How to use the theme-ui.get function in theme-ui

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few theme-ui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jxnblk / gatsby-theme-mdx-blog / example / src / @jxnblk / gatsby-theme-mdx-blog / colors.js View on Github external
// imports seem to be broken
// import { colors } from '@jxnblk/gatsby-theme-mdx-blog'
// console.log(colors)

import colors from '@jxnblk/gatsby-theme-mdx-blog/src/colors'
import { get } from 'theme-ui'

// Colors for the theme can be configured by shadowing this file
export default {
  modes: {
    dark: get(colors, 'modes.dark'),
    book: {
      text: '#321',
      background: '#fefdf6',
      primary: '#a20',
      secondary: '#810',
      muted: '#f0f0e6',
github system-ui / theme-ui / packages / style-guide / src / ColorSwatch.js View on Github external
export const ColorSwatch = ({ color, name, size = 128, ...props }) => {
  const { colors } = useTheme()
  const value = get(colors, color)
  return (
    <div title="{`${toHex(value)}`}">
        {name || color}
github system-ui / theme-ui / packages / docs / src / components / hexo.js View on Github external
const handleClick = ({ type, x, y }) => e => {
    const i = get(colors, `${y}.${x}.${type}`, 0)
    const n = shift ? 0 : (i + 1) % colorNames.length
    setColors(state => merge(state, {
      [y]: {
        [x]: {
          [type]: n,