How to use the cachecontrol.heuristics.BaseHeuristic function in CacheControl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few CacheControl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ionrock / cachecontrol / tests / View on Github external
def setup(self):

        class NoopHeuristic(BaseHeuristic):
            warning = Mock()

            def update_headers(self, resp):
                return {}

        self.heuristic = NoopHeuristic()
        self.sess = CacheControl(Session(), heuristic=self.heuristic)
github ionrock / cachecontrol / tests / View on Github external
def setup(self):

        class DummyHeuristic(BaseHeuristic):

            def update_headers(self, resp):
                return {"x-dummy-header": "foobar"}

        self.sess = CacheControl(Session(), heuristic=DummyHeuristic())
github ionrock / cachecontrol / cachecontrol / View on Github external
        return {}

    def apply(self, response):
        updated_headers = self.update_headers(response)

        if updated_headers:
            warning_header_value = self.warning(response)
            if warning_header_value is not None:
                response.headers.update({"Warning": warning_header_value})

        return response

class OneDayCache(BaseHeuristic):
    Cache the response by providing an expires 1 day in the

    def update_headers(self, response):
        headers = {}

        if "expires" not in response.headers:
            date = parsedate(response.headers["date"])
            expires = expire_after(timedelta(days=1), date=datetime(*date[:6]))
            headers["expires"] = datetime_to_header(expires)
            headers["cache-control"] = "public"
        return headers

github ionrock / cachecontrol / cachecontrol / View on Github external
Cache **all** requests for a defined time period.

    def __init__(self, **kw): = timedelta(**kw)

    def update_headers(self, response):
        expires = expire_after(
        return {"expires": datetime_to_header(expires), "cache-control": "public"}

    def warning(self, response):
        tmpl = "110 - Automatically cached for %s. Response might be stale"
        return tmpl %

class LastModified(BaseHeuristic):
    If there is no Expires header already, fall back on Last-Modified
    using the heuristic from
    to calculate a reasonable value.

    Firefox also does something like this per
    Unlike mozilla we limit this to 24-hr.
    cacheable_by_default_statuses = {
        200, 203, 204, 206, 300, 301, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501

    def update_headers(self, resp):
github RedHatInsights / insights-core / insights / core / View on Github external
if not self.__class__._cache:
            if self.backend == "RedisCache":
                pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=self.redis_host, port=self.redis_port, db=0)
                r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
                self.__class__._cache = RedisCache(r)
            elif self.backend == "FileCache":
                self.__class__._cache = FileCache(self.file_cache_path)
                self.__class__._cache = DictCache()

        session = CacheControl(session, heuristic=DefaultHeuristic(self.expire_after), cache=self.__class__._cache)

        super(CachedRemoteResource, self).__init__(session)

class DefaultHeuristic(BaseHeuristic):
    BaseHeuristic subclass that sets the default caching headers if not supplied by the remote service.

    default_cache_vars = "Remote service caching headers not set correctly, using default caching"
    str: Message content warning that the response from the remote server did not
        return proper HTTP cache headers so we will use default cache settings
    server_cache_headers = "Caching being done based on caching headers returned by remote service"
    """ str: Message content warning that we are using cache settings returned by the remote server. """

    def __init__(self, expire_after):

        self.expire_after = expire_after
github github-tooling / ghtopdep / ghtopdep / View on Github external
from ghtopdep import __version__

PACKAGE_NAME = "ghtopdep"
CACHE_DIR = appdirs.user_cache_dir(PACKAGE_NAME)
NEXT_BUTTON_SELECTOR = "#dependents > div.paginate-container > div > a"
ITEM_SELECTOR = "#dependents > div.Box > div.flex-items-center"
REPO_SELECTOR = "span > a.text-bold"
STARS_SELECTOR = "div > span:nth-child(1)"

if pipdate.needs_checking(PACKAGE_NAME):
    msg = pipdate.check(PACKAGE_NAME, __version__.__version__)

class OneDayHeuristic(BaseHeuristic):
    cacheable_by_default_statuses = {
        200, 203, 204, 206, 300, 301, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501

    def update_headers(self, response):
        if response.status not in self.cacheable_by_default_statuses:
            return {}

        date = parsedate(response.headers["date"])
        expires = datetime.datetime(*date[:6]) + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        return {"expires": formatdate(calendar.timegm(expires.timetuple())), "cache-control": "public"}

    def warning(self, response):
        msg = "Automatically cached! Response is Stale."
        return "110 - {0}".format(msg)
github ionrock / cachecontrol / cachecontrol / View on Github external
Cache the response by providing an expires 1 day in the

    def update_headers(self, response):
        headers = {}

        if "expires" not in response.headers:
            date = parsedate(response.headers["date"])
            expires = expire_after(timedelta(days=1), date=datetime(*date[:6]))
            headers["expires"] = datetime_to_header(expires)
            headers["cache-control"] = "public"
        return headers

class ExpiresAfter(BaseHeuristic):
    Cache **all** requests for a defined time period.

    def __init__(self, **kw): = timedelta(**kw)

    def update_headers(self, response):
        expires = expire_after(
        return {"expires": datetime_to_header(expires), "cache-control": "public"}

    def warning(self, response):
        tmpl = "110 - Automatically cached for %s. Response might be stale"
        return tmpl %

github github-tooling / forkwork / forkwork / View on Github external
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from email.utils import formatdate, parsedate
from operator import attrgetter
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import cachecontrol
import click
import github3
import pendulum
from cachecontrol.caches import FileCache
from cachecontrol.heuristics import BaseHeuristic
from halo import Halo
from tabulate import tabulate

class OneDayHeuristic(BaseHeuristic):

    def update_headers(self, response):
        date = parsedate(response.headers["date"])
        expires = datetime(*date[:6]) + timedelta(days=1)
        return {
            "expires": formatdate(calendar.timegm(expires.timetuple())),
            "cache-control": "public",

    def warning(self, response):
        msg = "Automatically cached! Response is Stale."
        return "110 - {0}".format(msg)
github newsdev / elex / elex / View on Github external
from cachecontrol.heuristics import BaseHeuristic

class EtagOnlyCache(BaseHeuristic):
    Strip max-age cache-control header if it exists alongside etag.
    def update_headers(self, response):
        headers = {}
        max_age = 'max-age' in response.headers.get('cache-control', '')
        etag = response.headers.get('etag', None)
        if max_age and etag:
            headers['cache-control'] = 'public'
        return headers