How to use the util.format function in util

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few util examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rupnikj / nodeimu / testSync.js View on Github external
function dispAccel() {
  var tic = new Date(); 
  var data = IMU.getValueSync();
  var toc = new Date();

  var str = data.timestamp.toISOString() + " ";
  str += print_vector3("Accel", data.accel)
  // str += print_vector3("Gyro", data.gyro)
  // str += print_vector3("Compass", data.compass)
  // str += print_vector3("Fusion", data.fusionPose)

  var str2 = "";
  if (data.temperature && data.pressure && data.humidity) {
    var str2 = util.format(' %s %s %s', data.temperature.toFixed(4), data.pressure.toFixed(4), data.humidity.toFixed(4));
  console.log(str + str2);
  if (num == numStop) {
  } else {
    setTimeout(dispAccel, 50 - (toc - tic));
github holdfenytolvaj / pogi / src / queryWhere.ts View on Github external
} else {
        let parts = strip(key.split(jsonRegexp));

        field = parts.shift();
        quotedField = util.format('"%s"', field);

        if (parts.length > 1) {
            let jsonOp = parts.shift();
            let jsonKey = parts.shift();

            // treat numeric json keys as array indices, otherwise quote it
            if (isNaN(jsonKey) && jsonKey.indexOf("'") == -1) {
                jsonKey = util.format("'%s'", jsonKey);

            quotedField = util.format('%s%s%s', quotedField, jsonOp, jsonKey);

    if (operation.fieldMutator) {
        quotedField = operation.fieldMutator(field, quotedField);

    return {
        field: field,
        quotedField: quotedField,
        operator: (operation.operator || '=').toUpperCase(),
        mutator: operation.mutator,
        originalOp: userOp
github benbuckman / nodejs-ebay-api / lib / json-parser.js View on Github external
}).join(', ');

    // @review which API is this for?
    // (maybe a relic of JSON response, no longer relevant?)
    else if (!_.isUndefined(data.errorMessage)) {
      errorMessage = flatten(data.errorMessage, -1, requestContext);
      if (_.isObject(errorMessage)) errorMessage = util.inspect(errorMessage, true, 3);
      // TODO error code and classification in this format?

    debug('response error', errorClassification, errorSeverityCode, ack, errorMessage);

    // fallback
    if (errorMessage == null) {
      errorMessage = util.format("Bad ack code: ", ack);
      errorSeverityCode = 'Error';

    // more context for programatically interpreting the error
    extraErrorProps = {
      severityCode: errorSeverityCode,
      classification: errorClassification,
      errors: errors,
      details: _.clone(ack)

    // still pass back the data! so client can ignore the warning/error if it chooses.
    if (errorClassification === 'SystemError') {
      error = new EbaySystemError("eBay API system " + errorSeverityCode.toLowerCase() + ": " + errorMessage, extraErrorProps);
    else {
github kunklejr / node-pcap-parser / lib / pcap-parser.js View on Github external

    var header = {
      magicNumber: buffer['readUInt32' + this.endianness](0, true),
      majorVersion: buffer['readUInt16' + this.endianness](4, true),
      minorVersion: buffer['readUInt16' + this.endianness](6, true),
      gmtOffset: buffer['readInt32' + this.endianness](8, true),
      timestampAccuracy: buffer['readUInt32' + this.endianness](12, true),
      snapshotLength: buffer['readUInt32' + this.endianness](16, true),
      linkLayerType: buffer['readUInt32' + this.endianness](20, true)

    if (header.majorVersion != 2 && header.minorVersion != 4) {
      this.errored = true;;
      msg = util.format('unsupported version %d.%d. pcap-parser only parses libpcap file format 2.4', header.majorVersion, header.minorVersion);
      this.emit('error', new Error(msg));;
    } else {
      this.emit('globalHeader', header);
      this.buffer = buffer.slice(GLOBAL_HEADER_LENGTH);
      this.state = parsePacketHeader;
      return true;

  return false;
github hyperledger / composer-tools / packages / fabric-dev-servers / fabric-scripts / hlfv1-node / hlfv1 / join-channel.js View on Github external
}, (err) => {
        console.log(util.format('Failed to join peers in organization "%s" to the channel',;
        throw new Error('error 1');
    .catch(function (err) {
github tramseyer / cell-geolocation / glm_cells-cleanup.js View on Github external
}, function(err) {
          if (err) {
            console.error('Error removing entry in Google GLM MMAP cache database');
          } else {
            console.log(util.format('Removed %d %d %d %d because already in OpenCellId database', glmRow.mcc, glmRow.mnc, glmRow.lac, glmRow.cellid));
      } else {
github joyent / smartos-live / src / img / node_modules / imgmanifest / lib / imgmanifest.js View on Github external
users: function validateUsers(manifest) {
        var errs = [];
        var users = manifest.users;
        if (users === undefined) {
            errs.push({ field: 'users', code: 'MissingParameter' });
            return errs;

        if (!Array.isArray(users)) {
                field: 'users',
                code: 'Invalid',
                message: format('invalid image "users" (not an array): %j',
        } else {
            users.forEach(function (u) {
                if (typeof (u) !== 'object' ||
           === undefined ||
                    Object.keys(u).length !== 1) {
                        field: 'users',
                        code: 'Invalid',
                        message: format('invalid image "users" entry: %j', u)
        return errs;
github martyjs / marty / build / updateVersion.js View on Github external
function updateMarty() {
  var marty = read('../marty.js');
  marty = marty.replace(/new Marty\('.*'/, util.format("new Marty('%s'", version));
  write('../marty.js', marty);
github RoyalBingBong / meView / app / src / OS / win / registry.js View on Github external
addToRegistry(args, () => {
        let kp = format("%s\\command", keyPath)
        let pe = format('"%s" "%s"', process.execPath, arg)
        args = [kp, "/ve", "/d", pe]
        addToRegistry(args, callback)
github nodenv / node-build-update-defs / lib / scraper-jxcore.js View on Github external
get: function () {
      return format('install_package %s "%s" jxcore_spidermonkey standard\n', this.packageName, this.downloadUri)