How to use the configargparse.ArgumentError function in ConfigArgParse

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ConfigArgParse examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github piwheels / piwheels / tests / View on Github external
def test_configure_parser():
    p = configure_parser('foo', log_params=False)
    assert p.description == 'foo'
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
    with pytest.raises(configargparse.ArgumentError):
        p.parse_args(['--log-file', 'foo.log'])
    c = p.parse_args([])
    assert c.configuration is None
github piwheels / piwheels / tests / View on Github external
def test_error_handler():
    with mock.patch('piwheels.terminal.logging') as logging:
        assert error_handler(SystemExit, 0, None) == 0
        assert error_handler(KeyboardInterrupt, 'Ctrl+C pressed', None) == 2
        assert logging.critical.call_count == 0
        assert error_handler(configargparse.ArgumentError, 'foo', None) == 2
        assert logging.critical.call_args_list == [
  'Try the --help option for more information.'),
        assert error_handler(IOError, 'File not found', None) == 1
        assert logging.critical.call_args =='File not found')
        with mock.patch('traceback.format_exception') as fmt_exc:
            fmt_exc.side_effect = lambda t, v, tb: [v]
            assert error_handler(ValueError, 'Foo%bar', None) == 1
            assert logging.critical.call_args =='Foo%%bar')
github michellab / BioSimSpace / python / BioSimSpace / Gateway / View on Github external
if action.choices is not None and value not in action.choices:
        args = {"value"   : value,
                "choices" : ", ".join(map(repr, action.choices))
        msg = _argparse.argparse._("invalid choice: %(value)r (choose from %(choices)s)")

        # If the value is a string, then strip whitespace and try a case insensitive search.
        if type(value) is str:
            new_value = value.replace(" ", "").upper()
            choices = [x.replace(" ", "").upper() for x in action.choices]

            # Check whether we now have a match.
            if new_value not in choices:
                raise _argparse.ArgumentError(action, msg % args)
            raise _argparse.ArgumentError(action, msg % args)
github michellab / BioSimSpace / python / BioSimSpace / Gateway / View on Github external
def _check_value(action, value):
    """Helper function to overload argparse's choice checker."""
    if action.choices is not None and value not in action.choices:
        args = {"value"   : value,
                "choices" : ", ".join(map(repr, action.choices))
        msg = _argparse.argparse._("invalid choice: %(value)r (choose from %(choices)s)")

        # If the value is a string, then strip whitespace and try a case insensitive search.
        if type(value) is str:
            new_value = value.replace(" ", "").upper()
            choices = [x.replace(" ", "").upper() for x in action.choices]

            # Check whether we now have a match.
            if new_value not in choices:
                raise _argparse.ArgumentError(action, msg % args)
            raise _argparse.ArgumentError(action, msg % args)
github piwheels / piwheels / piwheels / View on Github external
def error(self, message):
        raise configargparse.ArgumentError(None, message)
github piwheels / piwheels / piwheels / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        self._config = OrderedDict({
            SystemExit:        (None, self.exc_value),
            KeyboardInterrupt: (None, 2),
            IOError:           (self.exc_message, 1),
            configargparse.ArgumentError: (
                lambda exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb:
                    [exc_value, 'Try the --help option for more information.'], 2