How to use the function in Kivy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Kivy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mobile-insight / mobileinsight-mobile / app / screens / View on Github external
from kivy.lang import Builder
from main import get_plugins_list, create_folder
import main_utils
from main_utils import current_activity
from . import MobileInsightScreenBase
import traceback


LOGO_STRING = "MobileInsight " + main_utils.get_cur_version() + \
    "\nCopyright (c) 2015-2017 MobileInsight Team"

class HomeScreen(MobileInsightScreenBase):
    error_log = StringProperty(LOGO_STRING)
    default_app_name = StringProperty("")
    collecting = BooleanProperty(False)
    service = None
    analyzer = None
    terminal_thread = None
    terminal_stop = None
    MAX_LINE = 30
    logs = deque([], MAX_LINE)
    plugins = []
    selectedPlugin = ""
    app_list = get_plugins_list()
    myLayout = GridLayout(cols=2, spacing=5,
        orientation="vertical", size_hint_y=None,
        height=(len(app_list) / 2 + len(app_list) % 2) * Window.height / 4)
    popupScroll = ScrollView(size_hint_y=None, size=(Window.width, Window.height*.9))
    popup = Popup(content=popupScroll, title="Choose a plugin")
github kivy / kivy-designer / designer / uix / View on Github external
attach_to = ObjectProperty(allownone=True)
    '''(internal) Property that will be set to the widget on which the
       drop down list is attached to.

       The method :meth:`open` will automatically set that property, while
       :meth:`dismiss` will set back to None.

    auto_width = BooleanProperty(True)
    '''By default, the width of the ContextMenu will be the same
       as the width of the attached widget. Set to False if you want
       to provide your own width.

    dismiss_on_select = BooleanProperty(True)
    '''By default, the ContextMenu will be automatically dismissed
    when a selection have been done. Set to False to prevent the dismiss.

    :data:`dismiss_on_select` is a :class:``,
    default to True.

    max_height = NumericProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Indicate the maximum height that the dropdown can take. If None, it will
    take the maximum height available, until the top or bottom of the screen
    will be reached.

    :data:`max_height` is a :class:``, default
    to None.
github pyKy / kivy-doc-ja / kivy / uix / View on Github external
'''Defines the duration of the Carousel animation between pages.

    :attr:`anim_move_duration` is a :class:``
    and defaults to 0.5.

    anim_cancel_duration = NumericProperty(0.3)
    '''Defines the duration of the animation when a swipe movement is not
    accepted. This is generally when the user does not make a large enough
    swipe. See :attr:`min_move`.

    :attr:`anim_cancel_duration` is a :class:``
    and defaults to 0.3.

    loop = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Allow the Carousel to loop infinitely. If True, when the user tries to
    swipe beyond last page, it will return to the first. If False, it will
    remain on the last page.

    :attr:`loop` is a :class:`` and
    defaults to False.

    def _get_index(self):
        if self.slides:
            return self._index % len(self.slides)
        return None

    def _set_index(self, value):
        if self.slides:
            self._index = value % len(self.slides)
github luckylz2git / XiaoYiCamera / Ponerine / View on Github external
#if == "nt":
    #Window.size = (600,900)
  #  Window.size = (700,900)
  Width = list(Window.size)[0]
  JsonData = DictProperty()
  debug = True
  version = StringProperty(__version__)
  JsonSTR = StringProperty()
  camconfig = DictProperty()
  token = NumericProperty(0)
  Jsoncounter = NumericProperty(0)
  Jsonflip = NumericProperty(0)
  connected = BooleanProperty()
  started = BooleanProperty()
  readcfg = BooleanProperty()
  #btnConnect = "Connect to XiaoYi"
  #srv = ObjectProperty()
  lock = False

  def Debug(self):
    if self.debug:
    if len(self.ids.txtDebug.text)>0:
      self.ids.txtDebug.text = ""
  def ShowDebug(self, str):
    if self.debug:
      if str != "":
        self.ids.txtDebug.text += "\n%s" %str
github AndreMiras / KivyMD / kivymd / View on Github external
ripple_rad = NumericProperty()
    ripple_rad_default = NumericProperty(1)
    ripple_post = ListProperty()
    ripple_color = ListProperty()
    ripple_alpha = NumericProperty(.5)
    ripple_scale = NumericProperty(None)
    ripple_duration_in_fast = NumericProperty(.3)
    # FIXME: These speeds should be calculated based on widget size in dp
    ripple_duration_in_slow = NumericProperty(2)
    ripple_duration_out = NumericProperty(.3)
    ripple_func_in = StringProperty('out_quad')
    ripple_func_out = StringProperty('out_quad')

