How to use the ts-express-decorators.Service function in ts-express-decorators

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ts-express-decorators examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github scopsy / node-typescript-starter / src / services / auth / passport / passport.service.ts View on Github external
import * as passport from 'passport';
import * as FacebookTokenStrategy from 'passport-facebook-token';
import { Strategy as LocalStrategy } from 'passport-local';
import { ExpressApplication, Inject, Service } from 'ts-express-decorators';
import { AuthProviderEnum } from '../../../dal/User';
import { IAppRequest } from '../../../types/app.types';
import { IAuthProviderProfileDto } from '../auth.dto';
import { AuthService } from '../auth.service';

export enum AUTH_STRATEGY {
    FACEBOOK_TOKEN_STRATEGY = 'facebook-token',
    LOCAL_STRATEGY = 'local'

export class PassportService {
        private authService: AuthService,
        @Inject(ExpressApplication) private expressApplication: ExpressApplication
    ) {

    $beforeRoutesInit() {
        passport.use(AUTH_STRATEGY.LOCAL_STRATEGY, this.passportLocalStrategy);
        passport.use(AUTH_STRATEGY.FACEBOOK_TOKEN_STRATEGY, this.facebookTokenStrategy);

    private passportLocalStrategy = new LocalStrategy({
        usernameField: 'email',
        passReqToCallback: true
github scopsy / node-typescript-starter / src / services / user / user.service.ts View on Github external
import { Inject, Service } from 'ts-express-decorators';
import { UserRepositoryToken } from '../../dal/token-constants';
import { UserRepository } from '../../dal/User';

export class UserService {
        @Inject(UserRepositoryToken) private userRepository: UserRepository
    ) {


    async getUserById(id: string) {
        return await this.userRepository.findById(id, 'firstName lastName email fullName picture');
github scopsy / node-typescript-starter / src / services / shared / mongoose.service.ts View on Github external
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { Service } from 'ts-express-decorators';

(mongoose as any).Promise = global.Promise;

export class MongooseService {
    static resource: mongoose.Connection;

    static async connect(): Promise {
        const mongoUrl = process.env.MONGODB_URI;

        if (MongooseService.resource) {
            return MongooseService.resource;

        const db = await mongoose.connect(mongoUrl, {
            useMongoClient: true

        MongooseService.resource = db;
        return db;
github replicatedhq / kots / api / src / feature / resolver.ts View on Github external
import * as _ from "lodash";
import { instrumented } from "monkit";
import { Service } from "ts-express-decorators";
import { authorized } from "../auth/decorators";
import { Query } from "../schema/decorators";
import { Context } from "../server/server";
import { tracer } from "../server/tracing";
import { FeatureStore } from "./feature_store";
import { Feature } from "../generated/types";

export class FeatureResolvers {
    private readonly featureStore: FeatureStore,
  ) {}

  @instrumented({ tags: ["tier:resolver"] })
  async userFeatures(root: any, args: any, context: Context): Promise {
    const span = tracer().startSpan("query.listUserFeatures");
    span.setTag("userId", context.userId);

    const features = await this.featureStore.listUserFeatures(span.context(), context.userId);
    const result = => this.toSchemaFeature(feature, root, context));

github replicatedhq / kots / api / src / watch / resolver.ts View on Github external
} from "../generated/types";
import { ShipNotification } from "../notification/resolver";
import { NotificationStore } from "../notification/store";
import { Mutation, Query } from "../schema/decorators";
import { ReplicatedError } from "../server/errors";
import { logger } from "../server/logger";
import { Context } from "../server/server";
import { tracer } from "../server/tracing";
import { storeTransaction } from "../util/persistence/db";
import { schema } from "./schema";
import { WatchStore } from "./watch_store";
import { FeatureResolvers } from "../feature/resolver";
import { ClusterStore } from "../cluster/cluster_store";
import { WatchDownload } from "./download";

export class Watch {
    private readonly watchStore: WatchStore,
    private readonly userStore: UserStore,
    private readonly clusterStore: ClusterStore,
    private readonly notificationStore: NotificationStore,
    private readonly shipNotificationResolver: ShipNotification,
    private readonly featureResolver: FeatureResolvers,
    private readonly downloadService: WatchDownload,
  ) {}

  async deployWatchVersion(root: any, args: DeployWatchVersionMutationArgs, context: Context): Promise {
    const span = tracer().startSpan("mutation.deployShipOpsClusterVersion")
github scopsy / node-typescript-starter / src / services / auth / auth.service.ts View on Github external
import { UserRepositoryToken } from '../../dal/token-constants';
import { AuthProviderEnum, UserInstance, UserRepository } from '../../dal/User';
import { API_ERRORS } from '../../types/app.errors';
import { MongoErrorCode } from '../../types/mongo';
import { ApiError } from '../../utils/error';
import { UnexpectedError } from '../../utils/error/UnexpectedError';
import { validateEmail } from '../../utils/helper.service';
import { AuthDto, IAuthProviderProfileDto } from './auth.dto';
import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
import { PassportAuthService } from './passport/passport-auth.service';
import { AUTH_STRATEGY } from './passport/passport.service';

const DAY = 60000 * 60 * 24;
export const TOKEN_EXP = DAY * 7;

export class AuthService {
    private USER_TOKEN_FIELDS = '_id email lastName firstName picture fullName';

