How to use superstring - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few superstring examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github atom / text-buffer / spec / text-buffer-io-spec.js View on Github external
it('does not fire duplicate change events when multiple changes happen on disk', async done => {
      const changeEvents = []
      buffer.onWillChange(() => changeEvents.push('will-change'))
      buffer.onDidChange((event) => changeEvents.push('did-change'))

      // We debounce file system change events to avoid redundant loads. But
      // for large files, another file system change event may occur *after* the
      // debounce interval but *before* the previous load has completed. In
      // that scenario, we still want to avoid emitting redundant change events.
      // This test simulates the buffer taking a long time to load and diff by
      // first reading the file's current contents (copying them to a temp file),
      // then waiting for a period of time longer than the debounce interval,
      // and then performing the actual load.
      const originalLoad = buffer.buffer.load
      spyOn(NativeTextBuffer.prototype, 'load').and.callFake(function (pathToLoad, ...args) {
        const pathToLoadCopy = temp.openSync('atom').path
        fs.writeFileSync(pathToLoadCopy, fs.readFileSync(pathToLoad))
        return timeoutPromise(buffer.fileChangeDelay + 100)
          .then(() =>, pathToLoadCopy, ...args))

      fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'a')
      fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'ab')
      setTimeout(() => {
        fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abc')
        fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abcd')
        setTimeout(() => {
          fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abcde')
          fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abcdef')
        }, buffer.fileChangeDelay + 50)
      }, buffer.fileChangeDelay + 50)
github atom / text-buffer / src / display-layer.js View on Github external
// Indent guides on sequences of blank lines are affected by the content of
    // adjacent lines.
    if (this.showIndentGuides) {
      while (startRow > 0) {
        if (this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(startRow - 1) > 0) break

      while (newEndRow < this.buffer.getLastRow()) {
        if (this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(newEndRow + 1) > 0) break

    const combinedChanges = new Patch()
    this.indexedBufferRowCount += newEndRow - oldEndRow
    const {start, oldExtent, newExtent} = this.updateSpatialIndex(startRow, oldEndRow + 1, newEndRow + 1, Infinity)
    combinedChanges.splice(start, oldExtent, newExtent)

    for (let bufferRange of this.textDecorationLayer.getInvalidatedRanges()) {
      bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange)
      this.populateSpatialIndexIfNeeded(bufferRange.end.row + 1, Infinity)
      const startBufferRow = this.findBoundaryPrecedingBufferRow(bufferRange.start.row)
      const endBufferRow = this.findBoundaryFollowingBufferRow(bufferRange.end.row + 1)
      const startRow = this.translateBufferPositionWithSpatialIndex(Point(startBufferRow, 0), 'backward').row
      const endRow = this.translateBufferPositionWithSpatialIndex(Point(endBufferRow, 0), 'backward').row
      const extent = Point(endRow - startRow, 0)
      spliceArray(this.cachedScreenLines, startRow, extent.row, new Array(extent.row))
      combinedChanges.splice(Point(startRow, 0), extent, extent)
github atom / text-buffer / src / text-buffer.js View on Github external
const {Emitter, CompositeDisposable} = require('event-kit')
const {File} = require('pathwatcher')
const diff = require('diff')
const _ = require('underscore-plus')
const path = require('path')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const superstring = require('superstring')
const NativeTextBuffer = superstring.TextBuffer
const Point = require('./point')
const Range = require('./range')
const DefaultHistoryProvider = require('./default-history-provider')
const NullLanguageMode = require('./null-language-mode')
const Marker = require('./marker')
const MarkerLayer = require('./marker-layer')
const DisplayLayer = require('./display-layer')
const {spliceArray, newlineRegex, patchFromChanges, normalizePatchChanges, extentForText, debounce} = require('./helpers')
const {traverse, traversal} = require('./point-helpers')
const Grim = require('grim')

// Extended: A mutable text container with undo/redo support and the ability to
// annotate logical regions in the text.
// ## Observing Changes
github atom / text-buffer / spec / helpers / test-language-mode.js View on Github external
constructor (decorations, buffer, random) {
    this.buffer = buffer
    this.random = random
    this.nextMarkerId = MAX_BUILT_IN_SCOPE_ID + 1
    this.markerIndex = new MarkerIndex()
    this.classNamesByScopeId = new Map()
    this.emitter = new Emitter()
    this.invalidatedRanges = []

    if (this.buffer) {
      this.buffer.onDidChange(() => {
        for (const invalidatedRange of this.invalidatedRanges) {
        this.invalidatedRanges = []

    for (let value of decorations) {
      const className = value[0]
      const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = Array.from(value[1])
github atom / text-buffer / src / helpers.js View on Github external
exports.patchFromChanges = function (changes) {
  const patch = new Patch()
  for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
    const {oldStart, oldEnd, oldText, newStart, newEnd, newText} = changes[i]
    const oldExtent = traversal(oldEnd, oldStart)
    const newExtent = traversal(newEnd, newStart)
    patch.splice(newStart, oldExtent, newExtent, oldText, newText)
  return patch
github atom / text-buffer / src / display-layer.js View on Github external
this.foldsMarkerLayer = params.foldsMarkerLayer || buffer.addMarkerLayer({
      maintainHistory: false,
      persistent: true,
      destroyInvalidatedMarkers: true
    this.foldIdCounter = params.foldIdCounter || 1

    if (params.spatialIndex) {
      this.spatialIndex = params.spatialIndex
      this.tabCounts = params.tabCounts
      this.screenLineLengths = params.screenLineLengths
      this.rightmostScreenPosition = params.rightmostScreenPosition
      this.indexedBufferRowCount = params.indexedBufferRowCount
    } else {
      this.spatialIndex = new Patch({mergeAdjacentHunks: false})
      this.tabCounts = []
      this.screenLineLengths = []
      this.rightmostScreenPosition = Point(0, 0)
      this.indexedBufferRowCount = 0
github atom / text-buffer / spec / text-buffer-io-spec.js View on Github external
beforeEach(() => {
        const save =

        spyOn(NativeTextBuffer.prototype, 'save').and.callFake(function (destination, encoding) {
          if (destination === filePath) {
            return Promise.reject(Object.assign(new Error('Permission denied'), {code: 'EACCES'}))

          return, destination, encoding)


A data structure to efficiently represent the results of applying patches.

Latest version published 4 years ago

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