How to use the victory-core.VictoryTheme.grayscale function in victory-core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few victory-core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github FormidableLabs / victory / packages / victory-pie / src / victory-pie.js View on Github external
static defaultProps = {
    data: [
      { x: "A", y: 1 },
      { x: "B", y: 2 },
      { x: "C", y: 3 },
      { x: "D", y: 1 },
      { x: "E", y: 2 }
    standalone: true,
    dataComponent: ,
    labelComponent: ,
    containerComponent: ,
github FormidableLabs / victory / packages / victory-chart / src / victory-chart.js View on Github external
startAngle: PropTypes.number

  static defaultProps = {
    containerComponent: ,
    defaultAxes: {
      independent: ,
    defaultPolarAxes: {
      independent: ,
github FormidableLabs / victory-chart / src / components / victory-scatter / victory-scatter.js View on Github external
import React, { PropTypes } from "react";
import { partialRight } from "lodash";
import {
  PropTypes as CustomPropTypes, Helpers, VictoryTransition, VictoryLabel, addEvents,
  VictoryContainer, VictoryTheme, DefaultTransitions, Point, Data, Domain
} from "victory-core";
import ScatterHelpers from "./helper-methods";

const fallbackProps = {
  width: 450,
  height: 300,
  padding: 50,
  size: 3,
  symbol: "circle",
  theme: VictoryTheme.grayscale

const animationWhitelist = [
  "data", "domain", "height", "maxBubbleSize", "padding", "samples", "size", "style", "width"

class VictoryScatter extends React.Component {
  static displayName = "VictoryScatter";
  static role = "scatter";
  static defaultTransitions = DefaultTransitions.discreteTransitions();

  static propTypes = {
    animate: PropTypes.object,
    bubbleProperty: PropTypes.string,
    categories: PropTypes.oneOfType([
github FormidableLabs / victory-sunburst / src / components / victory-sunburst.js View on Github external
{ name: "B3", size: 5 }
    dataComponent: ,
    displayCore: false,
github FormidableLabs / victory-chart / src / components / victory-axis / victory-axis.js View on Github external
import React, { PropTypes } from "react";
import { assign, partialRight } from "lodash";
import {
  PropTypes as CustomPropTypes, Helpers, VictoryTransition, VictoryLabel,
  VictoryContainer, VictoryTheme, Line, TextSize, addEvents
} from "victory-core";
import AxisHelpers from "./helper-methods";
import Axis from "../../helpers/axis";

const fallbackProps = {
  width: 450,
  height: 300,
  padding: 50,
  theme: VictoryTheme.grayscale

const animationWhitelist = [
  "style", "domain", "range", "tickCount", "tickValues",
  "offsetX", "offsetY", "padding", "width", "height"

class VictoryAxis extends React.Component {
  static displayName = "VictoryAxis";

  static role = "axis";

  static defaultTransitions = {
    onExit: {
      duration: 500
github FormidableLabs / victory / src / components / victory-voronoi-tooltip / victory-voronoi-tooltip.js View on Github external
      CustomPropTypes.allOfType([CustomPropTypes.integer, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative]),

  static defaultProps = {
    samples: 50,
    scale: "linear",
    standalone: true,
    dataComponent: ,
    labelComponent: ,
    containerComponent: ,
github FormidableLabs / victory-chart / src / components / victory-voronoi-tooltip / victory-voronoi-tooltip.js View on Github external
import React, { PropTypes } from "react";
import { partialRight } from "lodash";
import {
  PropTypes as CustomPropTypes, Helpers, VictoryTransition, VictoryTooltip, addEvents,
  VictoryContainer, VictoryTheme, DefaultTransitions, Voronoi, Data, Domain, Log
} from "victory-core";
import TooltipHelpers from "./helper-methods";

const fallbackProps = {
  width: 450,
  height: 300,
  padding: 50,
  theme: VictoryTheme.grayscale

const animationWhitelist = [
  "data", "domain", "height", "padding", "samples", "size", "style", "width"

class VictoryVoronoiTooltip extends React.Component {
  static displayName = "VictoryVoronoiTooltip";
  static role = "tooltip";
  static defaultTransitions = DefaultTransitions.discreteTransitions();

  static propTypes = {
    animate: PropTypes.object,
    categories: PropTypes.oneOfType([
github FormidableLabs / victory / packages / victory-axis / src / victory-axis.js View on Github external
    tickFormat: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, CustomPropTypes.homogeneousArray]),
    tickLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
    tickValues: CustomPropTypes.homogeneousArray

  static defaultProps = {
    axisComponent: ,
    axisLabelComponent: ,
    tickLabelComponent: ,
    tickComponent: ,
    gridComponent: ,
    scale: "linear",
    standalone: true,
    theme: VictoryTheme.grayscale,
    containerComponent: ,