How to use the timm.merge function in timm

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few timm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github guigrpa / oao / src / index.js View on Github external
const processOptions = options0 => {
  let options = options0;

  if (options.single) {
    options = merge(options, { src: [] });
  } else {
    // If workspaces are enabled in the monorepo, some configuration is
    // overriden by the monorepo package.json
    if (monorepoPkg.workspaces) {
      let src = monorepoPkg.workspaces;
      if (isObject(src)) src = src.packages;
      if (!src) {
        throw new Error('Could not find correct config for Yarn workspaces');
      options = merge(options, { src, workspaces: true });

    // Add extra configuration in the `oao` field of the monorepo package.json
    options = addDefaults(options, { ignoreSrc: OAO_CONFIG.ignoreSrc });
github guigrpa / storyboard / packages / storyboard-extension-chrome / src / reducers / storiesReducer.js View on Github external
const rxRecords = (state0, action, settings) => {
  let state = state0;
  const { records, fPastRecords, fShorthandForDuplicates } = action;
  const options = timm.merge(settings, { fPastRecords, fShorthandForDuplicates });
  const newStories = [];
  for (let i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
    const record = records[i];
    if (record.signalType) continue;
    if (record.fStory) {
      const [tempState, pathStr] = rxStory(state, record, options);
      state = tempState;
      if (pathStr) newStories.push(pathStr);
    } else {
      state = rxLog(state, record, options);

  // Don't expand stories that are already closed upon reception
  for (let j = 0, len1 = newStories.length; j < len1; j++) {
    const pathStr = newStories[j];
github guigrpa / mady / src / server / db.js View on Github external
async function updateConfig(
  newAttrs: Object,
  { story }: { story: StoryT }
): Promise {
  const prevLangs = _config.langs;
  const updatedConfig = merge(_config, newAttrs);
  _config = updatedConfig;
  story.debug('db', 'New config:', { attach: updatedConfig });
  saveConfig({ story });
  debouncedCompileTranslations({ story });
  await delay(RESPONSE_DELAY);
  publish('updatedConfig', { config: updatedConfig });

  // If new langs have been added, add automatic translations
  const langs = _config.langs;
  let hasNewLangs = false;
  for (let i = 0; i < langs.length; i++) {
    const lang = langs[i];
    if (prevLangs.indexOf(lang) < 0) {
      hasNewLangs = true;
github guigrpa / jest-html / src / client / components / __tests__ / fixtures.js View on Github external
childrenFolderPaths: [
  childrenFolderDirtyFlags: [false, false],

  childrenFolderPaths: [
  childrenFolderDirtyFlags: [false, false],

export const FOLDER_WITH_SUITES = merge(FOLDER_BASE, {
  filePaths: [
  suiteDirtyFlags: [false, false, false],

export const ROOT_FOLDER = {
  folderPath: '-',
  filePaths: [],
  suiteDirtyFlags: [],
  parentFolderPath: null,
  childrenFolderPaths: ['-/path/to/folder', '-/path/to/folder2'],
  childrenFolderDirtyFlags: [false, false],
github guigrpa / storyboard / packages / storyboard-extension-chrome / src / reducers / storiesReducer.js View on Github external
const forgetRecords = (state0, action, settings) => {
  let state = state0;
  const { pathStr } = action;
  const { maxRecords, forgetHysteresis } = settings;
  const path = `mainStory/${pathStr}`.split('/');
  const prevStory = timm.getIn(state, path);
  const { numRecords } = prevStory;
  const targetForget = Math.ceil((numRecords - maxRecords) + (maxRecords * forgetHysteresis));
  const { nextStory, numForgotten, updatedStoryPaths } =
    forgetRecursively(prevStory, targetForget, {}, prevStory.pathStr);
  nextStory.numRecords = numRecords - numForgotten;
  state = timm.setIn(state, path, nextStory);
  const openStories = updateStoryPaths(state.openStories, updatedStoryPaths);
  const closedStories = updateStoryPaths(state.closedStories, updatedStoryPaths);
  state = timm.merge(state, { openStories, closedStories });
  return state;
github guigrpa / jest-html / src / serializer / index.js View on Github external
if (typeof instance === 'string') return escapeHtml(instance);

  let result = `<${instance.type}`;

  const filteredProps = filterProps(instance.props);
  const numProps = Object.keys(filteredProps).length;
  result += printProps(filteredProps, print, indent, opts);
  if (numProps > 1) result += opts.edgeSpacing;
  result += '>';

  if (SELF_CLOSING[instance.type]) return result;

  let opts2 = opts;
  let indent2 = indent;
  if ( && === 'pre') {
    opts2 = merge(opts, { edgeSpacing: '' });
    indent2 = str => str;

  const dangerousInnerHTML = instance.props && instance.props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML;
  if (dangerousInnerHTML) {
    result += `${dangerousInnerHTML.__html}`;
    return result;

  const children = instance.children;
  if (children) {
    const printedChildren = printChildren(children, print, indent2, opts2);
    result +=
      `${opts2.edgeSpacing}${indent2(printedChildren)}` +
  } else if (instance.type.toUpperCase() === 'TEXTAREA') {
github guigrpa / storyboard / src / gral / hub.js View on Github external
const configure = (options) => { config = merge(config, options); };
github guigrpa / storyboard / packages / storyboard-examples / src / webpackConfig.js View on Github external
const path = require('path');
const { merge } = require('timm');
const webpackConfig = require('../webpackConfigBase');

module.exports = merge(webpackConfig, {
  entry: {
    app: ['./src/example/client'],
    exampleUpload: ['./src/example/clientWithUpload'],
  output: {
    filename: '[name].js',
    path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'example'),
    publicPath: '/',
github guigrpa / storyboard / packages / storyboard-listener-ws-server / src / serverLogsApp / webpackConfig.js View on Github external
const path = require('path');
const { merge } = require('timm');
const webpackConfig = require('../webpackConfigBase');

module.exports = merge(webpackConfig, {
  entry: {
    app: ['./src/serverLogsApp/app.js'],
  output: {
    filename: '[name].js',
    path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'serverLogsApp'),
    publicPath: '/',