How to use the supercluster function in supercluster

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few supercluster examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ChrisLoer / supertiler / main.js View on Github external
export default function (options) {
    options = extend(Object.create(defaultOptions), options);
    const clustered = new Supercluster({
        minZoom: options.minZoom,
        maxZoom: options.maxZoom,
        radius: options.radius,
        extent: options.extent,
        nodeSize: options.nodeSize,
        reduce: options.reduce

    if (options.logPerformance) {
        console.log(`Finished clustering at ${}`);
    if (fs.existsSync(options.output)) {
        // Clear previous MBTiles, if it exists
github thuanmb / react-mapbox-gl-cluster / src / lib / common / utils / cluster.js View on Github external
const createClusters = (data, mapBox, radius = 60, zoom) => {
  if (!data || !data.features || !_.isArray(data.features)) {
    throw new Error("Data cannot be empty");

  if (!mapBox) {
    throw new Error("Mapbox instance must be provided");

  const superC = new Supercluster({
    maxZoom: mapBox.getMaxZoom()

  const featureList = getFeatureList(data);
  if (!zoom) {
    zoom = mapBox.getZoom();
  let boundary = _.isEmpty(featureList)
    ? [0, 0, 0, 0]
    : _.flatten(calculateBoundary(data).toArray());
  // in case of all points at the same location,
  // extends its coords by 200 meters radius to make superC work.
  boundary = extendBounds(boundary, RADIUS_TO_EXTENDS);
github uber / / modules / react / src / lib / overlays / html-cluster-overlay.js View on Github external
getItems(): Object[] {
    // supercluster().load() is expensive and we want to run it only
    // when necessary and not for every frame.
    const newObjects = this.getAllObjects();
    if (newObjects !== this._lastObjects) {
      this._superCluster = new Supercluster(this.getClusterOptions());
      this._superCluster.load( => point(this.getObjectCoordinates(object), { object }))
      this._lastObjects = newObjects;

    const clusters = this._superCluster.getClusters(
      [-180, -90, 180, 90],

        geometry: { coordinates },
        properties: { cluster, point_count: pointCount, cluster_id: clusterId, object }
      }) =>
github open-apparel-registry / open-apparel-registry / src / app / src / components / Map.jsx View on Github external

        // Init maps
        const { lng, lat, zoom } =; = new mapboxgl.Map({
            container: this.mapContainer,
            style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9',
            center: [lng, lat],
            attributionControl: false,
            logoPosition: 'bottom-right',
        }).addControl(new mapboxgl.AttributionControl({
            compact: true,

        this.cluster = supercluster({
            radius: clusterRadius,
            maxZoom: clusterMaxZoom,

        // Add nav control buttons to the map

        // Attach events to map.on
github novalabio / react-native-maps-super-cluster / ClusteredMapView.js View on Github external
clusterize(dataset) {
    this.index = new SuperCluster({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap
      extent: this.props.extent,
      minZoom: this.props.minZoom,
      maxZoom: this.props.maxZoom,
      radius: this.props.radius || (this.dimensions[0] * .045), // 4.5% of screen width

    // get formatted GeoPoints for cluster
    const rawData = => itemToGeoJSONFeature(item, this.props.accessor))

    // load geopoints into SuperCluster

    const data = this.getClusters(this.state.region)
    this.setState({ data })
github kineticadb / kinetica-kickbox-mapbox-gl / src / js / kickbox.cluster.js View on Github external
        return Math.max(accumulated.largestClusterSize, properties.clusterTotalSum);

  // Add base aggregations to the passed aggregations
  let finalAggs = [];
  if (clientAggregations && clientAggregations.length > 0) {
    finalAggs = lodash.concat(baseAggregations, clientAggregations);
  } else {
    finalAggs = baseAggregations;

  // Supercluster with property aggregation
  let cluster = supercluster({
    radius: clusterRadius,
    maxZoom: clusterMaxZoom,
    initial: function () {
      let retVal = {};

      // Add aggregations passed to the function
      lodash.forEach(finalAggs, (agg) => {
        retVal[agg.key] = agg.initial;

      return retVal;
    map: function (properties) {
      let retVal = lodash.cloneDeep(properties);

      // Map over any properties that do not require transformations
github xiaoiver / custom-mapbox-layer / src / layers / VectorTileClusterLayer.ts View on Github external
init(map: mapboxgl.Map, gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {
    this.tileIndex = new Supercluster({
      maxZoom: 17,
      extent: EXTENT,
      radius: 50 * EXTENT / 512,

github alex3165 / react-mapbox-gl / src / cluster.tsx View on Github external

export class Cluster extends React.Component {
  public static defaultProps = {
    radius: 60,
    minZoom: 0,
    maxZoom: 16,
    extent: 512,
    nodeSize: 64,
    log: false,
    zoomOnClick: false,
    zoomOnClickPadding: 20

  public state: State = {
    superC: supercluster({
      radius: this.props.radius,
      maxZoom: this.props.maxZoom,
      minZoom: this.props.minZoom,
      extent: this.props.extent,
      nodeSize: this.props.nodeSize,
      log: this.props.log
    clusterPoints: []

  private featureClusterMap = new WeakMap<

  public UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
github keplergl / / src / deckgl-layers / layer-utils / cluster-utils.js View on Github external
const getClusterer = memoize(({clusterRadius, geoJSON}) => {
  return new Supercluster({
    maxZoom: 20,
    radius: clusterRadius,
    reduce: (accumulated, props) => {
      accumulated.points = [...accumulated.points, ...props.points]
    map: props => ({points: []})
}, clusterResolver);


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Popular supercluster functions