How to use vscode-languageserver-protocol - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few vscode-languageserver-protocol examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / handler / index.ts View on Github external
let pos: Position = insertLeave ? { line: position.line + 1, character: 0 } : position
    try {
      let edits = await languages.provideDocumentOntTypeEdits(ch, doc.textDocument, pos)
      // changed by other process
      if (doc.changedtick != changedtick) return
      if (insertLeave) {
        edits = edits.filter(edit => {
          return edit.range.start.line < position.line + 1
      if (edits && edits.length) {
        await doc.applyEdits(this.nvim, edits)
        let newLine = doc.getline(position.line)
        if (newLine.length > origLine.length) {
          let character = position.character + (newLine.length - origLine.length)
          await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(position.line, character))
    } catch (e) {
      if (!/timeout\s/.test(e.message)) {
        console.error(`Error on formatOnType: ${e.message}`) // tslint:disable-line
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / services.ts View on Github external
let { id } = service
    if (!id) logger.error('invalid service configuration. ',
    if (this.registered.get(id)) return
    this.registered.set(id, service)`registered service "${id}"`)
    if (this.shouldStart(service)) {
      service.start() // tslint:disable-line
    if (service.state == ServiceStat.Running) {
      this.emit('ready', id)
    service.onServiceReady(() => {`service ${id} started`)
      this.emit('ready', id)
    }, null, this.disposables)
    return Disposable.create(() => {
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / languages.ts View on Github external
private async applyTextEdit(item: CompletionItem, option: CompleteOption): Promise {
    let { nvim } = this
    let { textEdit } = item
    if (!textEdit) return false
    let { line, bufnr, linenr } = option
    let doc = workspace.getDocument(bufnr)
    if (!doc) return false
    let { range, newText } = textEdit
    let isSnippet = item.insertTextFormat === InsertTextFormat.Snippet
    // replace inserted word
    let start = line.substr(0, range.start.character)
    let end = line.substr(range.end.character)
    if (isSnippet) {
      await doc.applyEdits(nvim, [{
        range: Range.create(linenr - 1, 0, linenr, 0),
        newText: `${start}${end}\n`
      // can't select, since additionalTextEdits would break selection
      let pos = Position.create(linenr - 1, range.start.character)
      return await snippetManager.insertSnippet(newText, false, Range.create(pos, pos))
    let newLines = `${start}${newText}${end}`.split('\n')
    if (newLines.length == 1) {
      await'coc#util#setline', [linenr, newLines[0]])
      await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(linenr - 1, (start + newText).length))
    } else {
      let buffer = nvim.createBuffer(bufnr)
      await buffer.setLines(newLines, {
        start: linenr - 1,
        end: linenr,
        strictIndexing: false
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / languages.ts View on Github external
if (!textEdit) return false
    let { line, bufnr, linenr } = option
    let doc = workspace.getDocument(bufnr)
    if (!doc) return false
    let { range, newText } = textEdit
    let isSnippet = item.insertTextFormat === InsertTextFormat.Snippet
    // replace inserted word
    let start = line.substr(0, range.start.character)
    let end = line.substr(range.end.character)
    if (isSnippet) {
      await doc.applyEdits(nvim, [{
        range: Range.create(linenr - 1, 0, linenr, 0),
        newText: `${start}${end}\n`
      // can't select, since additionalTextEdits would break selection
      let pos = Position.create(linenr - 1, range.start.character)
      return await snippetManager.insertSnippet(newText, false, Range.create(pos, pos))
    let newLines = `${start}${newText}${end}`.split('\n')
    if (newLines.length == 1) {
      await'coc#util#setline', [linenr, newLines[0]])
      await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(linenr - 1, (start + newText).length))
    } else {
      let buffer = nvim.createBuffer(bufnr)
      await buffer.setLines(newLines, {
        start: linenr - 1,
        end: linenr,
        strictIndexing: false
      let line = linenr - 1 + newLines.length - 1
      let character = newLines[newLines.length - 1].length - end.length
      await workspace.moveTo({ line, character })
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / languages.ts View on Github external
// replace inserted word
    let start = line.substr(0, range.start.character)
    let end = line.substr(range.end.character)
    if (isSnippet) {
      await doc.applyEdits(nvim, [{
        range: Range.create(linenr - 1, 0, linenr, 0),
        newText: `${start}${end}\n`
      // can't select, since additionalTextEdits would break selection
      let pos = Position.create(linenr - 1, range.start.character)
      return await snippetManager.insertSnippet(newText, false, Range.create(pos, pos))
    let newLines = `${start}${newText}${end}`.split('\n')
    if (newLines.length == 1) {
      await'coc#util#setline', [linenr, newLines[0]])
      await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(linenr - 1, (start + newText).length))
    } else {
      let buffer = nvim.createBuffer(bufnr)
      await buffer.setLines(newLines, {
        start: linenr - 1,
        end: linenr,
        strictIndexing: false
      let line = linenr - 1 + newLines.length - 1
      let character = newLines[newLines.length - 1].length - end.length
      await workspace.moveTo({ line, character })
    return false
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / handler / index.ts View on Github external
public async showSignatureHelp(): Promise {
    if (this.signatureTokenSource) {
      this.signatureTokenSource = null
    let document = workspace.getDocument(workspace.bufnr)
    if (!document) return
    let position = await workspace.getCursorPosition()
    let part = document.getline(position.line).slice(0, position.character)
    if (/\)\s*$/.test(part)) return
    let idx = Math.max(part.lastIndexOf(','), part.lastIndexOf('('))
    if (idx != -1) position.character = idx + 1
    let tokenSource = this.signatureTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
    let token = tokenSource.token
    let timer = setTimeout(() => {
      if (!token.isCancellationRequested) {
    }, 3000)
    let signatureHelp = await languages.getSignatureHelp(document.textDocument, position, token)
    if (token.isCancellationRequested || !signatureHelp || signatureHelp.signatures.length == 0) {
    let { activeParameter, activeSignature, signatures } = signatureHelp
    if (activeSignature) {
      // make active first
      let [active] = signatures.splice(activeSignature, 1)
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / completion / index.ts View on Github external
public async onPumChange(ev: PopupChangeEvent): Promise {
    if (!this.activated) return
    if (this.document && this.document.uri.endsWith('%5BCommand%20Line%5D')) return
    let { completed_item, col, row, height, width, scrollbar } = ev
    let bounding: PumBounding = { col, row, height, width, scrollbar }
    this.currItem = completed_item.hasOwnProperty('word') ? completed_item : null
    // it's pum change by vim, ignore it
    if (this.lastInsert) return
    let resolvedItem = this.getCompleteItem(completed_item)
    if (!resolvedItem) {
    let source = this.resolveTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
    let { token } = source
    await sources.doCompleteResolve(resolvedItem, token)
    if (token.isCancellationRequested) return
    let docs = resolvedItem.documentation
    if (!docs && {
      let { info } = resolvedItem
      let isText = /^[\w-\s.,\t]+$/.test(info)
      docs = [{ filetype: isText ? 'txt' : this.document.filetype, content: info }]
    if (!docs || docs.length == 0) {
    } else {
      if (token.isCancellationRequested) return
      await, bounding, token)
    this.resolveTokenSource = null
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / model / document.ts View on Github external
public async applyEdits(_nvim: Neovim, edits: TextEdit[], sync = true): Promise {
    if (edits.length == 0) return
    let orig = this.lines.join('\n') + (this.eol ? '\n' : '')
    let textDocument = TextDocument.create(this.uri, this.filetype, 1, orig)
    let content = TextDocument.applyEdits(textDocument, edits)
    // could be equal sometimes
    if (orig === content) {
    } else {
      let d = diffLines(orig, content)
      await this.buffer.setLines(d.replacement, {
        start: d.start,
        end: d.end,
        strictIndexing: false
      // can't wait vim sync buffer
      this.lines = (this.eol && content.endsWith('\n') ? content.slice(0, -1) : content).split('\n')
      if (sync) this.forceSync()
github neoclide / coc-tsserver / src / server / features / quickfix.ts View on Github external
fixId: tsAction.fixId

