How to use temp - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few temp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nwjs-community / nw-builder / test / utils.js View on Github external
test('mergeFiles', function (t) {
    t.plan(isWindows ? 1 : 2);

    var releasefile = temp.openSync();
    fs.writeFileSync(releasefile.path, 'A');

    var zipFile = temp.openSync();
    fs.writeFileSync(zipFile.path, 'B');

    utils.mergeFiles(releasefile.path, zipFile.path, '0755').then(function() {
        var contents = fs.readFileSync(releasefile.path);
        var stats    = fs.lstatSync(releasefile.path);
        t.equal(contents.toString(), 'AB', 'merge two files');

        if(!isWindows) {
            t.equal(stats.mode.toString(8), '100755', 'fix the permission'); // DOES NOT WORK ON WINDOWS

github SRA-SiliconValley / jalangi / node_test / astSerializationTests.js View on Github external
function checkCode(code) {
    var instCode = esnstrument.instrumentCodeDeprecated(code, {wrapProgram: false, dirIIDFile: temp.dir}).code;
//    console.log(instCode);
	var ast = acorn.parse(instCode);
	// NOTE: this is not a robust way to do a deep copy of ASTs,
	// just good enough for unit tests

//    console.log("init:\n" + JSON.stringify(ast,undefined,2));
	var astCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ast));
	var table = astUtil.serialize(ast);
	// assert.deepEqual(ast,astCopy); would fail here
//    console.log("serialized:\n" + JSON.stringify(ast,undefined,2));
//    console.log("deserialized:\n" + JSON.stringify(ast,undefined,2));
github atom / github / test / helpers.js View on Github external
export async function cloneRepository(repoName = 'three-files') {
  if (!cachedClonedRepos[repoName]) {
    const cachedPath = temp.mkdirSync('git-fixture-cache-');
    const git = new GitShellOutStrategy(cachedPath);
    await git.clone(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', `repo-${repoName}`, 'dot-git'), {noLocal: true});
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', 'core.autocrlf', 'false']);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', 'commit.gpgsign', 'false']);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', '',]);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', '',]);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', 'push.default', 'simple']);
    await git.exec(['checkout', '--', '.']); // discard \r in working directory
    cachedClonedRepos[repoName] = cachedPath;
  return copyCachedRepo(repoName);
github LockerProject / Locker / test / lib / locker-helper.js View on Github external
exports.configurate = function () {
  if (!lconfig) {
    // override from the system temporary directory because of the locker's insane insistence on relative paths.
    temp.dir = '.';

    process.env.NODE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'Common', 'node');

    process.env.LOCKER_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..');
    process.env.LOCKER_CONFIG = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'resources');
    process.env.LOCKER_ME = temp.path({prefix : 'Me.',
                                       suffix : '.test'});

    lconfig = require(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'Common', 'node', 'lconfig.js'));
    lconfig.load(path.join(process.env.LOCKER_CONFIG, 'config.json'));

  return lconfig;
github atom / git-utils / spec / git-spec.js View on Github external
it('relativizes against both the linked path and the real path', () => {
        // Creating symbol link on Windows requires administrator permission so
        // we just skip this test.
        if (process.platform === 'win32') { return }

        const repoDirectory = fs.realpathSync(temp.mkdirSync('node-git-repo-'))
        const linkDirectory = path.join(fs.realpathSync(temp.mkdirSync('node-git-repo-')), 'link')
        wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/master.git'), path.join(repoDirectory, '.git'))
        fs.symlinkSync(repoDirectory, linkDirectory)

        repo =
        expect(repo.relativize(path.join(repoDirectory, 'test1'))).toBe('test1')
        expect(repo.relativize(path.join(linkDirectory, 'test2'))).toBe('test2')
        expect(repo.relativize(path.join(linkDirectory, 'test2/test3'))).toBe('test2/test3')
github joehewitt / nerve / lib / BlogRouter.js View on Github external
res.sendSafely(_.bind(function(cb) {
                var urlPath = req.params[0].split('/');
                if (urlPath.length > 1 && urlPath[0] == imagesDirName) {
                    var imageFileName = urlPath[1];
                    // var imageSize = urlPath[2];
                    // var imagePath = path.join(blog.contentPaths[0].path, imagesDirName,
                                                // imageFileName);
                    var imageSize = null;//urlPath[2];
                    var imagePath = path.join(blog.contentPaths[0].path, imagesDirName,
                    if (!imageSize) {
                        cb(0, {path: imagePath});
                    } else {
                        var temp = require('temp');
                        var tempPath = temp.path({suffix: path.extname(imagePath)});
                        var options = {
                            srcPath: imagePath,
                            dstPath: tempPath

                        var m = /^\s*(\d*)x(\d*)\s*$/.exec(imageSize);
                        if (m) {
                            if (m[1]) {
                                options.width = parseInt(m[1]);
                            if (m[2]) {
                                options.height = parseInt(m[2]);
                        if (options.width && options.height) {
github jedp / persona-yubikey / scripts / awsbox_local / post_create.js View on Github external
function copyConfig(callback) {{}, function(err, tempfile) {
    if (err) throw err;

    var config = {
      // Our keys for signing certificates
      gnomn_public_key: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../sekret/key.publickey'))),
      gnomn_private_key: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../sekret/key.secretkey'))),

      // Yubico client api keys
      yubico_client_id: getenv('YUBICO_CLIENT_ID'),
      yubico_secret_key: getenv('YUBICO_SECRET_KEY')

    fs.writeFileSync(tempfile.path, JSON.stringify(config), 'utf8');
    var dest = 'app@'+getenv('AWS_IP_ADDRESS')+':'+CONFIG_FILE

    console.log("Copying config");
github aidistan / atom-symbols-view-plus / spec / symbols-view-spec.js View on Github external
beforeEach(async () => {
    jasmine.unspy(global, 'setTimeout');


    directory = atom.project.getDirectories()[1];
    fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'js'), atom.project.getPaths()[1]);

    activationPromise = atom.packages.activatePackage('symbols-view-plus');

    // NOTE: to be compatible with atom/symbols-view
      'Modal Panel (like atom/symbols-view)'
github joefitzgerald / go-config / spec / locator-spec.js View on Github external
beforeEach(() => {
    env = Object.assign({}, process.env)
    if (isTruthy(env.GOROOT)) {
      delete env.GOROOT
    environmentFn = () => {
      return env
    readyFn = () => { return true }
    platform = process.platform
    if (process.arch === 'arm') {
      arch = 'arm'
    } else if (process.arch === 'ia32') {
      // Ugh, Atom is 32-bit on Windows... for now.
      if (platform === 'win32') {
        arch = 'amd64'
      } else {
github danvk / source-map-explorer / src / cli.ts View on Github external
async function writeHtmlToTempFile(html?: string): Promise {
  if (!html) {

  try {
    const tempFile = temp.path({ prefix: 'sme-result-', suffix: '.html' });
    fs.writeFileSync(tempFile, html);

    const childProcess = await open(tempFile);

    if (childProcess.stderr) {
      // Catch error output from child process
      childProcess.stderr.once('data', (error: Buffer) => {
        logError({ code: 'CannotOpenTempFile', tempFile, error });
  } catch (error) {
    throw new AppError({ code: 'CannotCreateTempFile' }, error);