How to use the tui-code-snippet.isNull function in tui-code-snippet

To help you get started, weโ€™ve selected a few tui-code-snippet examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / components / series / series.js View on Github external
            this._renderSeriesArea(data.paper, snippet.bind(this._renderGraph, this));

            if (this.labelShowEffector) {

            // if rerender have excuted in the middle of animate,
            // we should rerun animate
            if (checkedLegends || !this.isInitRenderCompleted) {

            if (!snippet.isNull(this.selectedLegendIndex)) {
        } else {
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / models / data / seriesDataModelForTreemap.js View on Github external
rawSeriesData.forEach((datum, index) => {
            const id = idPrefix + index;
            const {children} = datum;
            const indexes = ancestorIndexes.concat(index);

            datum.indexes = indexes;

            if (!snippet.isNull(datum.value)) {

            if (! {
       = id;

            if (!datum.parent) {
                datum.parent = parent;

            if (children) {
                flatData = flatData.concat(this._flattenHierarchicalData(children, id, indexes));
                delete datum.children;
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / components / tooltips / singleTooltipMixer.js View on Github external
_getIndexesCustomAttribute(elTooltip) {
        const groupIndex = elTooltip.getAttribute('data-groupIndex');
        const index = elTooltip.getAttribute('data-index');
        let indexes = null;

        if (!snippet.isNull(groupIndex) && !snippet.isNull(index)) {
            indexes = {
                groupIndex: parseInt(groupIndex, 10),
                index: parseInt(index, 10)

        return indexes;
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / components / tooltips / groupTooltip.js View on Github external
_showTooltip(elTooltip, params, prevPosition) {
        if (!snippet.isNull(this.prevIndex)) {
  'hideGroupAnimation', this.prevIndex);

        elTooltip.innerHTML = this._makeGroupTooltipHtml(params.index);

        this._fireBeforeShowTooltipPublicEvent(params.index, params.range, params.silent);

        if (document.getElementsByClassName) {

        dom.addClass(elTooltip, 'show');

        this._showTooltipSector(params.size, params.range, params.isVertical, params.index, params.isMoving);

        const dimension = this.getTooltipDimension(elTooltip);
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / plugins / raphaelRadialLineSeries.js View on Github external
selectLegend(legendIndex) {
        const noneSelected = snippet.isNull(legendIndex);

        this.selectedLegendIndex = legendIndex;

        this.groupLines.forEach((line, groupIndex) => {
            const opacity = (noneSelected || legendIndex === groupIndex) ? EMPHASIS_OPACITY : DE_EMPHASIS_OPACITY;

            line.attr({'stroke-opacity': opacity});
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / components / plots / plot.js View on Github external
_createOptionalLinePositionWhenLabelAxis(width, xAxisData, value) {
        const {dataProcessor} = this;
        const isLineTypeChart = predicate.isLineTypeChart(dataProcessor.chartType, dataProcessor.seriesTypes);
        const isPointOnColumn = isLineTypeChart && xAxisData.options.pointOnColumn;
        const index = dataProcessor.findCategoryIndex(value);
        const halfLabelDistance = this._calculateXAxisLabelDistance(width, xAxisData) / 2;

        let position = null;
        let ratio;

        if (!snippet.isNull(index)) {
            const categoryCount = dataProcessor.getCategoryCount();
            const divCount = isPointOnColumn ? categoryCount : categoryCount - 1;

            ratio = (index === 0) ? 0 : (index / divCount);

            position = ratio * width;
            if (isPointOnColumn) {
                position += halfLabelDistance;

        if (ratio === 1) {
            position -= 1;

        return position;
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / components / legends / legend.js View on Github external
_selectLegend(index) {
        const data = this.legendModel.getDatum(index);


        if (!snippet.isNull(this.legendModel.getSelectedIndex()) && !this.legendModel.isCheckedSelectedIndex()) {

        this.dataProcessor.selectLegendIndex = this.legendModel.getSelectedIndex();
        this.graphRenderer.selectLegend(this.dataProcessor.selectLegendIndex, this.legendSet);

github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / plugins / raphaelLineTypeBase.js View on Github external
_updateLineStrokeOpacity(changeType, line) {
        let opacity = 1;
        const isSelectedLegend = !snippet.isNull(this.selectedLegendIndex);
        if (this.groupLines) {
            if (changeType === CHART_HOVER_STATUS_OVER || isSelectedLegend) {
                opacity = (this.chartType === 'radial' && this.showArea) ? 0 : DE_EMPHASIS_OPACITY;

            if (changeType === CHART_HOVER_STATUS_OUT && isSelectedLegend) {
                line = this.getLine(this.selectedLegendIndex);

            this.groupLines.forEach(otherLine => {
                    'stroke-opacity': opacity
                'stroke-opacity': 1
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / components / series / lineTypeSeriesBase.js View on Github external => {
                let position;

                if (!snippet.isNull(seriesItem.end)) {
                    position = {
                        left: baseLeft + (seriesItem.ratioMap.x * width) + additionalLeft,
                        top: baseTop + height - (seriesItem.ratioMap.y * height)

                    if (snippet.isExisty(seriesItem.ratioMap.start)) {
                        position.startTop =
                            height - (seriesItem.ratioMap.start * height) + chartConst.SERIES_EXPAND_SIZE;

                return position;
        ), true);