How to use tsdx - 1 common examples

To help you get started, weโ€™ve selected a few tsdx examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github samdenty / gqless / jest.config.base.js View on Github external
module.exports = root => {
  let name

  const packageJsonPath = path.resolve(root, 'package.json')
  if (fs.existsSync(packageJsonPath)) {
    const packageJson = require(packageJsonPath)
    name =

  return {
    ...tsdx.createJestConfig(undefined, root),

    globals: {
      __DEV__: true,
      'ts-jest': {
        diagnostics: false,
    displayName: name,
    name: name,
    snapshotSerializers: ['@internal/fixtures/snapshotSerializer.ts'],
    moduleNameMapper: {
      '@gqless/([^\\/]*)/(?:dist|src)(.*)$': path.resolve(
      '@gqless/([^\\/]*)$': path.resolve(__dirname, './packages/$1/src'),


Zero-config TypeScript package development

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