How to use the vscode-languageclient/lib/main.LanguageClient function in vscode-languageclient

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few vscode-languageclient examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github slackhq / vscode-hack / src / LSPHackTypeChecker.ts View on Github external
public async run(): Promise {
    const context = this.context;
    const languageClient = new LanguageClient(
      'Hack Language Server',
      { command: config.hhClientCommand, args: [...config.hhClientArgs, 'lsp', '--from', 'vscode-hack'] },
        documentSelector: [{ language: 'hack', scheme: 'file' }],
        initializationOptions: { useTextEditAutocomplete: true },
        uriConverters: { code2Protocol: utils.mapFromWorkspaceUri, protocol2Code: utils.mapToWorkspaceUri },
        middleware: {
          handleDiagnostics: this.handleDiagnostics,
        // Hack returns errors if commands fail due to syntax errors. Don't
        // automatically switch to the Output pane in this case.
        revealOutputChannelOn: RevealOutputChannelOn.Never,
github dotnet / aspnetcore-tooling / src / Razor / src / Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.VSCode / src / RazorLanguageServerClient.ts View on Github external

        if (options.debug) {

            this.logger.logMessage('Debug flag set for Razor Language Server.');

        this.serverOptions = {
            run: { command, args },
            debug: { command, args },

        this.client = new LanguageClient('razorLanguageServer', 'Razor Language Server', this.serverOptions, this.clientOptions);
github lingua-pupuli / puppet-vscode / src / PuppetLanguageClient.ts View on Github external
clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions,
    statusBarItem: PuppetStatusBar,
  ) { = host;
    this.port = port;
    this.connectionManager = connectionManager;
    this.serverOptions = serverOptions;
    this.clientOptions = clientOptions;
    this.connectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.NotStarted;
    this.statusBarItem = statusBarItem;
    this.logger = logger;

    const title:string = 'Puppet Editor Service';

    this.languageServerClient = new LanguageClient(title, this.serverOptions, this.clientOptions);
      () => {
        logger.debug('Language server client started, setting puppet version');
        this.setConnectionStatus('Loading Puppet', ConnectionStatus.Starting, '');
      reason => {
        this.setConnectionStatus('Starting Error', ConnectionStatus.Failed, '');
