How to use the fileseq.exceptions.ParseException function in Fileseq

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if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'):

            self._frameSet = None

                # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr
                path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split(sequence, 1)
                self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path)
                self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames)
            except ValueError:
                # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad
                for placeholder in PAD_MAP:
                    if placeholder in sequence:
                        msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}"
                        raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence))
                # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence
                a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence)
                if a_frame:
                    self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups()
                    # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence
                    if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'):
                        self._base = self._base + frames
                        self._pad = ''
                    elif not frames:
                        self._pad = ''
                        self._frameSet = None
                        self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames)
                        if self._frameSet:
                            self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(len(frames))
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            frange (str): single part of a frame range as a string
                (ie "1-100x5")

            tuple: (start, end, modifier, chunk)

            :class:`.ParseException`: if the frame range can
                not be parsed
        match = FRANGE_RE.match(frange)
        if not match:
            msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": did not match {1}'
            raise ParseException(msg.format(frange, FRANGE_RE.pattern))
        start, end, modifier, chunk = match.groups()
        start = int(start)
        end = int(end) if end is not None else start

        if end > start and chunk is not None and int(chunk) < 0:
            msg = 'Could not parse "{0}: chunk can not be negative'
            raise ParseException(msg.format(frange))

        chunk = abs(int(chunk)) if chunk is not None else 1
        # a zero chunk is just plain illogical
        if chunk == 0:
            msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": chunk cannot be 0'
            raise ParseException(msg.format(frange))
        return start, end, modifier, chunk
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elif isinstance(frange, Sequence):
                items = set()
                order = unique(items, map(int, frange))
                self._order = tuple(order)
                self._items = frozenset(items)
                self._frange = FrameSet.framesToFrameRange(
                    self._order, sort=False, compress=False)
            # in all other cases, cast to a string
                    frange = utils.asString(frange)
                except Exception as err:
                    msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": cast to string raised: {1}'
                    raise ParseException(msg.format(frange, err))

        # we're willing to trim padding characters from consideration
        # this translation is orders of magnitude faster than prior method
        if future.utils.PY2:
            frange = bytes(frange).translate(None, ''.join(PAD_MAP.keys()))
            self._frange = utils.asString(frange)
            frange = str(frange)
            for key in PAD_MAP:
                frange = frange.replace(key, '')
            self._frange = utils.asString(frange)

        # because we're acting like a set, we need to support the empty set
        if not self._frange:
            self._items = frozenset()
            self._order = tuple()
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            :class:`.ParseException`: if the frame range can
                not be parsed
        match = FRANGE_RE.match(frange)
        if not match:
            msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": did not match {1}'
            raise ParseException(msg.format(frange, FRANGE_RE.pattern))
        start, end, modifier, chunk = match.groups()
        start = int(start)
        end = int(end) if end is not None else start

        if end > start and chunk is not None and int(chunk) < 0:
            msg = 'Could not parse "{0}: chunk can not be negative'
            raise ParseException(msg.format(frange))

        chunk = abs(int(chunk)) if chunk is not None else 1
        # a zero chunk is just plain illogical
        if chunk == 0:
            msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": chunk cannot be 0'
            raise ParseException(msg.format(frange))
        return start, end, modifier, chunk