How to use the mechanicalsoup.form.InvalidFormMethod function in MechanicalSoup

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def set_select(self, data):
        """Set the *selected*-attribute of the first option element
        specified by ``data`` (i.e. select an option from a dropdown).

        :param data: Dict of ``{name: value, ...}``.
            Find the select element whose *name*-attribute is ``name``.
            Then select from among its children the option element whose
            *value*-attribute is ``value``. If no matching *value*-attribute
            is found, this will search for an option whose text matches
            ``value``. If the select element's *multiple*-attribute is set,
            then ``value`` can be a list or tuple to select multiple options.
        for (name, value) in data.items():
            select = self.form.find("select", {"name": name})
            if not select:
                raise InvalidFormMethod("No select named " + name)

            # Deselect all options first
            for option in select.find_all("option"):
                if "selected" in option.attrs:
                    del option.attrs["selected"]

            # Wrap individual values in a 1-element tuple.
            # If value is a list/tuple, select must be a <select multiple="">.
            if not isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, tuple):
                value = (value,)
            elif "multiple" not in select.attrs:
                raise LinkNotFoundError("Cannot select multiple options!")

            for choice in value:
                option = select.find("option", {"value": choice})
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form.set("eula-checkbox", True)

        Example: uploading a file through a ``<input name="tagname" type="file">`` field (provide the path to the local file,
        and its content will be uploaded):

        .. code-block:: python

            form.set("tagname") = path_to_local_file

        for func in ("checkbox", "radio", "input", "textarea", "select"):
                getattr(self, "set_" + func)({name: value})
            except InvalidFormMethod:
        if force:
            self.new_control('text', name, value=value)
        raise LinkNotFoundError("No valid element named " + name)
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def set_textarea(self, data):
        """Set the *string*-attribute of the first textarea element
        specified by ``data`` (i.e. set the text of a textarea).

        :param data: Dict of ``{name: value, ...}``.
            The textarea whose *name*-attribute is ``name`` will have
            its *string*-attribute set to ``value``.
        for (name, value) in data.items():
            t = self.form.find("textarea", {"name": name})
            if not t:
                raise InvalidFormMethod("No textarea named " + name)
            t.string = value
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:param data: Dict of ``{name: value, ...}``.
            In the family of checkboxes whose *name*-attribute is ``name``,
            check the box whose *value*-attribute is ``value``. All boxes in
            the family can be checked (unchecked) if ``value`` is True (False).
            To check multiple specific boxes, let ``value`` be a tuple or list.
        :param uncheck_other_boxes: If True (default), before checking any
            boxes specified by ``data``, uncheck the entire checkbox family.
            Consider setting to False if some boxes are checked by default when
            the HTML is served.
        for (name, value) in data.items():
            # Case-insensitive search for type=checkbox
            checkboxes = self.find_by_type("input", "checkbox", {'name': name})
            if not checkboxes:
                raise InvalidFormMethod("No input checkbox named " + name)

            # uncheck if requested
            if uncheck_other_boxes:

            # Wrap individual values (e.g. int, str) in a 1-element tuple.
            if not isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, tuple):
                value = (value,)

            # Check or uncheck one or more boxes
            for choice in value:
                choice_str = str(choice)  # Allow for example literal numbers
                for checkbox in checkboxes:
                    if checkbox.attrs.get("value", "on") == choice_str:
                        checkbox["checked"] = ""
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def set_radio(self, data):
        """Set the *checked*-attribute of input elements of type "radio"
        specified by ``data`` (i.e. select radio buttons).

        :param data: Dict of ``{name: value, ...}``.
            In the family of radio buttons whose *name*-attribute is ``name``,
            check the radio button whose *value*-attribute is ``value``.
            Only one radio button in the family can be checked.
        for (name, value) in data.items():
            # Case-insensitive search for type=radio
            radios = self.find_by_type("input", "radio", {'name': name})
            if not radios:
                raise InvalidFormMethod("No input radio named " + name)

            # only one radio button can be checked

            # Check the appropriate radio button (value cannot be a list/tuple)
            for radio in radios:
                if radio.attrs.get("value", "on") == str(value):
                    radio["checked"] = ""
                raise LinkNotFoundError(
                    "No input radio named %s with choice %s" % (name, value)
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Example: filling-in a login/password form

        .. code-block:: python

           form.set_input({"login": username, "password": password})

        This will find the input element named "login" and give it the
        value ``username``, and the input element named "password" and
        give it the value ``password``.

        for (name, value) in data.items():
            i = self.form.find("input", {"name": name})
            if not i:
                raise InvalidFormMethod("No input field named " + name)
            i["value"] = value