How to use the eve.utils.config.DELETED function in Eve

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self._mongotize(lookup, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, filter_, projection, _ = self._datasource_ex(

        if (
            and (not req or not req.show_deleted)
            and (not self.query_contains_field(lookup, config.DELETED))
            filter_ = self.combine_queries(filter_, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})
        # Here, we feed pymongo with `None` if projection is empty.
        return (
            self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource].find_one(filter_, projection or None)
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document[config.LINKS] = self_dict
        elif "self" not in document[config.LINKS]:

        # add data relation links if hateoas enabled
        resolve_data_relation_links(document, resource)

    # add version numbers
    resolve_document_version(document, resource, "GET", latest_doc)

    # resolve media
    resolve_media_files(document, resource)

    # resolve soft delete
    if resource_def["soft_delete"] is True:
        if document.get(config.DELETED) is None:
            document[config.DELETED] = False
        elif document[config.DELETED] is True:
            # Soft deleted documents are sent without expansion of embedded
            # documents. Return before resolving them.

    # resolve embedded documents
    resolve_embedded_documents(document, resource, embedded_fields)
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retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        self._mongotize(lookup, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, filter_, projection, _ = self._datasource_ex(

        if (config.DOMAIN[resource]['soft_delete']) and \
                (not req or not req.show_deleted) and \
                (not self.query_contains_field(lookup, config.DELETED)):
            filter_ = self.combine_queries(
                filter_, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        document = self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource] \
                                         .find_one(filter_, projection)
        return document
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client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, filter_, projection, _ = self._datasource_ex(

        if (
            and (not req or not req.show_deleted)
            and (not self.query_contains_field(lookup, config.DELETED))
            filter_ = self.combine_queries(filter_, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})
        # Here, we feed pymongo with `None` if projection is empty.
        return (
            self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource].find_one(filter_, projection or None)
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        # add data relation links if hateoas enabled
        resolve_data_relation_links(document, resource)

    # add version numbers
    resolve_document_version(document, resource, "GET", latest_doc)

    # resolve media
    resolve_media_files(document, resource)

    # resolve soft delete
    if resource_def["soft_delete"] is True:
        if document.get(config.DELETED) is None:
            document[config.DELETED] = False
        elif document[config.DELETED] is True:
            # Soft deleted documents are sent without expansion of embedded
            # documents. Return before resolving them.

    # resolve embedded documents
    resolve_embedded_documents(document, resource, embedded_fields)
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# Apply coerced values
            document = validator.document

        if validation:
            # sneak in a shadow copy if it wasn't already there
            late_versioning_catch(original, resource)

            # update meta
            last_modified = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
            document[config.LAST_UPDATED] = last_modified
            document[config.DATE_CREATED] = original[config.DATE_CREATED]
            if resource_def["soft_delete"] is True:
                # PUT with soft delete enabled should always set the DELETED
                # field to False. We are either carrying through un-deleted
                # status, or restoring a soft deleted document
                document[config.DELETED] = False

            # id_field not in document means it is not being automatically
            # handled (it has been set to a field which exists in the
            # resource schema.
            if resource_def["id_field"] not in document:
                document[resource_def["id_field"]] = object_id

            resolve_user_restricted_access(document, resource)
            store_media_files(document, resource, original)
            resolve_document_version(document, resource, "PUT", original)

            # notify callbacks
            getattr(app, "on_replace")(resource, document, original)
            getattr(app, "on_replace_%s" % resource)(document, original)

            resolve_document_etag(document, resource)
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Pass current resource to ``parse_request``, allowing for proper
      processing of new configuration settings: `filters`, `sorting`, `paging`.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
       Added the ``requires_auth`` decorator.
    resource_def = config.DOMAIN[resource]
    soft_delete_enabled = resource_def["soft_delete"]
    original = get_document(
    if not original or (soft_delete_enabled and original.get(config.DELETED) is True):
        return all_done()

    # notify callbacks
    if not suppress_callbacks:
        getattr(app, "on_delete_item")(resource, original)
        getattr(app, "on_delete_item_%s" % resource)(original)

    if soft_delete_enabled:
        # Instead of removing the document from the db, just mark it as deleted
        marked_document = copy.deepcopy(original)

        # Set DELETED flag and update metadata
        last_modified = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
        marked_document[config.DELETED] = True
        marked_document[config.LAST_UPDATED] = last_modified
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# return an error)

        client_sort = self._convert_sort_request_to_dict(req)
        spec = self._convert_where_request_to_dict(req)

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        if (
            and not (req and req.show_deleted)
            and not self.query_contains_field(spec, config.DELETED)
            # Soft delete filtering applied after validate_filters call as
            # querying against the DELETED field must always be allowed when
            # soft_delete is enabled
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
            resource, spec, client_projection, client_sort

        if req and req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = {"$gt": req.if_modified_since}
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# Apply coerced values

            # sneak in a shadow copy if it wasn't already there
            late_versioning_catch(original, resource)

            store_media_files(updates, resource, original)
            resolve_document_version(updates, resource, "PATCH", original)

            # some datetime precision magic
            updates[config.LAST_UPDATED] = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)

            if resource_def["soft_delete"] is True:
                # PATCH with soft delete enabled should always set the DELETED
                # field to False. We are either carrying through un-deleted
                # status, or restoring a soft deleted document
                updates[config.DELETED] = False

            # the mongo driver has a different precision than the python
            # datetime. since we don't want to reload the document once it
            # has been updated, and we still have to provide an updated
            # etag, we're going to update the local version of the
            # 'original' document, and we will use it for the etag
            # computation.
            updated = deepcopy(original)

            # notify callbacks
            getattr(app, "on_update")(resource, updates, original)
            getattr(app, "on_update_%s" % resource)(updates, original)

            if resource_def["merge_nested_documents"]:
                updates = resolve_nested_documents(updates, updated)
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if i == 0:
                            diff_document(resource_def, last_document, document)
                    last_document = document

        # add documents to response
        if config.DOMAIN[resource]["hateoas"]:
            response[config.ITEMS] = documents
            response = documents
    elif soft_delete_enabled and document.get(config.DELETED) is True:
        # This document was soft deleted. Respond with 404 and the deleted
        # version of the document.
        document[config.STATUS] = (config.STATUS_ERR,)
        document[config.ERROR] = {
            "code": 404,
            "message": "The requested URL was not found on this server.",
        return document, last_modified, etag, 404
        response = document

    # extra hateoas links
    if config.DOMAIN[resource]["hateoas"]:
        # use the id of the latest document for multi-document requests
        if cursor:
            response[config.LINKS] = _pagination_links(