How to use the function in yarn

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yarn examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apache / ambari / ambari-web / app / utils / configs / defaults_providers / yarn_defaults_provider.js View on Github external
getDefaults: function (localDB) {
    var configs = {};
    jQuery.extend(configs, this.get('configsTemplate'));
    if (!this.clusterDataIsValid()) {
      return configs;
    configs['yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb'] = Math.round(this.get('containers') * this.get('ramPerContainer'));
    configs['yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb'] = Math.floor(this.get('ramPerContainer'));
    configs['yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb'] = Math.round(this.get('containers') * this.get('ramPerContainer'));
    configs[''] = Math.floor(this.get('amMemory'));
    configs[''] = "-Xmx" + Math.round(0.8 * this.get('amMemory')) + "m";
    configs[''] = Math.floor(this.get('mapMemory'));
    configs['mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb'] = Math.floor(this.get('reduceMemory'));
    configs[''] = "-Xmx" + Math.round(0.8 * this.get('mapMemory')) + "m";
    configs[''] = "-Xmx" + Math.round(0.8 * this.get('reduceMemory')) + "m";
    configs[''] = Math.round(Math.min(0.4 * this.get('mapMemory'), 1024));
    return configs;
github apache / incubator-ambari / ambari-web / app / utils / configs / defaults_providers / yarn_defaults_provider.js View on Github external
getDefaults: function (localDB) {
    var configs = {};
    jQuery.extend(configs, this.get('configsTemplate'));
    if (!this.clusterDataIsValid()) {
      return configs;
    configs['yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb'] = Math.round(this.get('containers') * this.get('ramPerContainer'));
    configs['yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb'] = Math.round(this.get('ramPerContainer'));
    configs['yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb'] = Math.round(this.get('containers') * this.get('ramPerContainer'));
    configs[''] = Math.round(this.get('amMemory'));
    configs[''] = "-Xmx" + Math.round(0.8 * this.get('amMemory')) + "m";
    configs[''] = Math.round(this.get('mapMemory'));
    configs['mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb'] = Math.round(this.get('reduceMemory'));
    configs[''] = "-Xmx" + Math.round(0.8 * this.get('mapMemory')) + "m";
    configs[''] = "-Xmx" + Math.round(0.8 * this.get('reduceMemory')) + "m";
    configs[''] = Math.round(0.4 * this.get('mapMemory'));
    return configs;