How to use the lucidity.error.ParseError function in Lucidity

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Lucidity examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github 4degrees / lucidity / test / unit / View on Github external
def test_anchor(path, anchor, expected):
    '''Parse path with specific anchor setting.'''
    pattern = '/static/{variable}'
    template = Template('test', pattern, anchor=anchor)

    if not expected:
        with pytest.raises(ParseError):
        data = template.parse(path)
        assert data == {'variable': 'value'}
github 4degrees / lucidity / test / unit / View on Github external
def test_non_matching_parse(pattern, path):
    '''Extract data from non-matching path.'''
    template = Template('test', pattern)
    with pytest.raises(ParseError):
        data = template.parse(path)