How to use the vis-util.copyAndExtendArray function in vis-util

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github visjs / vis-network / lib / shared / Validator.js View on Github external
console.log('%c' + message + Validator.printLocation(path, option), printStyle);

    let optionType = Validator.getType(options[option]);
    let refOptionType = refOptionObj[optionType];

    if (refOptionType !== undefined) {
      // if the type is correct, we check if it is supposed to be one of a few select values
      if (Validator.getType(refOptionType) === 'array' && refOptionType.indexOf(options[option]) === -1) {
        log('Invalid option detected in "' + option + '".' +
          ' Allowed values are:' + Validator.print(refOptionType) +
          ' not "' + options[option] + '". ');
        errorFound = true;
      else if (optionType === 'object' && referenceOption !== "__any__") {
        path = util.copyAndExtendArray(path, option);
        Validator.parse(options[option], referenceOptions[referenceOption], path);
    else if (refOptionObj['any'] === undefined) {
      // type of the field is incorrect and the field cannot be any
      log('Invalid type received for "' + option +
        '". Expected: ' + Validator.print(Object.keys(refOptionObj)) +
        '. Received ['  + optionType + '] "' + options[option] + '"');
      errorFound = true;
github visjs / vis-network / lib / shared / Configurator.js View on Github external
else if (typeof item === 'boolean') {
            this._makeCheckbox(item, value, newPath);
          else if (item instanceof Object) {
            // collapse the physics options that are not enabled
            let draw = true;
            if (path.indexOf('physics') !== -1) {
              if (this.moduleOptions.physics.solver !== subObj) {
                draw = false;

            if (draw === true) {
              // initially collapse options with an disabled enabled option.
              if (item.enabled !== undefined) {
                let enabledPath = util.copyAndExtendArray(newPath, 'enabled');
                let enabledValue = this._getValue(enabledPath);
                if (enabledValue === true) {
                  let label = this._makeLabel(subObj, newPath, true);
                  this._makeItem(newPath, label);
                  visibleInSet = this._handleObject(item, newPath) || visibleInSet;
                else {
                  this._makeCheckbox(item, enabledValue, newPath);
              else {
                let label = this._makeLabel(subObj, newPath, true);
                this._makeItem(newPath, label);
                visibleInSet = this._handleObject(item, newPath) || visibleInSet;
github visjs / vis-network / lib / shared / Validator.js View on Github external
static findInOptions(option, options, path, recursive = false) {
    let min = 1e9;
    let closestMatch = '';
    let closestMatchPath = [];
    let lowerCaseOption = option.toLowerCase();
    let indexMatch = undefined;
    for (let op in options) {  // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in
      let distance;
      if (options[op].__type__ !== undefined && recursive === true) {
        let result = Validator.findInOptions(option, options[op], util.copyAndExtendArray(path,op));
        if (min > result.distance) {
          closestMatch = result.closestMatch;
          closestMatchPath = result.path;
          min = result.distance;
          indexMatch = result.indexMatch;
      else {
        if (op.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerCaseOption) !== -1) {
          indexMatch = op;
        distance = Validator.levenshteinDistance(option, op);
        if (min > distance) {
          closestMatch = op;
          closestMatchPath = util.copyArray(path);
          min = distance;
github visjs / vis-network / lib / shared / Configurator.js View on Github external
_handleObject(obj, path = [], checkOnly = false) {
    let show = false;
    let filter = this.options.filter;
    let visibleInSet = false;
    for (let subObj in obj) {
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(subObj)) {
        show = true;
        let item = obj[subObj];
        let newPath = util.copyAndExtendArray(path, subObj);
        if (typeof filter === 'function') {
          show = filter(subObj,path);

          // if needed we must go deeper into the object.
          if (show === false) {
            if (!(item instanceof Array) && typeof item !== 'string' && typeof item !== 'boolean' && item instanceof Object) {
              this.allowCreation = false;
              show = this._handleObject(item, newPath, true);
              this.allowCreation = checkOnly === false;

        if (show !== false) {
          visibleInSet = true;
          let value = this._getValue(newPath);