How to use the kaggler.const.RANDOM_SEED function in Kaggler

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github jeongyoonlee / Kaggler / kaggler / model / View on Github external
if len(random_cols) == 0:
            imp = imp[imp['feature_importances'] != 0]
            th = imp.loc[imp.feature_names.isin(random_cols), 'feature_importances'].mean()
            logger.debug('feature importance (th={:.2f}):\n{}'.format(th, imp))
            imp = imp[(imp.feature_importances > th) & ~(imp.feature_names.isin(random_cols))]

        return imp['feature_names'].tolist()

    def optimize_hyperparam(self, X, y, test_size=.2, n_eval=100):
        raise NotImplementedError

class AutoXGB(BaseAutoML):

    params = {'random_state': RANDOM_SEED,
              'n_jobs': -1}

    space = {
        "learning_rate": hp.loguniform("learning_rate", np.log(0.01), np.log(0.3)),
        "max_depth": hp.choice("num_leaves", [6, 8, 10]),
        "colsample_bytree": hp.quniform("colsample_bytree", .5, .9, 0.1),
        "subsample": hp.quniform("subsample", .5, .9, 0.1),
        "min_child_weight": hp.choice('min_child_weight', [10, 25, 100]),

    def __init__(self, objective='reg:linear', metric='rmse', boosting='gbtree', params=params, space=space,
                 n_est=500, n_stop=10, sample_size=SAMPLE_SIZE, feature_selection=True, n_fs=10,
                 hyperparam_opt=True, n_hpopt=100, n_random_col=10, random_state=RANDOM_SEED, shuffle=True):

        self.metric, minimize = self._get_metric_alias_minimize(metric)
github jeongyoonlee / Kaggler / kaggler / model / View on Github external
def __init__(self, params, space, n_est=500, n_stop=10, sample_size=SAMPLE_SIZE, valid_size=VALID_SIZE,
                 shuffle=True, feature_selection=True, n_fs=10, hyperparam_opt=True, n_hpopt=100,
                 minimize=True, n_random_col=10, random_state=RANDOM_SEED):
        """Initialize an optimized regressor class object.

            params (dict): default parameters for a regressor
            space (dict): parameter space for hyperopt to explore
            n_est (int): the number of iterations for a regressor
            n_stop (int): early stopping rounds for a regressor
            sample_size (int): the number of samples for feature selection and parameter search
            valid_size (float): the fraction of samples for feature selection and/or hyperparameter tuning
            shuffle (bool): if true, it uses random sampling for sampling and training/validation split. Otherwise
                            last sample_size and valid_size will be used.
            feature_selection (bool): whether to select features
            n_fs (int): the number of iterations for feature selection
            hyperparam_opt (bool): whether to search optimal parameters
            n_hpopt (int): the number of iterations for hyper-parameter optimization
            minimize (bool): whether the lower the metric is the better