How to use the xstream.of function in xstream

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xstream examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Nitive / illuminati / src / dom.ts View on Github external
if (prevNode) {
          node.insertBefore(n, prevNode.nextSibling)

        node.insertBefore(n, node.firstChild)

      createNode(insert, child).nodeP.then(node => {
        childrenNodes[index] = node
    return node

  const visible$ = props.if$ || xs.of(true)
  const createElementWithHooks = createElementSubscriber(insert, visible$)

  return createElementWithHooks({
    async mount(shouldBeVisible, insert) {
      if (shouldBeVisible) {
        return await add(insert)
    async update(shouldBeVisible, node, insert) {
      if (shouldBeVisible) {
        return await add(insert)
      } else {
        // node always exist because dropRepeats() guarantees previous state is false
        // so we can use ! to remove undefined variant from type
        await removeNode(node!)
github tryanzu / frontend / src / components / post / model.js View on Github external
voting: false,
            toasts: state.own.toasts.concat([
                { type: 'error', content: traduceErr(err) },

    const voteFailDismissR$ = voteErr$.compose(delay(5000)).map(() => state =>
        update(state, {
                state.own.toasts.length > 0 ? state.own.toasts.slice(1) : [],

    const reducers$ = xs.merge(
        xs.of(state => merge(LENSED_STATE, state)),

        // Incoming vote effects.$
            .filter(res => 'action' in res)
            .map(([status, vote]) => state => {
                const value = status.action == 'create' ? 1 : -1;
github atomrc / cyclejs-auth0 / tests / AuthenticationWrapper.js View on Github external
it("should re show Auth0 login form", (done) => {
                    const sources = getSources({
                        auth0: { select: () => xs.empty(), tokens$: xs.of(tokens, null) }

                    const { auth0 } = AuthenticationWrapper(sources);

                            next: action => {
github cyclejs / react / test / conversion.ts View on Github external
          next: props => {
            assert.strictEqual(first, true);
            assert.strictEqual(, 'alice');
            assert.strictEqual(props.age, 31);

      return {
        react: xs.of(
          h('section', [h('div', {}, [h('h1', {}, 'Hello world')])]),
github atomrc / cyclejs-auth0 / tests / AuthenticationWrapper.js View on Github external
function getSources(overrides) {
    const defaultSources = {
        auth0: { select: () => {}, tokens$: xs.of(null) },
        props: {
            authWrapperParams: {
                Child: () => ({})
    return {
github usm4n / cycle-hn / src / components / FeedAtom.tsx View on Github external
export const FeedAtom: Component = function(sources: FeedSources): FeedSinks {
    const vdom$ = view(sources.onion.state$);

    const sinks = {
        DOM: vdom$,
        onion: xs.of((state) => state)

    return sinks;
github cyclejs / cyclejs / examples / many / src / Item.ts View on Github external
function model(actions: Actions) {
  const initReducer$ = xs.of(function initReducer(prevState: State): State {
    if (prevState) {
      return prevState;
    } else {
      return {color: '#888', width: 200};

  const removeReducer$ = actions.remove$
    .mapTo(function removeReducer(prevState: State): State {
      return undefined;

  const changeWidthReducer$ = actions.changeWidth$
    .map((width: number) => function changeWidthReducer(prevState: State): State {
      return {...prevState, width};
github staltz / manyverse / src / frontend / screens / central / connections-tab / model.ts View on Github external
.map(stagedPeers => {
      const dhtInvites = stagedPeers
        .filter(([_address, data]) => data.type === 'dht')

      if (dhtInvites.length === 0) {
        const notes: Array<[string, string]> = [];
        return xs.of([stagedPeers, notes]);
      } else {
        return asyncStorageSource
          .map(keyValuePairs => [stagedPeers, keyValuePairs]);
github shinima / trips-editor / src / interaction / zoom.ts View on Github external
.map(([zoomConfig, { transform: startTransform }, config, viewBox]) => {
      const { rawPos, targetTransform, useTransition } = zoomConfig
      if (useTransition) {
        return transition(250, startTransform, targetTransform, interpolateTransform(viewBox)).map(
          nextTransform =>
            new SetTransformAction(nextTransform, startTransform, rawPos, config.senseRange),
      } else {
        return xs.of(
          new SetTransformAction(targetTransform, startTransform, rawPos, config.senseRange),