How to use the web3-utils.sha3 function in web3-utils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few web3-utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github clearmatics / ion / test / validation.js View on Github external
it('Authentic Submission Happy Path - SubmitBlock()', async () => {
    const ion = await;
    const validation = await;
    await validation.RegisterChain(TESTCHAINID, VALIDATORS, GENESIS_HASH);

    // Fetch block 1 from testrpc
    const block = web3.eth.getBlock(1);

    const rlpHeaders = encoder.encodeBlockHeader(block);
    const signedHeaderHash = Web3Utils.sha3(rlpHeaders.signed);
    assert.equal(block.hash, signedHeaderHash);

    // Submit block should succeed
    const validationReceipt = await validation.SubmitBlock(TESTCHAINID, rlpHeaders.unsigned, rlpHeaders.signed);
    const recoveredBlockHash = await;
    assert.equal(signedHeaderHash, recoveredBlockHash);
    console.log("\tGas used to submit block = " + validationReceipt.receipt.gasUsed.toString() + " gas");

    let blockHash = await validation.m_blockhashes(TESTCHAINID, block.hash);
    assert.equal(blockHash, true);

    let header = await validation.m_blockheaders(TESTCHAINID, block.hash);

    // Separate fetched header info
    parentHash = header[2];
github JoinColony / colonyNetwork / test / colony-funding.js View on Github external
const colony2 = await;
      await colony2.setRewardInverse(100);

      const tokenSupplyCeiling = toBN(2)
      await colony1.setTokenSupplyCeiling(tokenSupplyCeiling);
      await colony2.setTokenSupplyCeiling(tokenSupplyCeiling);

      // Giving both colonies the capability to call `mint` function
      const adminRole = 1;
      const newRoles = await;
      await newRoles.setUserRole(colony1.address, adminRole, true);
      await newRoles.setUserRole(colony2.address, adminRole, true);
      await newRoles.setRoleCapability(adminRole, newToken.address, sha3("mint(uint256)").slice(0, 10), true);
      await newToken.setAuthority(newRoles.address);

      await fundColonyWithTokens(colony1, otherToken, initialFunding.toString());
      await fundColonyWithTokens(colony2, otherToken, initialFunding.toString());

      // Minting the tokens so we can give them to users
      await colony1.mintTokens(userReputation.toString());
      await colony2.mintTokens(userReputation.toString());

      // Giving the user colony's native tokens and reputation so they can participate in reward payout
      await colony1.bootstrapColony([userAddress1], [userReputation.toString()]);
      await colony2.bootstrapColony([userAddress1], [userReputation.toString()]);

      // Submit current hash in active reputation mining cycle
      await miningClient.addLogContentsToReputationTree();
      await forwardTime(MINING_CYCLE_DURATION, this);
github clearmatics / ion / test / fluoride.js View on Github external
const expireB = expireHex(60) // need to add some proper time to here

    const tokenA = token.address
    const tokenB = token.address

    const amountA = '0x' + web3Utils.toHex(100).slice(2).padStart(64,'0')
    const amountB = '0x' + web3Utils.toHex(100).slice(2).padStart(64,'0')

    const addrA = accounts[0]
    const addrB = accounts[1]

    const stateA = generateState(expireA, tokenA, amountA)
    const stateB = generateState(expireB, tokenB, amountB)

    const hashA = web3Utils.sha3(joinHex([fluorideAddrA,stateA]))
    const hashB = web3Utils.sha3(joinHex([fluorideAddrB,stateB]))

    const sigA = web3.eth.sign(addrA,hashA)

    const hashAB = web3Utils.sha3(joinHex([hashA,addrA,hashB]))
    const sigB = web3.eth.sign(addrB,hashAB)

    const hashABC = web3Utils.sha3(joinHex([hashAB,addrB]))
    const sigC = web3.eth.sign(addrA,hashABC)

    assert.equal(hashABC,web3Utils.soliditySha3(hashAB,addrB),'hashing badly when compared with solidity')