        @Inject(UserRepositoryToken) public userRepository: UserRepository,
        private passportAuthService: PassportAuthService
    ) {


     * Used to fetch user based on its id.
     * There are multiple approaches with working with jwt,
     * You can skip the hydration process and use only the jwt token as the user data.
     * But if you need to invalidate user token dynamically a db/redis query should be made.
github replicatedhq / kots / api / src / update / resolver.ts View on Github external
import { instrumented } from "monkit";
import { Service } from "ts-express-decorators";
import { authorized } from "../auth/decorators";
import { CreateUpdateSessionMutationArgs, UpdateSession } from "../generated/types";
import { Mutation } from "../schema/decorators";
import { Context } from "../server/server";
import { tracer } from "../server/tracing";
import { UpdateStore } from "./store";

export class Update {
  constructor(private readonly updateStore: UpdateStore) {}

  @instrumented({ tags: ["tier:resolver"] })
  async createUpdateSession(root: any, { watchId }: CreateUpdateSessionMutationArgs, context: Context): Promise {
    const span = tracer().startSpan("mutation.createUpdateSession");

    const updateSession = await this.updateStore.createUpdateSession(span.context(), context.userId, watchId);
    const deployedUpdateSession = await this.updateStore.deployUpdateSession(span.context(),!);


    return deployedUpdateSession;
github replicatedhq / kots / api / src / cluster / resolver.ts View on Github external
import { ClusterStore } from "./cluster_store";
import { SessionStore } from "../session/store";
import { Service } from "ts-express-decorators";
import { Query, Mutation } from "../schema/decorators";
import { authorized } from "../auth/decorators";
import { ClusterItem } from "../generated/types";
import { tracer } from "../server/tracing";
import { Context } from "../server/server";
import { WatchStore } from "../watch/watch_store";

export class Cluster {
    private readonly clusterStore: ClusterStore,
    private readonly watchStore: WatchStore,
    private readonly sessionStore: SessionStore,
  ) {}

  async listClusters(root: any, args: any, context: Context): Promise {
    const span = tracer().startSpan("query.listClusters");
    span.setTag("userId", context.userId);

    const clusters = await this.clusterStore.listClusters(span.context(), context.userId);
    const result = => this.toSchemaCluster(cluster, root, context));
github replicatedhq / kots / api / src / imagewatch / resolver.ts View on Github external
import { instrumented } from "monkit";
import { Service } from "ts-express-decorators";
import { ImageWatchItem, ImageWatchItemsQueryArgs, UploadImageWatchBatchMutationArgs } from "../generated/types";
import { Mutation, Query } from "../schema/decorators";
import { Context } from "../context";
import { tracer } from "../server/tracing";
import { ImageWatchStore } from "./store";

export class ImageWatch {
  constructor(private readonly imageWatchStore: ImageWatchStore) {}

  @instrumented({ tags: ["tier:resolver"] })
  async uploadImageWatchBatch(root: any, args: UploadImageWatchBatchMutationArgs, context: Context): Promise {
    const span = tracer().startSpan("mutation.uploadImageWatchBatch");

    const { imageList } = args;

    const batchId = await this.imageWatchStore.createBatch(span.context(), context.session.userId, imageList);


    return batchId;
github replicatedhq / kots / api / src / server / injector.ts View on Github external
import { Auth } from "../user";
import { GitHub } from "../github_installation/github";
import { ImageWatch } from "../imagewatch/resolver";
import { Init } from "../init/resolver";
import { Unfork } from "../unfork/resolver";
import { ShipNotification } from "../notification/resolver";
import { Session } from "../session";
import { Update } from "../update/resolver";
import { getPostgresPool, PostgresWrapper } from "../util/persistence/db";
import { Watch } from "../watch/resolver";
import { Cluster } from "../cluster/resolver";
import { metrics } from "./metrics";
import { Params } from "./params";
import { tracer } from "./tracing";

export class HealthzResolver {
  async healthz(): Promise<{}> {
    return {
      version: process.env.VERSION || "unknown",

  async ping(): Promise {"got ping");

    return "pong";