How to use the landau.Scintillator function in Landau

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Landau examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github HiSPARC / sapphire / reconstruction_efficiency / View on Github external
from __future__ import division

import tables
from scipy import optimize

from landau import Scintillator

except NameError:
    data = tables.openFile('kascade.h5', 'r')

events =
dens = events['k_cosdens_charged'][:,1]
ph0 = events[:]['pulseheights'][:,1]
s = Scintillator()

# Fit of convoluted Landau
n, bins, patches = hist(ph0, bins=linspace(0, 2000, 101), histtype='step',
nx = bins[:-1] + .5 * (bins[1] - bins[0])
x = linspace(-2000, 2000, 200)
y = interp(x, nx, n)
p = optimize.fmin(s.residuals, (10 ** 4, 3.38 / 380., 1), (x, y, 350, 500))
plot(x, s.conv_landau(x, *p), label='Charged particles')

# Fit of gamma spectrum
f = lambda x, N, a: N * x ** -a
x2 = x.compress((0 <= x) & (x < 100))
y2 = y.compress((0 <= x) & (x < 100))
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(f, x2, y2, sigma=y2)
github HiSPARC / sapphire / reconstruction_efficiency / View on Github external
def plot_charged_particles_poisson(use_known=False):
    events = data.getNode(GROUP, 'events')
    s = Scintillator()

    if use_known:
        s.mev_scale = 0.0086306040898338834
        s.gauss_scale = 0.84289265239940525
        s.mev_scale *= 0.9
        ph = events[:]['pulseheights'][:,1]
        analyze_charged_particle_spectrum(s, ph, constrained=False)

    bins = linspace(0, 5, 41)
    x = bins[:-1] + .5 * (bins[1] - bins[0])
    y, yerr = [], []

    events =
    dens = events['k_cosdens_charged'][:,1]     # center detector
    for num, (u, v) in enumerate(zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:])):


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