    // the two start functions should be done on different chains?
    const receiptStartOnAbyA = await fluoride.Start_OnAbyA(
      fluorideAddrA, expireA, tokenA, amountA, sigA,
      fluorideAddrB, stateB, sigB, sigC)
github status-im / ens-usernames / test / usernameregistrar.spec.js View on Github external
it('should release transfered username', async () => {
      let registrant = accountsArr[7];
      await{from: registrant});
      await TestToken.methods.approve(UsernameRegistrar.address, registry.price).send({from: registrant});  
      let username = 'grace';
      let usernameHash = namehash.hash(username + '.' + registry.registry);
      let label = web3Utils.sha3(username);
      let newOwner = accountsArr[8];
      await UsernameRegistrar.methods.register(
      ).send({from: registrant});
      await ENSRegistry.methods.setOwner(usernameHash, newOwner).send({from: registrant});
      let releaseDelay = await UsernameRegistrar.methods.releaseDelay().call();
      await utils.increaseTime(releaseDelay)
      await utils.increaseTime(1000)
      let initialAccountBalance = await UsernameRegistrar.methods.getAccountBalance(label).call();
      let initialRegistrantBalance = await TestToken.methods.balanceOf(newOwner).call();
      let initialRegistryBalance = await TestToken.methods.balanceOf(UsernameRegistrar.address).call();
      await utils.increaseTime(1000)
      let resultRelease = await UsernameRegistrar.methods.release(
github status-im / ens-usernames / test / usernameregistrar.spec.js View on Github external
const label = web3Utils.sha3(username);
      await UsernameRegistrar.methods.register(
      ).send({from: registrant});
      const releaseDelay = await UsernameRegistrar.methods.releaseDelay().call();
      await utils.increaseTime(releaseDelay)
      await utils.increaseTime(1000)
      const initialAccountBalance = await UsernameRegistrar.methods.getAccountBalance(label).call();
      const initialRegistrantBalance = await TestToken.methods.balanceOf(registrant).call();
      const initialRegistryBalance = await TestToken.methods.balanceOf(UsernameRegistrar.address).call();
      await utils.increaseTime(1000)
      const resultRelease = await UsernameRegistrar.methods.release(
      ).send({from: registrant});
      //TODO: check events
      assert.equal(await UsernameRegistrar.methods.getAccountBalance(label).call(), 0, "Final balance didnt zeroed");
      assert.equal(await TestToken.methods.balanceOf(registrant).call(), (+initialRegistrantBalance)+(+initialAccountBalance), "Releaser token balance didnt increase")
      assert.equal(await TestToken.methods.balanceOf(UsernameRegistrar.address).call(), (+initialRegistryBalance)-(+initialAccountBalance), "Registry token balance didnt decrease")
    it('should release transfered username', async () => {
github status-im / ens-usernames / test / enssubdomainregistry.js View on Github external
it('should register free pubkey only resolver-defined subdomain', async () => {
    let subdomain = 'carlos';
    let registrant = accountsArr[3];
    let usernameHash = namehash.hash(subdomain + '.' +;
    let pubkey = [web3Utils.sha3("0"), web3Utils.sha3("1")];
    let result = await ENSSubdomainRegistry.methods.register(
    ).send({from: registrant});

    //TODO: check events

    result = await ens.methods.owner(usernameHash).call()
    assert.equal(result, registrant, "Owner not set");
    result = await ens.methods.resolver(usernameHash).call()
    assert.equal(result, PublicResolver.address, "PublicResolver not set");
    result = await PublicResolver.methods.addr(usernameHash).call()
    assert.equal(result, utils.zeroAddress, "Resolved address unexpectedlly set");
    result = await PublicResolver.methods.pubkey(usernameHash).call()
    assert.equal(result[0], pubkey[0], "Resolved pubkey[0] not set");
github status-im / ens-usernames / test / enssubdomainregistry.js View on Github external
it('should register free full resolver-defined subdomain', async () => {
    let registrant = accountsArr[4];
    let subdomain = 'david';
    let usernameHash = namehash.hash(subdomain + '.' +;
    let pubkey = [web3Utils.sha3("2"), web3Utils.sha3("3")];

    let result = await ENSSubdomainRegistry.methods.register(
    ).send({from: registrant});

    //TODO: check events

    result = await ens.methods.owner(usernameHash).call()
    assert.equal(result, registrant, "Owner not set");
    result = await ens.methods.resolver(usernameHash).call()
    assert.equal(result, PublicResolver.address, "PublicResolver not set");
    result = await PublicResolver.methods.addr(usernameHash).call()
github AztecProtocol / AZTEC / packages / aztec-crypto-js / eip712 / eip712.js View on Github external
function padKeccak256(data) {
    return padLeft(sha3(data).slice(2), 64);
github Texnomic / SecureDNS / Texnomic.ENS.Infrastructure / Migrations / 1_CSCamp_Demo.js View on Github external
async function setupReverseRegistrar(ens, resolver, reverseRegistrar, accounts) {
  await ens.setSubnodeOwner("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", utils.sha3("reverse"), accounts[0]);
  await ens.setSubnodeOwner(namehash.hash("reverse"), utils.sha3("addr"), reverseRegistrar.address);