How to use typescript-json-schema - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few typescript-json-schema examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jumattos / lsif-util / src / validate.ts View on Github external
                    catch {
                        // Failed to get more details for the error
                return false;
        console.log(`${outputMessage} done`);
        printPass("Vertices properties are correct");

         * Check #4: edges properties are correct
        const edgeSchema = TJS.generateSchema(program, "Edge", { required: true, noExtraProps: true });
        count = 1;
        length = Object.keys(edges).length;
        for (let key in edges) {
            outputMessage = `Verifying edge ${count} of ${length}...`;

            const validation = validateSchema(edges[key], edgeSchema);
            if (!validation.valid) {
                console.log(`${outputMessage} error`);
                console.error(`Edge ${key} is not valid:\n${JSON.stringify(edges[key], null, 2)}`);
                // Since we checked for inV and outV before, the only possible problem is the label
                if (!edges[key].label || edges[key].label === "") {
                    printError(`requires property "label"`);
github hpcc-systems / Visualization / packages / ddl-shim / util / createSchema.ts View on Github external
function genSchema(src: string, dest: string, type: string) {
    const ddl = TJS.getProgramFromFiles([resolve(`src/${src}.ts`)], {
        skipLibCheck: true
    const ddlSchema = TJS.generateSchema(ddl, type, settings);

    fs.writeFile(`src/${dest}.json`, JSON.stringify(ddlSchema), function (err) {
        if (err) {
            return console.error(err);

    const tpl = `/* tslint:disable */\n` +
        `export const ${dest} =  \n` +
        JSON.stringify(ddlSchema, null, "    ") +

    fs.writeFile(`src/${dest}.ts`, tpl, function (err) {
github wavesplatform / waves-transactions / build / schemas.ts View on Github external
excludePrivate: true,
    noExtraProps: false,

  // optionally pass ts compiler options
  const compilerOptions: TJS.CompilerOptions = {
    strictNullChecks: true,
    resolveJsonModule: true,
    allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,
    downlevelIteration: true,
    lib: [

  const program = TJS.getProgramFromFiles([resolve('src/transactions.ts')], compilerOptions)

  TYPES.forEach(type => {
    const id = `${type}.json`
    let schema = TJS.generateSchema(program, type, { ...settings, id })
    //Define generic LONG as string | number in JSON schema. Otherwise ot would be object. Should probably pass param that defines LONG schema;
    schema!.definitions = {...schema!.definitions,  LONG:{type:['string', 'number']}};
    const filePath = `src/schemas/${type}.json`
    const fileContent = JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2)
    writeFile(filePath, fileContent, (err) => {
      if (err) throw err
      console.log(`${type} schema has been written`)

  const manifest = `${ => `import ${type} from './${type}.json'`).join('\n')}
github intl-wc / intl / packages / utils / src / generate-schemas.ts View on Github external
export default async function generateSchemas() {
    const program = TJS.getProgramFromFiles([resolve('.', 'intl.config.ts')], null);
    const settings: TJS.PartialArgs = {
        ignoreErrors: false,
        required: true
    // const schema = TJS.generateSchema(program, 'Schema');
    const generator = TJS.buildGenerator(program, settings);
    if (generator) {
        // const symbols = generator.getUserSymbols();
        // const symbols = generator.getMainFileSymbols(program);
        const schema = generator.getSchemaForSymbol('Schema', false);
        let generatedSchema = { ...schema };
        let lazyRefs = new Map();
        if ( {
            // Filter lazy props, get reference to their interfaces
            const lazy = Object.entries(
            for (let [key, value] of lazy) {
                const lazyRef =['$ref'].split('/').pop();
                lazyRefs.set(key, generator.getSchemaForSymbol(lazyRef, false));
                const newValue = { ...value };
github transitive-bullshit / functional-typescript / packages / fts / src / parser.ts View on Github external

  if (!builder.definition.params.schema) {
    throw new Error(`Error generating params JSON schema for TS file "${file}"`)

  // fix required parameters to only be those which do not have default values
  const { schema } = builder.definition.params
  schema.required = (schema.required || []).filter(
    (k) =>[k].default === undefined
  if (!schema.required.length) {
    delete schema.required

  builder.definition.returns.schema = TJS.generateSchema(program, FTSReturns, {
    required: false

  if (!builder.definition.returns.schema) {
    throw new Error(
      `Error generating returns JSON schema for TS file "${file}"`
github transitive-bullshit / functional-typescript / packages / fts / src / parser.ts View on Github external
const compilerOptions = {
    allowJs: true,
    lib: ['es2018', 'dom'],
    target: 'es5',
    esModuleInterop: true,

  const program = TJS.getProgramFromFiles(

  builder.definition.params.schema = {
    ...TJS.generateSchema(program, FTSParams, jsonSchemaOptions),
    ...(builder.definition.params.schema || {}) // Spread any existing schema params

  if (!builder.definition.params.schema) {
    throw new Error(`Error generating params JSON schema for TS file "${file}"`)

  // fix required parameters to only be those which do not have default values
  const { schema } = builder.definition.params
  schema.required = (schema.required || []).filter(
    (k) =>[k].default === undefined
  if (!schema.required.length) {
    delete schema.required
github Bearer / bearer-js / packages / cli / src / utils / generators.ts View on Github external
async build() {
    const files = await globby(`${this.srcFunctionsDir}/*.ts`)
    const programGenerator = TJS.getProgramFromFiles(
        allowUnusedLabels: true,
        // be indulgent
        noUnusedParameters: false,
        noUnusedLocals: false

    const generator = TJS.buildGenerator(programGenerator, {
      required: true

    if (!generator) {
      throw new Error('Please fix above issues before')

    files.forEach(file => {
      const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(
        fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'),
      ts.transform(sourceFile, [transformer(generator)])
github eclipse / / lang-protocol-generator / Gruntfile.js View on Github external
var TJS = require('typescript-json-schema').TJS;

/*global module:false*/
module.exports = function (grunt) {

  // Project configuration.
    // Task configuration.
    shell: {
            command: [
               'mkdir ./nodeClient',
               'cd ./nodeClient',
               'git clone',
               'cd vscode-languageserver-node/client',
               'npm install .'
github jumattos / lsif-util / src / validate.ts View on Github external
console.error(`Vertex ${key} is not connected to any other`);
            return false;
    printPass("Vertices are used in at least one edge");

     * Thorough validation
    if (fs.existsSync(protocolPath)) {
        const program = TJS.getProgramFromFiles([protocolPath]);

         * Check #3: vertices properties are correct
        const vertexSchema = TJS.generateSchema(program, "Vertex", { required: true });
        let count = 1;
        let length = Object.keys(vertices).length;
        for (let key in vertices) {
            outputMessage = `Verifying vertex ${count} of ${length}...`;

            const validation = validateSchema(vertices[key], vertexSchema);
            if (!validation.valid) {
                console.log(`${outputMessage} error`);
                console.error(`Vertex ${key} is not valid:\n${JSON.stringify(vertices[key], null, 2)}`);

                if (!vertices[key].label || vertices[key].label === "") {
                    printError(`requires property "label"`);
                else {
github contentful / rich-text / packages / rich-text-types / tools / jsonSchemaGen.ts View on Github external
const createJsonSchema = (symbolName: string, nodeType: string): void => {
  const doc = TJS.generateSchema(program, symbolName, settings);

  const schemaString = JSON.stringify(doc, null, 2);

  writeFile(`./src/schemas/generated/${nodeType}.json`, schemaString, (err: Error) => {
    if (err) {
      return console.log(err);