Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
// cannot exclude npm-shrinkwrap.json in the root
const t = require('tap')
const pkg = t.testdir({
'package.json': JSON.stringify({
files: ['.npmignore', '!npm-shrinkwrap.json']
'.npmignore': 'npm-shrinkwrap.json',
'npm-shrinkwrap.json': '{}',
const packlist = require('../')
t.test('package with negated files', async t => {
t.matchSnapshot(packlist.sync({path: pkg}))
await t.resolveMatchSnapshot(packlist({path: pkg}))
// ensure we don't get files more than one time, even if specified
// in ways that will have them included from multiple directions
const t = require('tap')
const pkg = t.testdir({
'package.json': JSON.stringify({
files: [
lib: {
'one.js': 'one',
'two.js': 'two',
'tre.js': 'tre',
'for.js': 'for',
'.npmignore': 'two.js',
// Show that a nested .npmignore will be skipped over if the
// 'files' array matches a dir that passes by it.
const t = require('tap')
const pkg = t.testdir({
'package.json': JSON.stringify({
files: [
lib: {
dir: {
'one.js': 'one',
'two.js': 'two',
'tre.js': 'tre',
'for.js': 'for',
'.npmignore': 'dir/two.js',
'.DS_Store': 'a store of ds',
const t = require('tap')
const pacote = require('../lib/index.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const { resolve, relative } = require('path')
const abbrev = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/abbrev-1.1.1.tgz')
const abbrevspec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), abbrev)}`
const abbrevMani = require('./fixtures/abbrev-manifest-min.json')
const weird = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/weird-pkg.tgz')
const weirdspec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), weird)}`
const ignore = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/ignore-pkg.tgz')
const ignorespec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), ignore)}`
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const me = t.testdir()
t.cleanSnapshot = str => str
.replace(/\\/g, '/')
t.resolveMatchSnapshot(pacote.resolve(abbrevspec), 'resolve')
t.resolveMatchSnapshot(pacote.extract(abbrevspec, me + '/extract'), 'extract')
t.resolveMatchSnapshot(pacote.manifest(abbrevspec), 'manifest')
t.resolveMatchSnapshot(pacote.packument(abbrevspec), 'packument')
t.resolveMatch(pacote.tarball(abbrevspec), fs.readFileSync(abbrev), 'tarball')
t.resolveMatchSnapshot(pacote.tarball.file(abbrevspec, me + '/tarball.tgz'),
'tarball to file').then(() =>
t.match(fs.readFileSync(me + '/tarball.tgz'), fs.readFileSync(abbrev)))
const stream =, stream =>
new Promise((res, rej) => {
stream.on('end', res)
const mutateFS = require('mutate-fs')
const t = require('tap')
const pkg = t.testdir({
'package.json': 'no json here',
'index.js': '',
const packlist = require('../')
t.test('read fails on package.json', async t => {
const poop = new Error('poop')
t.teardown('readFile', poop))
t.rejects(packlist({ path: pkg }), poop)
t.throws(() => packlist.sync({ path: pkg }), poop)
if (fakeSudo) {
process.realUid = process.getuid()
process.getuid = () => 0
const fakeChown = type => (path, uid, gid, cb) => {
process.chownLog.push({type, path, uid, gid})
const chown = fs.chown
const lchown = fs.lchown
fs.chown = fakeChown('chown')
fs.lchown = fakeChown('lchown')
const { relative, resolve, basename } = require('path')
const t = require('tap')
const me = t.testdir()
const Fetcher = require('../lib/fetcher.js')
t.cleanSnapshot = s => s.split(process.cwd()).join('{CWD}')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const _tarballFromResolved = Symbol.for('pacote.Fetcher._tarballFromResolved')
const abbrev = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/abbrev-1.1.1.tgz')
const abbrevspec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), abbrev)}`
const abbrevMani = require('./fixtures/abbrev-manifest-min.json')
const weird = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/weird-pkg.tgz')
const weirdspec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), weird)}`
const ignore = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/ignore-pkg.tgz')
const ignorespec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), ignore)}`
const DirFetcher = require('../lib/dir.js')
const t = require('tap')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const fs = require('fs')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const { relative, resolve, basename } = require('path')
const me = t.testdir()
t.cleanSnapshot = str => str.split(process.cwd()).join('${CWD}')
const abbrev = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/abbrev')
const abbrevspec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), abbrev)}`
t.test('basic', t => {
const f = new DirFetcher(abbrevspec, {})
t.same(f.types, ['directory'])
t.resolveMatchSnapshot(f.packument(), 'packument')
t.resolveMatchSnapshot(f.manifest(), 'manifest')
const pj = me + '/abbrev/package.json'
return t.resolveMatchSnapshot(f.extract(me + '/abbrev'), 'extract')
.then(() => t.matchSnapshot(require(pj), 'package.json extracted'))
.then(() => t.matchSnapshot(f.package, 'saved package.json'))
.then(() => f.manifest().then(mani => t.equal(mani, f.package)))
const RemoteFetcher = require('../lib/remote.js')
const http = require('http')
const t = require('tap')
const { relative, resolve } = require('path')
const me = t.testdir()
const cache = resolve(me, 'cache')
t.cleanSnapshot = str => str.split(''+port).join('{PORT}')
const fs = require('fs')
const abbrev = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/abbrev-1.1.1.tgz')
const abbrevspec = `file:${relative(process.cwd(), abbrev)}`
const abbrevMani = require('./fixtures/abbrev-manifest-min.json')
const port = 12345 + (+process.env.TAP_CHILD_ID || 0)
const server = `http://localhost:${port}`
const requestLog = []
t.test('start server', t => {
const data = fs.readFileSync(abbrev)
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.setHeader('cache-control', 'max-age=432000')
res.setHeader('accept-ranges', 'bytes')
const t = require('tap')
const pkg = t.testdir({
'package.json': JSON.stringify({
files: [
lib: {
'one.js': 'one',
'two.js': 'two',
'tre.js': 'tre',
'for.js': 'for',
'.npmignore': 'two.js',
'.DS_Store': 'a store of ds',
const packlist = require('../')
const t = require('tap')
const pkg = t.testdir({
'package.json': JSON.stringify({
files: [
lib: {
sub: {
'one.js': 'one',
'two.js': 'two',
'tre.js': 'tre',
'for.js': 'for',
'.DS_Store': 'a store of ds',
'.npmignore': 'two.js',