How to use the z-schema function in z-schema

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few z-schema examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github json-schema-faker / json-schema-faker / tests / schema / validator.js View on Github external
'idn-email': () => true,
    schemas: fixed,

  if (!v(sample)) {
    // FIXME:
    if (v.errors[0].field !== 'data.num') {
      v.errors.forEach(e => {
        fail.push(`${e.field.replace('data.', '')} ${e.message}`);

  // z-schema
  const validator = new ZSchema({
    ignoreUnresolvableReferences: true,

  Object.keys(fixed).forEach(k => {
    validator.setRemoteReference(k, fixed[k]);

  let valid;

  try {
    valid = validator.validate(clone(sample), clone(schema));
  } catch (e) {
    fail.push(`[z-schema] ${e.message}`);

  const errors = validator.getLastErrors();
github danhawkes / react-update-server / src / index.js View on Github external
'use strict';

import process from 'process';
import path from 'path';
import ZSchema from "z-schema";
import config from './data/config';
import configSchema from './config_schema.json';
import Server from './Server';

// Validate the config up-front
let validator = new ZSchema();
validator.validate(config, configSchema);
var errors = validator.getLastErrors();
if (errors !== undefined) {
  console.error("Config validation failed:");
  errors.forEach(error => console.error(error));

let server = new Server(path.join(__dirname, 'data'));

process.on('SIGINT', () => server.close());
github ciena-frost / ember-frost-bunsen / addon / validator / model.js View on Github external
import 'ember-frost-bunsen/typedefs'

import _ from 'lodash'
import ZSchema from 'z-schema'

import {addErrorResult, aggregateResults, ensureJsonObject, validateRequiredAttribute} from './utils'
import dereference from '../dereference'
import customFormats from './custom-formats'

// Register custom formats with z-schema
_.forIn(customFormats, (validator, name) => {
  ZSchema.registerFormat(name, validator)

const validator = new ZSchema({
  noTypeless: true,
  forceItems: true

/** currently supported model types */
const supportedTypes = ['string', 'object', 'array', 'integer', 'number', 'boolean']

 * Validate the children of the model object (if any exist)
 * @param {String} path - the path to the field from the root of the model
 * @param {BunsenModel} model - the model to validate
 * @returns {BunsenValidationResult} the results of the model validation
function _validateChildren (path, model) {
  const results = [
github pubkey / rxdb / src / plugins / validate-z-schema.js View on Github external
function _getValidator(rxSchema, schemaPath = '') {
    const hash = rxSchema.hash;
    if (!validatorsCache[hash]) validatorsCache[hash] = {};
    const validatorsOfHash = validatorsCache[hash];
    if (!validatorsOfHash[schemaPath]) {
        const schemaPart = schemaPath === '' ? rxSchema.jsonID : rxSchema.getSchemaByObjectPath(schemaPath);
        if (!schemaPart) {
            throw newRxError('VD1', {
                schemaPath: schemaPath
        const validator = new ZSchema();
        validatorsOfHash[schemaPath] = (obj) => {
            validator.validate(obj, schemaPart);
            return validator;
    return validatorsOfHash[schemaPath];
github shoutem / redux-io / src / resources / validation.js View on Github external
import ZSchema from 'z-schema';

const validator = new ZSchema();
const resourceSchema = {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    schema: {
      type: ['object', 'string'],
    request: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        endpoint: {
          type: 'string',
        headers: {
          type: 'object',
        method: {
github ciena-frost / ember-frost-bunsen / addon / validator / value.js View on Github external
import 'ember-frost-bunsen/typedefs'

import _ from 'lodash'
import ZSchema from 'z-schema'

const schemaValidator = new ZSchema({
  breakOnFirstError: false

export const integerRegex = '^[0-9]*$'
export const ipAddressRangeRegex = '^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}' +

 * Go through the errors and convert any 'String does not match pattern...' errors for known regex patterns
 * @param {BunsenValidationError[]} errors - the list of errors which will be updated in-place
export function translateRegexErrors (errors) {
  const regexLabels = {
    [integerRegex]: 'for an integer',
    [ipAddressRangeRegex]: 'for an IP address'
github pubkey / rxdb / dist / es / plugins / validate-z-schema.js View on Github external
function _getValidator(rxSchema) {
  var schemaPath = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
  var hash = rxSchema.hash;
  if (!validatorsCache[hash]) validatorsCache[hash] = {};
  var validatorsOfHash = validatorsCache[hash];

  if (!validatorsOfHash[schemaPath]) {
    var schemaPart = schemaPath === '' ? rxSchema.jsonID : rxSchema.getSchemaByObjectPath(schemaPath);

    if (!schemaPart) {
      throw newRxError('VD1', {
        schemaPath: schemaPath

    var validator = new ZSchema();

    validatorsOfHash[schemaPath] = function (obj) {
      validator.validate(obj, schemaPart);
      return validator;

  return validatorsOfHash[schemaPath];