How to use the tonal.Note.fromMidi function in tonal

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tonal examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-nakaii / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (note, samplesByNote) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;
github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-substrate / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (samplesByNote, note) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;
github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-day-dream / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (note, samplesByNote) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;
github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-substrate / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (samplesByNote, note) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;
github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-nakaii / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (note, samplesByNote) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;
github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-eyes-closed / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (samplesByNote, note) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;
github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-drones-2 / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (samplesByNote, note) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;
github generative-music / pieces-alex-bainter / packages / piece-drones / src / piece.js View on Github external
const findClosest = (samplesByNote, note) => {
  const noteMidi = Note.midi(note);
  const maxInterval = 96;
  let interval = 0;
  while (interval <= maxInterval) {
    const higherNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi + interval);
    if (samplesByNote[higherNote]) {
      return higherNote;
    const lowerNote = Note.fromMidi(noteMidi - interval);
    if (samplesByNote[lowerNote]) {
      return lowerNote;
    interval += 1;
  return note;