How to use the unchained-bitcoin.MULTISIG_ADDRESS_TYPES.P2WSH function in unchained-bitcoin

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github unchained-capital / unchained-wallets / src / ledger.js View on Github external

    for (var i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
        txTmp.addOutput(outputs[i].address, outputs[i].amountSats.toNumber());
    for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
      txTmp.addInput(inputs[j].txid, inputs[j].index)

    let txToSign = txTmp.buildIncomplete();

    const txHex = txToSign.toHex()

    const addressType = multisigAddressType(inputs[0].multisig); // TODO: multiple inputs?
    const segwit = addressType == MULTISIG_ADDRESS_TYPES.P2SH_P2WSH || addressType == MULTISIG_ADDRESS_TYPES.P2WSH

    let splitTx = await ledgerbtc.splitTransaction(txHex, segwit);

    let outputScriptHex = await ledgerbtc.serializeTransactionOutputs(splitTx).toString('hex');

    const ledgerIns = => ledgerInput(ledgerbtc, input));

    // BIP32 PATH
    let ledger_bip32_path = path.split("/").slice(1).join("/");
    let ledgerKeySets = Array(inputs.length).fill(ledger_bip32_path); //array[bip32]

    // SIGN
    let signatures = await ledgerbtc.signP2SHTransaction(
github unchained-capital / unchained-wallets / src / trezor.js View on Github external


 * Retrieve Trezor format for network constant
 * @param {string} network - bitcoin network
 * @private
 * @returns {string} Trezor format of bitcoin network
function coin(network) {
  return (network === NETWORKS.MAINNET ? "Bitcoin" : "Testnet");

const addressScriptTypes = {
function trezorInput(input, bip32Path) {
  const requiredSigners = multisigRequiredSigners(input.multisig);
  const addressType = multisigAddressType(input.multisig)
  const spendType = addressScriptTypes[addressType]
  return {
    script_type: spendType,
    multisig: {
      m: requiredSigners,
      pubkeys: multisigPublicKeys(input.multisig).map((publicKey) => trezorPublicKey(publicKey)),
      signatures: Array(requiredSigners).fill(''),
    prev_hash: input.txid,
    prev_index: input.index,