How to use the sys.print function in sys

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sys examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sconover / knit-js / test / jasmine-node.js View on Github external
reportSpecResults: function(spec) {
      var result = spec.results();
      var msg = '';
      if (result.passed())
        msg = (colors) ? ( + '.' + ansi.none) : '.';
//      } else if (result.skipped) {  TODO: Research why "result.skipped" returns false when "xit" is called on a spec?
//        msg = (colors) ? (ansi.yellow + '*' + ansi.none) : '*';
      } else {
        msg = (colors) ? ( + 'F' + ansi.none) : 'F';
      if (columnCounter++ < 50) return;
      columnCounter = 0;
github angular / angular.js / lib / jasmine-1.0.1 / index.js View on Github external
reportSpecResults: function(spec) {
      var result = spec.results();
      var msg = '';
      if (result.passed())
        msg = (colors) ? ( + '.' + ansi.none) : '.';
//      } else if (result.skipped) {  TODO: Research why "result.skipped" returns false when "xit" is called on a spec?
//        msg = (colors) ? (ansi.yellow + '*' + ansi.none) : '*';
      } else {
        msg = (colors) ? ( + 'F' + ansi.none) : 'F';
      if (columnCounter++ < 50) return;
      columnCounter = 0;
github karl / loris / lib / jasmine-node / lib / jasmine / index.js View on Github external
reportSpecResults: function(spec) {
      var result = spec.results();
      var msg = '';
      if (result.passed())
        msg = (colors) ? ( + '.' + ansi.none) : '.';
//      } else if (result.skipped) {  TODO: Research why "result.skipped" returns false when "xit" is called on a spec?
//        msg = (colors) ? (ansi.yellow + '*' + ansi.none) : '*';
      } else {
        msg = (colors) ? ( + 'F' + ansi.none) : 'F';
      if (columnCounter++ < 50) return;
      columnCounter = 0;
github faradayio / careplane / node_modules / jasmine-node / lib / jasmine-node / index.js View on Github external
reportSpecResults: function(spec) {
      var result = spec.results();
      var msg = '';
      if (result.passed())
        msg = (colors) ? ( + '.' + ansi.none) : '.';
//      } else if (result.skipped) {  TODO: Research why "result.skipped" returns false when "xit" is called on a spec?
//        msg = (colors) ? (ansi.yellow + '*' + ansi.none) : '*';
      } else {
        msg = (colors) ? ( + 'F' + ansi.none) : 'F';
      if (columnCounter++ < 50) return;
      columnCounter = 0;
github milfont / jsonform / runspec.js View on Github external
reportSpecResults: function(spec) {
      var result = spec.results();
      var msg = '';
      if (result.passed())
        msg = (colors) ? ( + '.' + ansi.none) : '.';
//      } else if (result.skipped) {  TODO: Research why "result.skipped" returns false when "xit" is called on a spec?
//        msg = (colors) ? (ansi.yellow + '*' + ansi.none) : '*';
      } else {
        msg = (colors) ? ( + 'F' + ansi.none) : 'F';
      if (columnCounter++ < 50) return;
      columnCounter = 0;


Fixes using sys in your libraries without require all of Node to not depreciate stuff. Jeez.

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