How to use the velocity-animate.Redirects function in velocity-animate

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few velocity-animate examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aurelia / animator-velocity / src / animator.js View on Github external
constructor(container: any) {
    this.container = container || DOM;
    this.easings = Object.assign(velocity.Easings, this.easings);
    this.effects = Object.assign(velocity.Redirects, this.effects);
github aurelia / animator-velocity / dist / es2015 / aurelia-animator-velocity.js View on Github external
easing: 'linear'
    this.isAnimating = false;
    this.enterAnimation = { properties: ':enter', options: { easing: 'ease-in', duration: 200 } };
    this.leaveAnimation = { properties: ':leave', options: { easing: 'ease-in', duration: 200 } };
    this.easings = [];
    this.effects = {
      ':enter': 'fadeIn',
      ':leave': 'fadeOut',
      ':show': 'fadeIn',
      ':hide': 'fadeOut'

    this.container = container || DOM;
    this.easings = Object.assign(velocity.Easings, this.easings);
    this.effects = Object.assign(velocity.Redirects, this.effects);
github aurelia / animator-velocity / dist / aurelia-animator-velocity.js View on Github external
constructor(container: any) {
    this.container = container || DOM;
    this.easings = Object.assign(velocity.Easings, this.easings);
    this.effects = Object.assign(velocity.Redirects, this.effects);
github aurelia / animator-velocity / dist / native-modules / aurelia-animator-velocity.js View on Github external
easing: 'linear'
    this.isAnimating = false;
    this.enterAnimation = { properties: ':enter', options: { easing: 'ease-in', duration: 200 } };
    this.leaveAnimation = { properties: ':leave', options: { easing: 'ease-in', duration: 200 } };
    this.easings = [];
    this.effects = {
      ':enter': 'fadeIn',
      ':leave': 'fadeOut',
      ':show': 'fadeIn',
      ':hide': 'fadeOut'

    this.container = container || DOM;
    this.easings = Object.assign(velocity.Easings, this.easings);
    this.effects = Object.assign(velocity.Redirects, this.effects);