon, lat)
    assert_almost_equal(dx, dx_truth, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(dy, dy_truth, 4)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
pressure[1] = 900 * units.hPa
    pressure[0] = 800 * units.hPa

    pvor = potential_vorticity_baroclinic(potential_temperature, pressure,
                                          u, v, dx[None, :, :], dy[None, :, :],
                                          lats[None, :, :])

    abs_vorticity = absolute_vorticity(u, v, dx[None, :, :], dy[None, :, :],
                                       lats[None, :, :])

    vort_difference = pvor - (abs_vorticity * g * (-1 * (units.kelvin / units.hPa)))

    true_vort = np.zeros_like(u) * (units.kelvin * units.meter**2
                                    / (units.second * units.kilogram))

    assert_almost_equal(vort_difference, true_vort, 10)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
def test_bulk_shear_no_depth():
    """Test bulk shear with observed sounding and no depth given. Issue #568."""
    data = get_upper_air_data(datetime(2016, 5, 22, 0), 'DDC')
    u, v = bulk_shear(data['pressure'], data['u_wind'],
                      data['v_wind'], heights=data['height'])
    truth = [20.225018939, 22.602359692] * units('knots')
    assert_almost_equal('knots'), truth[0], 8)
    assert_almost_equal('knots'), truth[1], 8)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
def test_mixing_ratio_from_specific_humidity_no_units():
    """Test mixing ratio from specific humidity works without units."""
    q = 0.012
    w = mixing_ratio_from_specific_humidity(q)
    assert_almost_equal(w, 0.01215, 3)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
def test_cape_cin():
    """Test the basic CAPE and CIN calculation."""
    p = np.array([959., 779.2, 751.3, 724.3, 700., 269.]) * units.mbar
    temperature = np.array([22.2, 14.6, 12., 9.4, 7., -38.]) * units.celsius
    dewpoint = np.array([19., -11.2, -10.8, -10.4, -10., -53.2]) * units.celsius
    parcel_prof = parcel_profile(p, temperature[0], dewpoint[0])
    cape, cin = cape_cin(p, temperature, dewpoint, parcel_prof)
    assert_almost_equal(cape, 75.7340825 * units('joule / kilogram'), 2)
    assert_almost_equal(cin, -89.8179205 * units('joule / kilogram'), 2)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
def test_relative_humidity_from_dewpoint_with_f():
    """Test Relative Humidity accepts temperature in Fahrenheit."""
    assert_almost_equal(relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(70. * units.degF, 55. * units.degF),
                        58.935 * units.percent, 3)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
def test_wet_bulb_temperature():
    """Test wet bulb calculation with scalars."""
    val = wet_bulb_temperature(1000 * units.hPa, 25 * units.degC, 15 * units.degC)
    truth = 18.34345936 * units.degC  # 18.59 from NWS calculator
    assert_almost_equal(val, truth, 5)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
rh[:, 0, :] = 100.
    rh[:, 1, :] = 80.
    rh[:, 2, :] = 40.
    rh[:, 3, :] = 20.
    relh = rh * units.percent
    isentlev = [296., 297., 300.] * units.kelvin
    isentprs = isentropic_interpolation(isentlev, lev, tmpk, relh, axis=1)
    trueprs = 1000. * units.hPa
    trueprs2 = 936.18057 * units.hPa
    trueprs3 = 879.446 * units.hPa
    truerh = 69.171 * units.percent
    assert isentprs[0].shape == (3, 3, 5, 5)
    assert_almost_equal(isentprs[0][:, 0, :], trueprs, 3)
    assert_almost_equal(isentprs[0][:, 1, :], trueprs2, 3)
    assert_almost_equal(isentprs[0][:, 2, :], trueprs3, 3)
    assert_almost_equal(isentprs[1][:, 1, ], truerh, 3)
github Unidata / MetPy / tests / calc / View on Github external
def test_mixed_parcel():
    """Test the mixed parcel calculation."""
    pressure = np.array([959., 779.2, 751.3, 724.3, 700., 269.]) * units.hPa
    temperature = np.array([22.2, 14.6, 12., 9.4, 7., -38.]) * units.degC
    dewpoint = np.array([19., -11.2, -10.8, -10.4, -10., -53.2]) * units.degC
    parcel_pressure, parcel_temperature, parcel_dewpoint = mixed_parcel(pressure, temperature,
                                                                        depth=250 * units.hPa)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_pressure, 959. * units.hPa, 6)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_temperature, 28.7363771 * units.degC, 6)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_dewpoint, 7.1534658 * units.degC, 6)