How to use universal-router - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few universal-router examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / types / universal-router / universal-router-tests.ts View on Github external
action: (context: ActionContext) => `Welcome, ${context.params["username"]}!`

resolve(routes2, { path: "/hello/john" })
  .then(result => console.log(result));

// Test 3
const routes3 = [
    path: "/hello/:username",
    action: (ctx: ActionContext, { username }: Params) => `Welcome, ${username}!`

resolve(routes3, { path: "/hello/john" })
  .then(result => console.log(result));

// Test 4
const routes4 = [
    path: "/hello",
    action: () => new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve("Welcome!"), 1000);

resolve(routes4, { path: "/hello" })
  .then(result => console.log(result));

// Test 5
github openforis / collect / collect-web / collect-webapp / frontend / server.js View on Github external
app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => {
  try {
    let css = new Set();
    let statusCode = 200;
    const data = { title: '', description: '', style: '', script: assets.main.js, children: '' };

    await UniversalRouter.resolve(routes, {
      path: req.path,
      query: req.query,
      context: {
        insertCss: (...styles) => {
          styles.forEach(style => css.add(style._getCss())); // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle, max-len
        setTitle: value => (data.title = value),
        setMeta: (key, value) => (data[key] = value),
      render(component, status = 200) {
        // console.log('inside render of UniversalRouter', component);
        css = new Set();
        statusCode = status;
        data.children = ReactDOM.renderToString(component); = [...css].join('');
        return true;
github phylogeny-explorer / explorer / client / src / client.js View on Github external
function onLocationChange(location) {
    // Save the page scroll position into the current location's state
    if (currentLocation.key) {
      saveState(currentLocation.key, {
        scrollX: windowScrollX(),
        scrollY: windowScrollY(),
    currentLocation = location;
    UniversalRouter.resolve(routes, {
      path: location.pathname,
      query: location.query,
      state: location.state,
      render: render.bind(undefined, container, location), // eslint-disable-line react/jsx-no-bind, max-len
    }).catch(err => console.error(err)); // eslint-disable-line no-console
github start-react / sb-admin-seed-react / src / server.js View on Github external
app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => {
  try {
    let css = new Set();
    let statusCode = 200;
    const data = { title: '', description: '', style: '', script: assets.main.js, children: '' };

    await UniversalRouter.resolve(routes, {
      path: req.path,
      query: req.query,
      context: {
        insertCss: (...styles) => {
          styles.forEach(style => css.add(style._getCss())); // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle, max-len
        setTitle: value => (data.title = value),
        setMeta: (key, value) => (data[key] = value),
      render(component, status = 200) {
        // console.log('inside render of UniversalRouter', component);
        css = new Set();
        statusCode = status;
        data.children = ReactDOM.renderToString(component); = [...css].join('');
        return true;
github cassioscabral / rateissuesfront / src / client.js View on Github external
const removeHistoryListener = history.listen(location => {
    currentLocation = location
    match(routes, {
      path: location.pathname,
      query: location.query,
      state: location.state,
      render: render.bind(undefined, container, location.state, {store})
    }).catch(err => console.error(err)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
github jsmentor / react-workshops / apps / user-management-app / src / client.js View on Github external
// Remember the latest scroll position for the previous location
  scrollPositionsHistory[currentLocation.key] = {
    scrollX: window.pageXOffset,
    scrollY: window.pageYOffset,
  // Delete stored scroll position for next page if any
  if (action === 'PUSH') {
    delete scrollPositionsHistory[location.key];
  currentLocation = location;

  try {
    // Traverses the list of routes in the order they are defined until
    // it finds the first route that matches provided URL path string
    // and whose action method returns anything other than `undefined`.
    const route = await UniversalRouter.resolve(routes, {
      path: location.pathname,
      query: queryString.parse(,

    // Prevent multiple page renders during the routing process
    if (currentLocation.key !== location.key) {

    if (route.redirect) {

    appInstance = ReactDOM.render(
github malbernaz / preact-isomorphic-example / src / client.js View on Github external

    if (!self.fetch) {
      await require.ensure([], require =>
        require('isomorphic-fetch'), 'fetch-polyfill'


  const router = require('./routes').default // eslint-disable-line global-require

  const { pathname } = location

  const route = await match(router, { path: pathname, currentRoute: pathname, ...routerMiddleware })

  const component = (
      { route.component }

  render(component, mnt, mnt.lastElementChild)

    const node = document.getElementById('css')

    if (node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node)

    FIRST_RENDER = false
github phodal / mole / src / server.js View on Github external
app.get('*', async(req, res, next) => {
  try {
    let css = new Set();
    let statusCode = 200;
    const data = { title: '', description: '', style: '', script: assets.main.js, children: '' };

    await UniversalRouter.resolve(routes, {
      path: req.path,
      query: req.query,
      context: {
        insertCss: (...styles) => {
          styles.forEach(style => css.add(style._getCss())); // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle, max-len
        setTitle: value => (data.title = value),
        setMeta: (key, value) => (data[key] = value),
      render(component, status = 200) {
        css = new Set();
        statusCode = status;
        data.children = ReactDOM.renderToString(component); = [...css].join('');
        return true;
github fechy / retropie-web-gui / src / client.js View on Github external
// Remember the latest scroll position for the previous location
  scrollPositionsHistory[currentLocation.key] = {
    scrollX: window.pageXOffset,
    scrollY: window.pageYOffset,
  // Delete stored scroll position for next page if any
  if (history.action === 'PUSH') {
    delete scrollPositionsHistory[location.key];
  currentLocation = location;

  try {
    // Traverses the list of routes in the order they are defined until
    // it finds the first route that matches provided URL path string
    // and whose action method returns anything other than `undefined`.
    const route = await UniversalRouter.resolve(routes, {
      path: location.pathname,
      query: queryString.parse(,

    // Prevent multiple page renders during the routing process
    if (currentLocation.key !== location.key) {

    if (route.redirect) {

github malbernaz / preact-hn / src / client.js View on Github external
function insertCss(...styles) {
  const removeCss = => x._insertCss());

  return () => removeCss.forEach(f => f());

function redirect(to) {

const context = { insertCss, store };

const mnt = document.querySelector("main");

const router = new Router(routes);

async function bootstrap(location, router) {
    if (!_DEV_) await registerServiceWorker();

    if (!self.fetch) {
      await import("unfetch" /* webpackChunkName: "fetch-polyfill" */);

  CURRENT_LOCATION = location;

  const { pathname: path, search } = location;

  const route = await router.resolve({ path, store, redirect, search, ...routerMiddleware });


Isomorphic router for JavaScript web applications

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