    doing_ripple = BooleanProperty(False)
    finishing_ripple = BooleanProperty(False)
    fading_out = BooleanProperty(False)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if touch.is_mouse_scrolling:
            return False
        if not self.collide_point(touch.x, touch.y):
            return False

        if not self.disabled:
            if self.doing_ripple:
                Animation.cancel_all(self, 'ripple_rad', 'ripple_color',
            self.ripple_rad = self.ripple_rad_default
            self.ripple_pos = (touch.x, touch.y)

            if self.ripple_color != []:
github RedXBeard / pomodoro / View on Github external
sprint_count = NumericProperty(0)

    time_display = StringProperty()
    time_minute = StringProperty()
    time_second = StringProperty()
    state = StringProperty()
    start = StringProperty()
    stop = StringProperty()

    logs = ListProperty([])

    server_url = StringProperty()
    server_user = StringProperty("barbaros")

    server_send = BooleanProperty(False)
    count_start = BooleanProperty(False)
    connect_server = BooleanProperty(False)

    buttons = ListProperty()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Pomodoro, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.buttons = get_buttons(self, [])
        self.animation = None
        self.clock = SoundLoader.load('assets/clock.wav')
        self.alarm = SoundLoader.load('assets/alarm.wav')
            last_session = DB.store_get('last_session')
        except KeyError:
github inclement / LazyBaduk / nogo2 / gui / View on Github external
radius = NumericProperty(0)

class ColouredToggleButton(ToggleButtonBehavior, Label):
    background_normal = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    background_down = ListProperty([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1])
    padding = NumericProperty(0)
    radius = NumericProperty(0)

class ColouredButtonContainer(ButtonBehavior, AnchorLayout):
    background_normal = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    background_down = ListProperty([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1])
    coloured_button_padding = NumericProperty(0)
    radius = NumericProperty(0)

class ButtonCheckbox(ButtonBehavior, Label):
    active = BooleanProperty(True)
    box_size = NumericProperty()
    draw_colour = ListProperty((0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1))
    text_colour = ListProperty((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1))
    handle_touch = BooleanProperty(True)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if not self.handle_touch:
            return False
        return super(ButtonCheckbox, self).on_touch_down(touch)
github luckylz2git / Ponerine / View on Github external
#print "Clock.max_iteration", Clock.max_iteration
Clock.max_iteration = 100

class MConnectScreen(Screen):

class AdvancedPopup(Popup):
  scenename = StringProperty()
  scenecount = NumericProperty()
  autorename = BooleanProperty()
  moveduplicated = BooleanProperty()
  buzzeronstart = BooleanProperty()
  buzzeronstop = BooleanProperty()
  buzzermute = BooleanProperty()
  loadallsettings = BooleanProperty()
  photomode = BooleanProperty()
  apply = BooleanProperty()

class ConfigPopup(Popup):
  cfg = ObjectProperty()
  apply = BooleanProperty()

class CameraSettingPopup(Popup):
  asid = StringProperty()
  format = BooleanProperty()
  restore = BooleanProperty()
  syncall = BooleanProperty()
  apply = BooleanProperty()

class ManualExposurePopup(Popup):
  shutter = StringProperty()
github kivy / kivy-designer / designer / core / View on Github external
defaults to ''

    kv_path = StringProperty('')
    '''RootWidget associated kv file path.
       :data:`kv_path` is a :class:`` and
       default to ''

    py_path = StringProperty('')
    '''RootWidget associated py file path.
       :data:`py_path` is a :class:`` and
       default to ''

    is_root = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates if this widget is a root/default kivy widget or not
        :data:`is_root` is a :class:`` and
        defaults to False

    instance = ObjectProperty(None)
    '''If the widget is root, it has a instance returned by Builder.load_string
    If not is root, instance is None
    data:`instance` is a :class:`` and
        defaults to None

    is_dynamic = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates if this widget is a dynamic widget or not
        :data:`is_dynamic` is a :class:`` and
        defaults to False