    try {
      const res = await this.client.execute('getCombinedCodeFix', args, CancellationToken.None)
      if (res.type != 'response') {
      let { body } = res

      const edit = typeConverters.WorkspaceEdit.fromFileCodeEdits(
      await workspace.applyEdit(edit)
      const token = CancellationToken.None

      const { commands } = body
      if (commands && commands.length) {
        for (const command of commands) {
          await this.client.execute('applyCodeActionCommand', { command }, token)
    } catch {
      // noop
github neoclide / coc.nvim / src / handler / index.ts View on Github external
            docs.push({ filetype: item.language, content: item.value })
      } else if (typeof contents == 'string') {
        docs.push({ content: contents, filetype: 'markdown' })
      } else if ( { // tslint:disable-line
        let content = contents.value.trim()
        if (target == 'preview') {
          content = '``` ' + contents.language + '\n' + content + '\n```'
        docs.push({ filetype: contents.language, content: contents.value })
      } else if ( {
        docs.push({ filetype: contents.kind == 'markdown' ? 'markdown' : 'txt', content: contents.value })
    if (target == 'echo') {
      const msg = lines.join('\n').trim()
      if (msg.length) {
        await'coc#util#echo_hover', msg)
    } else if (target == 'float') {
      await this.hoverFactory.create(docs)
    } else {
      this.documentLines = lines
      let arr = await'getcurpos') as number[]